Eden Yelled At Lavanya

Lavanya was sleeping till late in the morning. Amelia knocked on the door, but didn't get any response. She slowly opened the door and went inside.

“Madam, Are you fine?” Amelia asked, checking her. “Oh my God! You're running a high fever. I will go and inform sir.”

Before Lavanya could stop her, she went downstairs and informed Eden about Lavanya. He quickly stood up from his chair, went upstairs, entered her room, and saw her sitting on the bed.

He touched her forehead. “Lavanya, you're not well. Let's go to the hospital. Get up.”

“I am fine.” She said, in a low voice.

“I can see that. Get up.” He helped her in getting up and came downstairs, holding her in his arms in bridal style. He helped her to sit in the car and started driving, sitting on the driving seat.

He went inside the hospital with her and asked for the doctor. The nurse directed him towards the doctor's cabin. He went inside the cabin with Lavanya.

“Please have a seat.” The doctor said politely.