Unyielding Defiance    

Ren, Leonel, Isolde, Ragnar, Roz, and Sumeri sat in a private room, the letter from the collective of guilds laid out before them.

It had arrived in a plain envelope, but its contents were far from ordinary. The weight of the situation seemed to hang in the air as he carefully opened the letter and began to read the neatly penned words.

[To the Player known as Ren,

We, the undersigned representatives of various major guilds, present you with a proposition that we trust you will take seriously.

As you are aware, your actions have garnered attention and concern from players and guilds alike.

We acknowledge your strength and capability, which have led to the establishment of World Conqueror as a significant power in the game.

However, your position now threatens the balance and order that we, the established forces, have maintained within the game.

In light of this, we propose a peaceful resolution.