Tides of Peril    

[Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai]

Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai unleashed their might upon the unyielding walls, the cavern seemed to hold its breath. A tense anticipation hung in the air, building with each strike against the ancient stone. 

After what felt like an hour of relentless assault, with Ragnar and his companions depleting their magical reserves, the rock finally exhibited subtle cracks.

The surface of the once-imposing structure began to yield, and minute cracks spread like veins across its enchanted exterior.

Then, in a climactic moment, the rock's resistance gave way with a resounding CRACK! A fissure emerged, rapidly expanding into a chaotic web of fractures. 

"HA! We finally did it!" Sumeri said with glee. 

The moment the first wall crumbled, an explosive chain reaction ensued, threatening the party with the unleashed power of the glyphs.