I Promise You Mom

Edward frowned at him. “Are you kidding me, dude?”

Eden raised his eyebrows. “What are you trying to say?”

“You know what I am trying to say. Stop living in your past, dude. You want to live happily with Lavanya, but it's never going to happen like this unless you completely forget your past.” Edward said in disappointment.

“Parents can never be forgotten.”

Edward took a deep breath. “I didn't mean this, Eden. If you want to remember them, do it happily.” He thought something about Lavanya and said, “Just look at Lavanya. You told me that you're keeping her away from her parents, and you don't even allow her to call them. Still, she is happily staying with you and doing lots of things to make you happy. Doesn't she miss her family?”

“I also feel guilty for doing this, but I can't stay without her,” Eden said while looking at the file in his hand.

“You can't stay without her, but you can make her stay without you.” Edward looked at him.