Fortune's Favors the MC         

The players were all horrified at what Hubrion said, his words dripping with menace as they unconsciously took a step back from the intimidating demon centaur.


"What are they doing?"


"Are they going to initiate a fight?"


"Can we kill those things?! There are eight of them and one elf, and all of them are World Boss level!"


"Are you an idiot? We're already struggling with one World Boss before, let alone nine of them! If we engage them, we're definitely going to die!"


Unrest settled within the guilds. Though the prospect of defeating World Bosses excited many, the idea of taking on nine entities with the stats of a World Boss simultaneously was daunting.


They doubted that even thousands of players would be a match against these monsters. Though it seemed they outnumbered World Conqueror, against these World Bosses, they felt hopelessly outnumbered.