Cross Bread Like You Can Recognised Pure one

Well, I am skipping chapters because there is nothing I want to change from chapter 715-

to 778 -

You can read them if you want, I am starting with 778.


"I believe you are the representatives of China's national team currently in the middle of your training. The time is just right," Mochizuki Ken cut straight to the topic without making the situation even more complicated.

Hearing this, Ai Jiangtu immediately walked up and handed his badge to the old man.

The old man did not bother checking the badge. Ai Jiangtu asked as he was quite confused, "Aren't you going to check it? Aren't you afraid that we're imposters?"

"You'd need some guts to pretend that you were the representatives of the national team. I don't think anyone is stupid enough to pretend they are representatives from China just to challenge the experts of our Twin Guardian Towers," the old man smiled.

"You're quite confident with your people," said Ai Jiangtu.

As soon as Ai Jiangtu finished his sentence, a man whose hair was dyed gold walked out of the building. It was obvious that he had heard the conversation. He replied to Ai Jiangtu with a confident smile, "Not many people in the whole Japan would dare to challenge the Twin Guardian Towers. Where do you think we got the confidence from? We can easily tell if you're fake or real judging from how long you can last in the duels against us."

"How long we can last?" Mysterious Man's lips twisted. He replied in an unpleasant tone, "Friend, why does it sound like you think the national team from China can't even beat you people, who are only defending the national embassy?" He already was not in good mood because seeing how arrogant that chihaya was.

"If that's what you think," said the Japanese man with golden hair.

"Alright, you better remember what you said when I put you and your teammates on the ground later. By the way, I really don't like your hairstyle," said Mysterious Man proudly.

Zhao Manyan felt unpleasant as soon as Mysterious Man finished speaking!

He was in a bad mood when he saw the Japanese had the same hairstyle as his own, but Mysterious Man just had to mention it.

"Speaking of which, you two do look somewhat alike. Zhao Manyan, it seems like your dad has already come to Japan in advance to have some fun before we even start commencing our plan. Impressive," Mo Fan compared Zhao Manyan with the Japanese and immediately had to comment.

"Bring our guests in so they can have some rest. I'll make arrangements for the duels, but before that, we must treat our guests with respect. Bring them on a tour around the Twin Guardian Towers," Mochizuki Ken invited them in without checking their badges.

"By the way, we still have a few girls coming. They might be late, so please wait here and bring them in when they arrive," Mo Fan said to Mochizuki Chihaya.

Mochizuki Chihaya's forehead was covered in black lines. She replied furiously, "Are you treating me like a maid looking after the entrance?!"

"If that's what you think," Mo Fan repeated the same phrase which the golden-haired Japanese said a moment ago.

The man turned around and gave Mo Fan an unfriendly look.


When they entered the West Guardian Tower, they found the main compound was located on the higher floors. The space between the walls and the foundation of the building was taken up by brooks and ponds of irregular shapes. Apart from the side facing the cliff, the other three sides were the same.

The golden-haired man and Mochizuki Chihaya led them around. They soon approached the the cliff.

To Mo Fan's surprise, the pathway hanging in the air was only accessible from a huge observation tower in the upper level.

If the upper level was off limit, it also meant that the tower opposite their mountain was a prohibited area, too.

Most importantly, the path between the two towers was not a walkway, it was a drawbridge! In other words, both the West Guardian Tower and East Guardian Tower had to lower the drawbridge for anyone to cross it.

"Is the tower on the other side not open to the public?" asked Mo Fan, who was always a curious man.

"It's a restricted area," said the golden-haired Japanese.

"Such a nice castle, isn't it a waste to leave it like that?" said Mo Fan.

"I never said it's not being used. Anyway, you're not allowed to go there!" replied their Japanese guide.

"Ok," Mo Fan nodded.

Mochizuki Chihaya immediately read Mo Fan's mind with her sharp eyes. She said coldly, "I suggest you not to try anything stupid. The drawbridge is the only way to the East Guardian Tower. The cliffs, the sky, and the mountain on the other side are protected by powerful formations. Just to remind you, anyone who tries to go close to the East Guardian Tower will be turned into ashes, no matter how strong they are!"

Mochizuki Chihaya was not in a good mood . She had no reason to keep them company, and she obviously still had a grudge against Mo Fan. She glared at him before taking her leave.

Mo Fan chuckled, watching her thick bottom wrapped tightly by the kimono as she left.

