Frozen Foes: Scaling the Ice Titan      

"Don't worry, leave this to me. I could transform into a dragon and smash that Titan's head into a pulp!"


With a fierce roar, Iraelyn began her transformation into her dragon form, her wings spread as she prepared to take flight.


However, just as she was about to take off, and launch herself into the air, she paused.


"Oh, right. I couldn't fly because of the restrictions in here," she admitted sheepishly, a hint of embarrassment coloring her face.


The others exchanged incredulous looks, frustration bubbling beneath the surface of their expressions.


"Then crawl to that damn thing, you damn lizard!" Desira spat, her irritation evident in her voice.


Ren suppressed a sigh, his patience wearing thin as the weight of their predicament settled upon them.