Never Take It Off

“What are you all doing here?” She went to them.

Edward laughed. “We all got to know that someone got engaged last night, so we all came here to plan the wedding.”

Lavanya didn't understand anything. Kristina came to her. “Don't trouble her. Eden invited all of us here to finalize a perfect date for your wedding and also to celebrate your engagement. Congratulations.”

Kristina pulled her into a tight bear hug. Jaime stepped forward to congratulate her and looked at the ring on her finger. “Wow. It is so beautiful.”

They all went inside the living room. They all were enjoying the coffees when Eden entered the living room. He met everyone and sat beside Lavanya. “Let's get started with the wedding planning, guys.”

“Oh My God! Someone is very excited to get married.” Edward smirked.

Jaime looked at Eden and Lavanya. “Do you both have any date in mind?”

“No. We don't.” Eden replied.