The Last Stance Mode      

With the guidance of Elena and the intervention of Prince Zeroth, who had managed to regain his composure after the intense battle, the two queens began to negotiate the terms of a binding peace contract.

Hours passed, and the negotiations were fraught with disagreements and concessions. Yet, with the realization that their mutual destruction would only lead to the end of the Fey Realm, both queens were compelled to find common ground.

The contract they forged was one that would ensure the coexistence of their respective territories, with provisions for shared resources and mutual defense against external threats.

As the final words of the contract were etched onto a shimmering parchment, a sense of solemnity settled over the room.

The Queen of Air and Darkness and Queen Titania locked eyes, their gazes filled with a mix of defiance and resignation. Each understood the weight of the situation, the delicate balance between power and survival that hung in the air.