My Rich Husband

Eden looked around and asked, “Where is he?”

Lavanya turned and found him standing near the bar. She pointed at him with her finger, and Eden's eyes moved in the direction of her finger. He raged in anger when he looked at that boy.

He went near him with anger raging in his body. He held him by the collar. “Gavin Rodriguez, How can you dare to touch her?

“I love her!” Gavin said loudly. Lavanya was shocked after hearing this.

“Dare to say this again, and you will open your eyes in the hospital next morning.” Eden threatened him.

“I love her!” Gavin said again, and this time, Eden punched him hard on the face, and the corner of his mouth started bleeding. Sarah came running near them with Charles and yelled at Eden, “Have you gone mad? He is Mr. Aaron Rodriguez's son. Your behavior will land us in great troubles.”