
A faint smile tugged at the corner of Ren's lips as he closed his phone.

It was a moment of satisfaction, a realization that his efforts had not been in vain. He had weathered storms, navigated treacherous terrain, and emerged victorious on the other side.

Now, with these spoils of battle at his fingertips, he was ready to ascend to new heights.

Ren selected the items he deemed expendable, the relics of battles past that could be exchanged for money. He relished the feeling of control, the knowledge that he held the reins of his destiny firmly in his grasp.

The culmination of his relentless efforts was finally becoming apparent, like a glimmer of light piercing the darkness of his mind.

The influx of virtual currency into his account brought a surge of eager anticipation, a profound yearning to reunite with Evie once this journey reached its conclusion.