Even though her face and body were quite attractive, Mo Fan seriously could not stand her pride. She totally lacked the gentleness, caring, kindness, and elegance that a classic Japanese woman had.

"I'm telling you all, I'm definitely going to pick that arrogant bitch to be my opponent during the duels. She seriously needs to learn a lesson. The reason I've learned magic is to teach an ignorant foreign woman like her how to sing 'Conquer'!" said Mo Fan.

"Didn't you say on the train you've learned magic because you want to slaughter the demon creatures?" said Jiang Yu.

"They don't contradict one another at all!"

"As long as I'm taking on the golden-haired c**t; I have long waited to find a suitable punching bag. Too bad the advisors have warned us not to have any infighting," said Mysterious Man

"Mysterious Man, I swear I'll beat you up right now!" snapped Zhao Manyan.

"Sorry buddy, I almost forget you have too golden hair. Speaking of which you can't even touch me, Are sure you will be able to beat me?" said Mysterious Man with smile.

"Who fuck!ng cares" cursed Zhao Manyan.


The dinner was held on the lower floor, a feast in a well-decorated hall. Many VIPs of the West Guardian Tower had attended the feast to welcome the representatives of China's national team.

The girls had arrived around dinner time. They made it just in time, and were still carrying the stuff that they had bought in Osaka.

Jiang Shaoxu in particular had a pile of luxuries, clothing, shoes, bags, and jewelry stacked up beside her table...

"It seems like you're enjoying yourself. I remember Korea's national team spent most of their time training diligently when they came here, but they still suffered a great loss. Meanwhile, the first thing you girls did in Osaka was're no different than secular girls," the advisor of Japan's Training Hall finally sniffed.

The advisor was around fifty, her hair tied up high in a bun, her eyes sharp. She was obviously a strict woman who had entered menopause. She had a grudge against extravagant young women, or those who wasted their time doing something other than cultivating.

"I'm a Magician, but I'm also a woman. Besides, your gatekeepers don't look tough at all. My laziness isn't from vanity." Jiang Shaoxu was far from a friendly person. She already learned how the others were treated by the Japanese in the West Guardian Tower, so she had no intention to respect them, either.

Jiang Shaoxu's words immediately offended the Japanese present at the feast. The advisors, military personnel, young Magicians and gatekeepers all frowned. The atmosphere changed instantly.

"Quite a sharp tongue you have, but can you live up to it?" shot back a flirtatious female gatekeeper in a strong mocking tone. She did not conceal her disdain and grudge against Jiang Shaoxu.

"I believe this feast is pretty extra, we already enjoyed lots of delicacies in Osaka in the afternoon. Strange though, considering how good the food is, the people here make me feel uncomfortable. Why don't we get on with the duels tonight, so we can stamp your face with our feet? We still have places to go next," Jiang Shaoxu slowly rose to her feet. Her words had a strong smell of gunpowder!

The Japanese in the West Guardian Tower totally lost their temper after hearing her words. She had described the approval stamp as stomping their faces with her feet. Such humiliation!

The hall instantly fell silent, but unlike the usual kind, it was like the calm before a great storm!

"Jiang Shaoxu, don't say that..." Mo Fan dragged Jiang Shaoxu back to her seat.

Mochizuki Chihaya had already risen from her seat. She barely controlled her temper when she saw Mo Fan trying to stop Jiang Shaoxu's disrespectful acts.

"You girls are already full after eating in Osaka, but the rest of us are starving. At least let us finish dinner before starting the duels," Mo Fan continued.

The faces of the Japanese in the West Guardian Tower twisted. It felt like they were screaming bakayaro for at least ten thousand times in their hearts.

The rage that Mochizuki Chihaya tried very hard to withhold was almost spat out in a mouthful of blood. The sound of the silver spoon in her hand being snapped in half was clearly audible!

On the other side Mysterious Man finished his meal little fast.He was about to go for handwash, the golden hair boy mocked him," See, he eat like buffalo. Within 5-7 minutes he finished almost 300gram meat."

All Japeness team member burst into laughter including some advisors also.

"Oh yes, of cross breed buffalo like you can recognised pure one" Mocked back Mysterious Man.

All Japeness team member those where laughing, immediately their face darken including all advisor. This guy doesn't show any respect, boldly told them you are cross breed. On other side Mo Fan and Jiang Shaoxu show thumps up to Mysterious Man and burst into laughter. Mo Fan was fairly impressed by Mysterious Man's cursing skill. He literally gave slap to japanese members on their face.

