Well Done Dad

Sarah and Charles were shocked to see Aaron there. Lavanya and Eden were also surprised. Aaron went near Eden. “They were behind your parent's accident.”

Eden furrowed his eyebrows. “How do you know about this? What was your relationship with my parents?”

Aaron smiled, placing his hand on Eden's shoulder. “I am your maternal uncle, Eden. Your mom used to tie a bracelet called Rakhi on my wrist. It's alright if you don't remember me.”

“Yo…you are m…my uncle.” Eden wasn't able to believe it. Lavanya smiled a little.

Aaron caressed his hair. “Yes, my son and I came to get you as soon as I got to know about your parent's accident, but it was too late because Charles had already adopted you.” He looked at Charles with a piercing gaze.

“How do you know that they're behind my parent's accident?” Eden asked.