Dark Moon's Soul Grade Seed

"How touching, you all come here to greet me," said Mysterious Man with a harmless smile.

"Greet my ass, Today we will surely teach you lesson." cursed Zu Ziming.

"Today, you.. no longer able to escape from here." said Zhao Manyan with a grin.

"Your shadow element is useless today, because we have three light mages." said Li Kang.

"Brother Li Kang .... ohh sister Nan Roni also here, why you two also surrounded me. I didn't do anything to you" said Mysterious Man with an innocent face.

They didn't answer, but grin widely.

When he saw they both were not answering, He asked to others,"Okay, what about others? Mo Fan, are you with them?"

"No, we five, are here to only see this show," answered Mo Fan. He knows, Mysterious Man is planing to escape, that's why he is dragging time.

That five were Mu Ningxue, Jiang Yu, Ai Jiangtu, Nanyu and Mo Fan himself. As a captain, Ai Jiangtu want to stop them, but Mo Fan interrupted him by saying, they will soon regret. He knows about the special effect of Dark Moon crystal, so it is unlikely Mysterious Man will have problem to play with them.

"It means you are my audience, but sorry for disappointment, here temperature is too high. So I am not in mood to perform show with this puppets." said Mysterious Man with a grin, while looking at those who surrounded him.

Those who were smiling like cunning vixen then now flush with anger, Mysterious Man compare them to his puppet. Today they will surely cripple him.

Zu Ziming awaken his third element as light and Mu Tingying also. Zhao Manyan already had it.

Without wasting more time, trio tossed brilliant light to seal Mysterious Man's moment from shadow element.

" Teach him lesson now, he will no longer escape from here." said Mu Tingying with hollow laugh.

All started a rain of spells on Mysterious Man.

While they all still attacking, a voice came from now where,"Sorry teacher, I forget to bring my textbook, so I may not understand lesson properly, that's why i am going."

All were stunned for a moment. They stop attacking to see Mysterious Man. Light mage are still keep tossing their brilliant light to seal Mysterious Man's moment. After stop attacking when they saw to their target, they shocked. Mysterious Man was still standing without receiving single damage.

"Shadow clone?" asked Zu Ziming doubt fully.

"Impossible, with presence of light spell he could not cast a shadow spell"said Mu Tingying. Other nodded.

But soon Mysterious Man's body turn into black dust and mixed into air. Everyone stunned for a moment.

"It was...was shadow clone, but how?" asked Guan Yu with surprise.

"How could he cast his shadow magic in presence of light magic?" asked Nan Roni Ni.

"Damn, he escaped, he was already came with plan." cursed Jiang Shaoxu.

"Enough now, Let's move to Venice now." Nanyu quickly interrupted.

Mo Fan was grinning, he knew it was an effect of Dark Moon's soul grade seed. To give immunity to shadow spell from light element!


Venice Training Hall....

Chinese team was in training hall waiting for advisors.

"I think Mysterious Man didn't come to Venice," said Gaun Yu.

"Yes, that coward doesn't take flight with us for Venice." Said Zu Ziming.

Advisors shown up to training hall, team members greet them. Advisor Feng Li soon realise Mysterious Man is absent here. He asked,"Where is Mysterious Man? Didn't he join you in puccini city?"

"He join us, but Mu Tingying, Jiang Shaoxu, Gaun Yu, Zhao Manyan, Nan Roni Ni, Zu Ziming and Li Kang surround him and start joint attack on him so he escape. We don't know where he is now." said Nanyu.

Advisors shocked by it. Almost whole team attack him meaning they have still grudge against him.

"He is such coward, not willing to fight.. only he know how to run run run." said Mu Tingying with unpleasant tone.

"Enough now, Mysterious Man show up."said Advisor Feng Li. He was confident that Mysterious Man only fooling them. He is right around here.

Suddenly from Mu Tingying's shadow Mysterious Man came out and greet advisors with polite smile. Mu Tingying was standing in front of all Chinese team members. When Mysterious came out from Mu Tingying, all members stunned including advisors. Advisor Feng Li knew Mysterious Man is around them, but they can't even imagine he was hiding in Mu Tingying's shadow!

"Where are you all time, I clearly remember you are not in flight?" asked Mo Fan. Although he bit know answer, but he wanted to confirm it.

"I was all time hiding in her shadow, following you all and staring her back." said Mysterious Man with a perverted grin.

Mu Tingying blush in anger when he heard those word, but she able to calm herself in front of advisors. One could see her anger is in limit and her chick colour turn into reddish-pink by blushing.

"Don't blush, I didn't follow you, when you went to washroom. After all, I am still a gentle man." teased Mysterious Man. Second half of sentence, he said proudly. Other burst into laughter, even those who wanted to teach a lesson to Mysterious man.

This time, Mu Tingying lose her temper and about to start attack, advisor Feng Li stop her.

