
Asmodeus, the undisputed Ruler of the Nine Hells and the progenitor of devils possessed a sinister aura, his duplicitous voice deadlier than any mortal weapon.

In his archetypal form, he stood tall, his skin a fiery red, draped in silks woven from the most bottomless abyss. His regal countenance featured a meticulously groomed goatee and a crown of pointed horns.

"The truth, akin to a contract, is a slippery entity. Rife with loopholes, contradictions, and exclusivity. My purpose is to define truth. Yours, to adhere to it — or face my wrath."

To hear the Lord of the Nine Hells speak was both a blessing and a curse. His voice effortlessly transitioned from terrifying authority to honeyed guile in an instant. His words held a hypnotic power, weaving a spell that trapped all who listened.

Asmodeus's eyes bore into those who dared to meet his gaze, akin to a predator eyeing easy prey, leaving one feeling exposed and vulnerable with just a glance.