Guild Wars: Fight for Victory! 2


"Only one player? Then why bother calling this a guild war?"

"What's with this? I thought that we're finally going to battle as a team?"

Discontent voices echoed together with the rambles of the thunders above.

Ren blocked the noises. He was used to the complaints about the War even in the past. But at the end of the day, everyone gulped their anger as there was nothing they could do.

From the start, the War wasn't specific, and Fighting for Victory didn't necessarily mean Guild Vs. Guild. It could be a lot of things.

That was why you must be very careful with your lineup from the very beginning.

This would serve as a lesson for everyone –– never to underestimate the shrewdness of the developers.

"Isn't that kind of unfair?" Nikolai asked. "Then the others could band together against you."

"Like what will happen to us?" Leonel dryly laughed.

"Call me wrong, but maybe it's also part of the game," Sumeri said.

Roxy raised a brow. "Part?"