Trust Me

“Sir, it's really hard to kill her that easily. I had someone following her for the past few months now. Eden's bodyguard always stays around her and sometimes Eden too.” Louis explained the situation to the other person over the call.

“I already told you that I don't care. Just kill her. I have suffered a great loss because of her and Eden. I want Eden to suffer the pain of losing her. I will wait for the news.” The person on the other hung up the call and smirked.


Lavanya looked at Eden, who was working on his laptop. She called him and showed him the file in her hand. He was shocked when he saw that black file in her hand.

“Is this the contract that will help my brother to reach great heights?” She asked, holding the file tightly in her hands.

Eden went beside her. He took the file from her. “Yes, this is that contract.”