Embrace the Darkness      

A heavy tension settled over the room as her words hung in the air. 

Ren, Lorelai, and Vivi exchanged uneasy glances. 

Before anyone could voice their thoughts, Desira's once-beautiful form began to transform, warping into a grotesque visage that defied comprehension.

Her skin, once smooth and radiant, now contorted into a dry, wrinkled facade, clinging to the skeletal framework beneath. 

Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, hollowed into dark voids that seemed to absorb the very essence of the room. Strange tattoos adorned her ashen skin, glowing in an array of colors that cut through the darkness.

Ugly thorns sprouted from her head, forming a twisted crown that spoke of both power and decay. 

The room itself seemed to react to this transformation, the flora dimming in response to the unnatural aura that now emanated from Desira.