Anything For You

Everyone felt Daksh's changed behavior towards Jai, who was waiting for Daksh to greet him, but Daksh continued eating his breakfast silently.

“Daksh, did I do something wrong that I am being ignored by you like this?” Jai asked patiently.

Daksh laughed. “At least you know you have done something wrong.” He looked at Jai with his piercing gaze. “I know everything you did, Dadu (Grandfather).”

Jai, Aakash, and Sakshi weren't able to understand what he was talking about, but Lavanya and Eden clearly understood that Daksh had heard their conversation about Jai sending her to London because he was in front of their room last night.

Lavanya looked at Daksh, who had his gaze fixed on Jai. She looked at Eden with a worried expression. Jai furrowed his eyebrows. “What did I do?”

Daksh stood up from his chair. “I know everything you did with Lavanya.”