Voraxa’s Castle        

Ren, Elena, Evie, Lorelai, and Azazel entered through the imposing gates, and was greeted by an eerie silence. 

Uncertainty hung in the air as they embarked on their mission, leaving hope with those they'd left behind in Obsidianreach. 

The destiny of the Netherworld teetered on the edge, the true trial awaiting within the shadowed corridors of the warlord's fortress.

Venturing deeper, the group noticed the conspicuous absence of guards and soldiers. The castle echoed with an unsettling stillness.

"I didn't expect it to be so empty," Elena remarked.

"It's not what you'd envision for a castle," Evie added.

Azazel places his hands behind his neck, and explained, "The seven warlords don't rely on soldiers. They're the most powerful demons and devils in the Netherworld ever since my absence."

Everyone gave him he side eyes. 

Ren humored him with a question, "As the Demon King, what's your plan for Voraxa, one of your warlords?"