Avaris’s Other Persona     

When Avaris opened his eyes, a chilling transformation swept over him. 


His once warm gaze turned as black as the abyss, his hair shifting to a deep shade of midnight, and his aura exuded a palpable menace that seemed to suffuse the very air around him. 


In that moment, he was no longer just Avaris, but something far darker and more primal.


Without hesitation, Avaris shot towards Niccoli with alarming speed, his movement causing a rift in the air itself. 


Within the span of a blink, he had reached Niccoli, his hand closing around the lich's throat in a vice-like grip. 


Time seemed to freeze as the suffocating necrotic magic that had engulfed the area ceased, leaving an eerie stillness in its wake.


Niccoli struggled against Avaris's hold, his eyes wide with panic as he gasped for air.