A Tempest of Revelations            

As Ren and the others stepped out of the inn, they were immediately met with the full force of the raging storm. 


The wind howled with ferocity, whipping through the streets with relentless intensity. Rain lashed down in torrents, drenching everything in its path.


Despite the weather, Ren and his companions pressed on. Rather they didn't have a choice in the matter. They needed to make sure that Azazel and the others were safe. 


They struggled against the gale-force winds, their hair and cloaks billowing wildly behind them as they made their way through the tempest.


"This won't do." Elena shielded the group from the worst of the storm. With a wave of her hand, she conjured a barrier of swirling air around them, providing a protective cocoon against the harsh weather.