Mysterious Man left dinning room with satisfaction.


Japan had always had lots of talents. In terms of strength, they were ranked close to the top in the world. Every country that came to challenge their West Guardian Tower was utterly respectful and polite. They would even keep their voices down when they were talking.

In comparison, not only were the representatives from China utterly reckless, they were being so full of themselves when in other people's territory!

"Since you're so eager to be taught a lesson, we shall make preparations right away. Go. prepare the dueling grounds. The duels will take place right after dessert!" declared the female advisor.

"Yes, Advisor Tegami!"


"Let's discuss things, Are we going to fight as a team, or one-on-one fights instead? I personally prefer one-on-one, since I believe someone is unworthy to even be a gatekeeper among them," Mysterious Man stared at the golden-haired Okamoto and cut straight to the topic.

"We'll do one-on-one fights then. The two teams will each send five representatives for the fights," agreed Advisor Tegami.

"Advisor, let me have a go. Even a huge place like China has people that behave like a frog at the bottom of a well. I believe I'm the perfect candidate to teach such a person a lesson," Okamoto was the first to volunteer.

Tegami shook her head and said, "They are our guests. We'll let them pick their opponents."

Mysterious Man immediately fixed his gaze on Okamoto and said, "I'll choose him then."

"Advisor, the dueling grounds are ready. The safety formation is working normally," a disciple came up and reported to Tegami respectfully.

Tegami nodded and said to the crowd, "Let's not waste our time then, to the dueling grounds!"


The dueling grounds of the West Guardian Tower faced the ocean to the south. It was a huge platform extending out from the cliff. When the place was not in use, it could be used as a heliport instead. The crowd saw a black helicopter flying in the direction of the maritime battlefield when they arrived.

The platform was a lot bigger than they had imagined. It was almost big enough to be used as a runway for a jet.

The platform was shaped like a polygon. Three of its vertexes were exposed in the air around eight hundred meters from the bottom. Apart from the invisible barrier, there was no barricade surrounding the platform. The platform was not very thick either, supported by pillars extending up and out from the mountain below.

If the foundation of the platform was not solid enough, such a spacious and thin platform would be easily destroyed by the energy of the spells during a duel.

"The platform is made of Ash Crystal. Don't worry if you think the platform isn't strong enough to endure your spells. Your level is too weak to unleash energy strong enough to destroy it," the female student who challenged Jiang Shaoxu before sneered at them.

The student was called Koike Shoko. The alluring temperament originating from her bones had already clashed with Jiang Shaoxu's aura during the feast. It was obvious that Jiang Shaoxu was determined to beat the crap out of her!

Similarly, Koike Shoko was quite bothered by Jiang Shaoxu's remarks. She had never seen such a shameless Chinese woman before!

"We don't hit rocks, we're only interested in slapping faces," Jiang Shaoxu subconsciously replied, knowing Koike Shoko was trash talking them.

Koike Shoko just giggled before she shifted her gaze in the other direction. The smile on her face quickly vanished.


"You have some time to discuss things among your team," said Tegami.

Ai Jiangtu led the team to the seats on one side of the platform. He was initially going to discuss matters with the team, but looked helpless when he noticed some of them were already unleashing their wrath on the people at the other side.

The candidates were already decided.

"We're done, those three will represent us in the duels," said Ai Jiangtu.

The three candidates were none other than Jiang Shaoxu, Mysterious Man, and Mo Fan who had

already chosen their opponents.

"Didn't we already make it clear during the feast? You will send out five candidates to take part in five one-on-one fights. Are you regretting it now?" said Okamoto

"There are five duels, so that means it's best of three right?" asked Ai Jiangtu in return.

"So you've only picked three people?" A Japanese commander raised his thick brows. His eyes were flickering with anger.

As a matter of fact, if he was thirty years younger, he would volunteer to teach these arrogant Chinese representatives a lesson himself! These guys were showing no respect for their national training hall at all!

"Captain is the real cocky one!" Jiang Yu secretly raised his thumbs to Ai Jiangtu

"Let's be real, I'm giving him ten out of ten for that," Zhao Manyan smiled.

"But, that also means Jiang Shaoxu, Mysterious Man, and Mo Fan can't lose their fights."

wondered Nanyu

"No one , will lose," Mysterious Man stepped forward. It was obvious that he was eager to take the first fight!