The First World Boss

Global News!

"The first World Boss is spotted in the Continent of the Humans! According to reports, it can be described as a giant blob of green jelly. But make no mistake! This World Boss is more than what its appearance made it out to be."

E-Sport News!

"As we speak, top guilds and players are forming into groups, preparing to defeat the first World Boss. Golden Phoenix, Black Lion, and White Unicorn, to name a few, have all gathered hundreds of their best players to hunt this giant blob of mass destruction!

"Amongst the thousands of groups who want a piece of this living treasure, who will come out victorious in the end and claim first blood of the first ever World Boss?"

Every time Ren scrolled on his phone, the news of the World Boss took up most of his newsfeed. It seemed like the whole world talked about the World Boss, so he couldn't help but laugh to himself.