Ren's Parent's

"Who did you get pregnant?"

". . ."

Ren blinked. For some reason, his brain shut down, and he couldn't think of a comeback. Not to mention that he just found out from his parent's lips that he was a mistake. This made his mother misunderstand his silence, and she wailed even more while his father spouted his disappointments.

"Who's the girl?"

"How many months is she pregnant?"

"It's only your first month here. How can you already make that mistake?"

Ren's head pounded hard, and he thought the room was swaying before his feet. His parents could really jump to conclusions like a bullet train with no break.

"Dad, mom, calm down. It's not like that," Ren finally said after minutes that his parents were being hysterical.

Helen stopped crying, and she peeked under her hanky. "It's not?"

Ren nodded firmly. "It's not. I don't even have a girlfriend."

Troy and Helen gave each other a stare before they breathed easily. The compression in their chests disappeared.

"Oh, thank god."