The Quest in Grado Path    

Ren exchanged a curious glance with Evie. 


After a brief moment, Ren nodded and replied, "We're on a quest to Grado Path, but what treasures do you have to share with us?"


Denric's eyes twinkled with enthusiasm as he gestured dramatically to his assortment of mystical items displayed on ornate tables.


"Ah, Grado Path, a treacherous journey, indeed! But fear not, for I have treasures that may aid you on your way." He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice, "And perhaps even something more. Behold!"


With a flourish, Denric unveiled a pair of elegant gloves that shimmered with enchantment.


Denric said in a dramatic tone, "These are the Gloves of Mirage, my dear friends. They render their wearer invisible for brief moments, perfect for evading danger or surprising your foes. A mere exchange of a favor could see them in your possession."