Feast of Hope  

As Ren and the group swiftly emerged from the square, they were greeted by a sight that starkly contrasted the tumultuous events that plagued the town. 

The once desolate and eerie atmosphere had transformed into a scene of jubilant revelry. 

Demons and devils, who were hiding in their home and in the brink of death due to hunger, were gathered around makeshift tables laden with food. 

Laughter echoed through the air, and the aroma of freshly cooked meat wafted through the surroundings.

The demonic entities, their fearsome appearances softened by the joyous occasion, shared food with each other. Grins adorned their faces as they savored every bite, some even shedding tears of gratitude. 

For many of them, it was a rare and precious moment –– the first time they had tasted meat in ages. 

The feast became a celebration of newfound hope in the Netherworld.

Nori approached Ren and the others with a grateful expression.