Will Daksh Forgive Me

The car stopped at the signal. Ray looked back and noticed that she was looking disturbed. “She is not looking well. I will tell her about this some other time.”


Sakshi was worried about Daksh. “Daksh has locked himself in the room ever since he has talked to Lavanya. You should talk to him.”

Aakash touched her cheek. “Don't worry. You very well know that Lavanya is everything for Daksh. He can't stay angry with her for too long.”

He went in front of Daksh's room and knocked on the door. “Open the door, Daksh.”

Daksh opened the door. His eyes were bloodshot red, and his hairs were disheveled.

“I want to talk to you.” Aakash went inside his room.

”Dad, if you want to talk about Lavanya, then please, I don't want to talk about her.” Daksh said, looking at Aakash, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Aakash ignored him. “Why are you behaving like this after your call with Lavanya? Do you know that your mother is worried about you?”