Ren's Reign      

Despite the corporations' best efforts and substantial investments, they found themselves consistently falling short, unable to match the other guilds rapid progress in the game.


Slowly but surely, the realization began to dawn on them that their pursuit of Ren was futile. His dominance in Covenant was unassailable, and attempting to challenge him would only lead to further setbacks and humiliation. 


Reluctantly, they came to terms with the inevitable and made the decision to sign the blood contract, officially acknowledging Ren's supremacy in the game.


With the signing of the blood contract, Black Lion, Sleeping Dragon, Fate Alliance, and the other guilds could do nothing but grit their teeth in frustration and begrudgingly bow down to Ren's dominance. 


It was a bitter pill to swallow, conceding defeat to someone they had considered an enemy broke their pride.