Unveiling the Secrets of the Chapel      

Ren's eyes shifted to the rigged door leading back to the Prayer Room. The chimes attached to the door were a clear indicator of the trap's activation. 

This trap was activated in two parts. As soon as a creature entered the room, the alarm activated, telepathically alerting Salister Kane and any of his minions currently in the chapel.

Two rounds after the alarm activates, the trap spews forth a powerful, magical contagion.

All creatures within a 15-ft. radius of the room's center contract [Magic Phage]. While infected, creatures would suffer a reduction in INT.

Ren studied the intricate trap mechanism, his mind racing to devise a plan. With a swift motion, he gestured for the others to stay back.

"What's happening, Ren?" Princess Lorelai inquired, her voice calm amidst the tension.