Prelude to the Apocalypse 4

"I told you we would find him here."


Ren stirred slightly, his movements sluggish as if weighed down by an unseen burden. Slowly, he turned his gaze towards Joker and Angelica, but his eyes held no spark of life.


Even the simple act of shifting his head seemed laborious for Ren. He remained silent, his gaze dropping to the ground beneath him.


Sitting there, he appeared lifeless, resigned to simply endure the passage of time until his existence faded away.


Joker and Angelica's arrival went unnoticed by Ren. He neither questioned how they had located his apartment nor showed any interest in how they got here. His mind was distant, detached from the reality around him.


Lost in his own thoughts, Ren paid little attention to the passing days. Time held no significance for him in his current state of desolation.


All he desired was to fade into oblivion.