Conquering the Two Beasts

The Drakoptera and Drakuto continued their relentless assault. 


Ren's equipment gleamed with a protective aura. His armor exuded an air of invulnerability, rendering him impervious to the insidious status effects that had hampered the previous guild.


The malevolent ethereal glow that had previously ensnared their fellow players dissipated harmlessly when it encountered Ren's gear. 


His defenses held strong, unyielding in the face of the monsters' attempts to sway their focus.


Evie was equally equipped with a gear suited to her role as an Illusionist and support. She wove her spells with precision, and a radiant shield enveloped them both, casting an ethereal barrier that further fortified them in battle. 


Her slender fingers moved gracefully through intricate incantations, her presence was a welcomed sight for Ren as she guarded his well-being with vigilance.