Lots Of Love And Happiness

Lavanya was feeling her pain increasing. Sakshi caressed her forehead. “Take deep breaths.”

Lavanya started taking deep breaths. They finally reached the hospital, and Clara quickly attended her because Eden had already informed her about Lavanya.

Eden and Daksh reached the hospital too. Eden was looking really nervous. He was going to ask Sakshi about Lavanya when Clara stepped out of the room. He looked at her. “How is she, doctor?”

“We have to operate on her.” Eden got a little scared hearing the word operate. Clara assured him. “She is my responsibility. Don't worry. Please proceed with the formalities.”

Daksh went to take care of the paperwork. Eden sat down on the chair. Bella, Sakshi, and Aakash also started worrying for Lavanya.

Clara stepped out of the emergency room fifty minutes later. She smiled, looking at Eden. “Congratulations, Eden. Lavanya, your daughter, and your son are fine. We will shift her into the ward soon. You can meet them then.”