Guild Wars: Fight for Victory! 6

While Ren was having his dilemma, Leonel felt uncomfortable.

"Why is everyone looking at us?" he asked.

"It's because we're the only guild that has six members," answered Roxy. "And they felt threatened."

"Six?" Leonel counted the heads in their group and was shocked to find that their Thief was still alive. "Oh, you're still alive. That's good."

Their Thief could only silently cry inside. His presence was so minuscule that even his teammates didn't notice him.

"So you even know, Isolde Gambino?" Sumeri asked Ren at the side.

"It's only right in our line of work," Ren only said.

"Yeah. But knowing Silvia, Ragnar, and even Isolde? You really know your stuff, huh."

Ren inwardly smiled. "It's called building connections. They're important clients in the future."

Sumeri chuckled. "Isolde is a charming woman, ey?"

Ren didn't disagree. "She's also pretty cool."