Left Behind 1

Gerald blinked. When he noticed Leonel wouldn't part with the shield, he huffed a condescending laugh. "Good luck with that."

Gerald then returned to the group like nothing had happened, smiling and making small talk with the others while he pulled someone to the side and secretly whispered something in his ears while their eyes were glued on Leonel.

When Leonel returned to the group, a core member blocked his way and said, "Sorry, the main attacking unit is full, so you have to go to the supporting unit."

At the side, Gerald was secretly peeking at Leonel. He planned to give Leonel a hard time, so he would have no option but to give him the shield.

Gerald saw Leonel together with Mike a while ago, and he got wind that Mike really wanted to enter Black Lion so much so that he paid a guy just to become a classless mage so that he could enter. Under special probation, of course.