The night before III

So now you have a glimpse of the horror that was gonna play the next day, the last day of school, the day we will let go of our dreams and enter a world filled with rotten horrors of nightmares. This night wasn't gonna go like any other night because as soon as I went to bed that night, went to sleep all I could feel was cold, sweaty and shivering hands grabbing me, slithering inside my boxers. On its way it left a cold burning sensation all over my skin. And those hands pulling me down deep in a pitch-black opening in ground with sheer force. The nightmare repeating itself whenever I try to sleep.

My t-shirt was now dripping in sweat even though the air conditioner was on. All those sensations of cold burning, I can still feel it on my skin. It was almost past 3 at night but it felt like I went to sleep just a few minutes ago. My body was exhausted so was my mind now. I didn't know what was happening and all I felt was this sudden urge to go to a peaceful sleep anyway, blacking out and not feeling or sensing anything around me, being as unconscious as possible.

I need to find something to pass out, I know muscle relaxants can make you pass out if you take them in huge quantities and luckily, I had plenty of those in my drawer.

I swallowed a whole strip. I don't think there will be any damage if I drink plenty of water, keep my body fluids up. But this water in my bottle tastes like dead fish and smells like the corpse of a dog. Still, I swallowed it, drank the whole bottle, didn't even close it and fell on bed with a sharp stomach ache. I know it's not the medicine but the fact they weren't, dissolving fast enough and might be stuck in a food pipe. I tried to mimic the process of swallowing, again and again. But now I was feeling dizzy, dizzy enough to pass out, for a long-long time and be done with these torturing of nightmares.

The whole thing might sound as if it happened very quick, probably in a minute or two but I won't realize it until later when I woke up later that night, when the blue moon light breaks in from the window and that the clock was broken, the hands of the clock still hanging at three, looking as if they were dead but still trying to move forward.

And many of you might think that I woke up on my bed but I wish it was true. I woke up under my bed with just my head sticking out from the foot of the bed, just enough that when I open my eyes I see the ceiling of my room not the under of bed.

I realized I want to wear something now, and was probably covered in some spider webs. The very thought scared me because I am terrified of them. Their many legs and eyes, just thinking about them sends jolts of shivers up my spine.

I quickly crawled out the bed, shivering and jumping out as soon as I was out. My member, who was hard as wood from the fear, slapped around my leg. I quickly grabbed the nearest towel and dashed towards the washroom for a cold shower.

The cold shower felt like a rain from heaven, it felt different as if, not only washing me but cleansing me, releasing me. Different from the rotten cold of the nightmare. I still don't understand when I undressed and got under the bed, I guess I should blame the muscle relaxants which I gulped. They don't actually make you sleep but just make you feel dizzy and you lose control over your surroundings.

My member was still hard as an iron rod, with hot blood still rushing in. I needed to unload. To be honest I don't usually do it but just edge myself to the very end, for weeks sometimes months to enjoy it all at once, feel the great rush, as I was about to experience one now.

I slowly started touching myself, pulling the skin back and forth, increasing the pressure. With one hand on the wall and the other circling my member, my hips now thrusting on their own. I can feel the precum leaking now, all that edging and control. My member was now throbbing on its own to release, now both my hands were encircling my member one after the another with the cold icy water falling on my face, my hips were now thrusting at great speed now. I knew the release was soon and I wanted to control it, but I failed. All of it rushed out at once and the warm white and thick fluid kept rushing, with the burning making me actually feel like heaven. As soon as I opened my eyes, there it was again, everything started moving backwards and it kept moving backwards, things started to consume themselves and give birth to new things. I can hear the feint cheering of crowds, the cold water disappearing.

I was transferred to a bench with a big court in front of me. As soon as things stopped moving and became unblurred, I realized what place this was, I realized the nightmare hadn't ended. I was still in it, moving in it and now this nightmare was terrorizing me playing with me and I didn't know why and all I knew I have to get out of it anyhow.

Instead of my member now the heavy handle of my racket was in my hand. This was the last match of my high school, the match I lost, the match which put an end to my badminton. This match was yet to happen, it is supposed to be against Vedanth, he is someone who was born with the talent, was a natural who discovered it in high school, filled with arrogance. I played against him for the first time a year ago, I barely won but the next match he thrashed me like a bull. I was running around the court gasping for breath in the second match against him. I lost miserably. After that, I barely won any matches.

My parents stopped coming to my matches after sometime, they didn't like seeing me, they knew now I wasn't someone who was gonna survive in the badminton world, between all naturals, all born with talent, all hunters. It affected me first, made me feel like a disappointment, made me mean and hateful of everything. I was filled with sarcasm before too but it wasn't toxic or hateful, I adopted it into a defense mechanism.

But this wasn't the problem I have to deal with now, I have to find a way to get out of this nightmare, to wake up in the real world before my memories become fuzzy again and I lose the distinction between the realities.

Someone kept a hand on my head from behind, I turned around and saw it was my coach, same as my father he gave up on me, he was only there because he was on salary by the school. Vedanth was already on the court warming up, I know this isn't a second chance but a trap, a gateway to another nightmare. To step on the court is to go deeper in that nightmare.

But how should I do it was the question rambling across my head, it has been sometime, nothing was repeating itself, neither was the rotten smell nor the darkness.

I decided against my better judgment that maybe it's all real but in my head, if it makes sense to you. That I have to play the match and win, that I have to change this moment to get out of the nightmare.

I decided to play the match, I know how the match is going to go, I know his every move before he does. I know where the bird will fly. If I remember it correctly, I will just have to time myself.

At the other side of court Vedanth looked different, nervous which was unusual, with beads of sweat trailing through his forehead all the way to his neck. I thought maybe I could win this.

As soon as the match started, as I planned, I took the lead with the first serve but it was exhausting me mentally, making things faze out in-between. Now I know it's the continuation of the nightmare only.

I won the first set, I saw my coach surprised, hopeful but scared, all at once his facial features were screaming these emotions.

Throughout the second match Vedanth was gasping for air, even his movement changed, he became clumsy, slow. If I play as I pay, I can easily win now but before I can do any of that he collapsed and the match paused with the rotten smell again stanching everything and everyone.

I rushed to the other side, as soon as he fell. I reached just in time before he completely passed out.

He said something to me, which I won't understand till later because as soon as he started speaking, again everything started moving away from me, moving backwards. I clutched him forcefully, took my ear closer to him to understand what he was saying but all I could hear was white noise now and his screams as if something was tearing him apart from different directions, from all the directions possible, I let go of him, with that, I passed out, unconscious.