What a Mess!

There were a lot of things in Ren's mind as he watched the fiasco, but one saying stood out from the rest of them.

'One did not need to be afraid of a godlike opponent, but one should always be wary of pig-like teammates.'

And that saying was so accurate at their current predicament as he watched Silvia's group fight a single Lava Hound.

It felt like it was the first time the girls were working as a team, and Ren even lowered his expectation, but he was still left disappointed at what he saw.

Among the group, besides Robert, Jack, and Vida, who was standing at one side, enjoying the show, the only one who was useful was Pamela. She was the only one among the Golden Phoenix who was acting true to her class while taking into consideration of her positioning.

There were three White Mages in the group, not counting Vida, but only Pamela was healing Nikolai, and the rest were throwing whatever spells they had at the Lava Hound without regard to their position.