Guild Wars: Dungeon Drop-ins! 4


"What do you mean?"

"We're doomed if we separate."

Like Ren expected, his suggestion was met with resistance.

"No," Sumeri chimed in. "I think Ren is right. We should separate the group into two. It'll increase our chances of finding the exit."

The others looked at each other while Yumi's cries and the dropping noises of trash and monsters were their backgrounds.

"But . . ." Leonel scratched his head. "Who's going with who?"

"I'll take Leonel, Sumeri, Nikolai, and one of the thieves with me," Ren said. "While the rest, I'll leave it to you."

"Huh?" Roxy pointed at herself. Her face said it all. She wasn't convinced with the plan. "We only have one Sniper. We need a sniper, right? Which group is he going to go to?"

"No worries, I got it covered," Ren said. He wasn't worried since he had already replaced [Torturing Venom] with [Long Shot] when he used [Probe] on their Sniper.

"Are you sure?" Rox asked with a serious voice and face.