The Silent Echoes of Greed           

The entrance to Avaris's castle greeted Ren and his companions with an imposing façade. Massive gates adorned with intricate designs stood ajar, inviting them into the grandiose structure. 


As they stepped inside, a heavy silence enveloped them, amplifying the sense of eeriness that had pervaded Ebonvault.


The interior was vast, with high ceilings and expansive corridors that seemed to stretch endlessly. 


Despite the grandeur, the echoes of their footsteps reverberated like whispers in the vacant halls. The air was still, and the only sound that accompanied them was the soft rustle of their shoes against the cold stone floor.


Elena commented in a hushed voice, "This place gives me the creeps. It's like a tomb."


Evie nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "And where is everyone? It's as if the castle itself swallowed them whole."