Salister’s Lair      

The air around her crackled with magical energy as she channeled her powers.

Her fingers moved deftly, tracing unseen patterns in the air as she unraveled the complex spells that guarded the entrance. 

A soft hum of energy filled the air, growing in intensity as Princess Lorelai's magic intertwined with the ancient enchantments. The intricate runes on the door glowed briefly, acknowledging the touch of a powerful entity.

The group watched as Princess Lorelai's magic worked its way through the layers of protection. Her expression remained focused, her brows furrowed in concentration. 

With a final, decisive gesture, Princess Lorelai uttered an incantation. 

The doors trembled, resisting for a moment before succumbing to the princess's will. The locks disengaged with a soft click, and the doors slowly creaked open, revealing the darkness that lay beyond.