
Bella went near her and started rubbing her back. She stood against the washbasin to regain her energy. “Are you alright, Lavanya?”

“I don't know what is happening, Aunt Bella. I have not been feeling well since yesterday morning.” She took a deep breath.

“Let me call the Master. He will take you to the hospital.” Bella was about to leave, but she stopped her, holding her hand. “Please, don't disturb him. You can accompany me to the hospital.”

Lavanya got ready and called Ray to inform him. He came to the mansion. “Are you feeling well?”

“It's nothing to be worried about. I am only feeling a little uneasy. Don't inform Eden. Okay.” She smiled faintly.

They left for the hospital and reached there within thirty minutes. Lavanya entered the doctor's cabin with Bella. The doctor greeted them, asking them to take a seat. “My name is Clara. How can I help you?”

“Doctor, she has been feeling uneasy since yesterday morning." Bella informed Clara about her condition.