"Enough with childish act. From day after tomorrow, tournament will begin, so stop infighting now. Now go start training." said Advisor and left.

Mysterious Man also disappeared.



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1084 - https://www.webnovel.com/book/versatile-mage_7851773505001805/abandoned-again_43828550876316062

In begining match mysterious man did't participate. He only bid and win.

Now he is in tresure hunt....


"Jack, I think a group is heading our way," Shreev of the Egyptian team said after sensing movement through the vibration of the ground.

"Who are they?" Jack frowned.

"I think... they are members of the Chinese team," Pinole recognized.

On the spacious field, a few members of the Chinese team were approaching the alliance. They initially thought the people had found some remarkable loot considering how many people there were, yet when they came closer, they realized those people were surrounding Mo Fan, Mu Ningxue, and Ayleen.

"If you guys want to lend them a hand, just come over, we won't go easy on you!" Jack said proudly, provoking the members of the Chinese team that had just shown up.

A few members of the Canadian, French, and Italian teams stepped forward, too.

"We didn't mean any harm, we're just here to see what's going on," Zu Jiming let out a hollow laugh. He was absolutely shocked. Why did these strong countries form an alliance just to hunt Mo Fan down? What exactly did he do to infuriate them?

However, Zu Jiming was quite happy about it too. Well done, they can teach Mo Fan a lesson on my behalf!

"How about the others?" Jack asked again.

Mu Tingying reacted instantly. "We're ashamed to collude with someone like Mo Fan. You can deal with him however you please."

Nanrong Ni lifted her gaze and looked at the Observer Eagles in the sky. She whispered to the others, "The people are watching us. It's going to damage our reputation if we abandon them."

Nanrong Ni was better at seeing the overall situation. She knew that if they had not happened to stumble into the group, no one would criticize them, but now that they had, it had suddenly become a tricky question. After all, they were on the same team representing China. It was fine if they had a personal conflict between themselves, but it was inappropriate to show it in front of the world!

"Are you saying that we should fight them? Look at the countries that have joined the alliance! If we really try to help, we're only going to be wiped out too! We know the people aren't going to be happy about it, but at least we're still in the match. Besides, we're going to lose all the loot we've gained so far, and if we go out empty-handed, not only will we lose the upcoming matches, we're going to suffer too! Who cares about those idiots, we'll just say that we're trying to preserve the ranking of our team, have our clans hire people to justify our actions, and people will simply side with us," Zu Jiming sniffed.

Nanrong Ni pondered for a while to evaluate the potential gains and losses. She also agreed that it was better if they stayed out of it, since being scolded for a short period was better than losing everything...


"Wait a second, did they seriously just leave like that? I thought help had finally arrived, yet they really just left like that!?" Pang Li slammed the table and rose to his feet angrily!

The others' faces darkened, too. It was obvious that two of their teammates were surrounded by participants from other countries, yet they did not even bother lending a hand. Regardless of what the reason was, it was still very embarrassing to their country!

"That is quite disappointing," even Chairman Shao Zheng spoke up.


A man was hiding behind tree, when he saw Zu jiming, Nanrong Ni and Mu Tingying abandoned their team, he cursed instantly,"That pricks, today I must teach them lesson."

Mysterious Man, initially thought he will let Mo Fan and his crew to fight after some time he takes opportunity and give deadly blow to enemy and help his team. But when he saw other Chinese members are coming, he was about to join fight, but they three pricks abandoned them.

He was planing to stick on his first plan to wait for opportunity but suddenly a thought came into his mind,"Waiting is quit boring, why not I first teach lesson to that three son of bi!ch."


"Hahaha.. that mad hound provoke whole eight countries' team," said Zu Jiming. He was very happy today.

"Yeah, today, that man hound and bitch will surely turn into a cripple," said Mu Tingying happily.

"But all people saw us we abandoned them they will surely disappointed by us," said Nanrong Ni worriedly while seeing at two observer eagles.

"Don't worry about that, public speakers will handle it," said Zu Jiming.

"Strange, why both observer eagles left at a similar time?" asked Nanrong Ni.

"Hmm.. nearby us very soon the battle will start it's unlikely that observer eagle will miss it." agreed Mu Tingying.

They were talking to each other, suddenly three giant shadow spikes stuck them, sealing their mind and soul.

A man came towards them and grinned.

"You three pricks, Today I will teach you a lesson," said Mysterious Man. His intermediate spell on the six-tier.

So now they have already been like a dead man for some time. They will not remember, what will happen to them now. By physic element, Mysterious Man already manipulated observer eagle. It means now he can teach them a lesson!

He first robbed all loot that they collected. And then from the spacial bracelet, he takes out a special liquid. With the help of a dropper, he drops a single drop of liquid on each of their palm. With a slight glow that liquid goes inside the body of the trio. After a few seconds, all magical equipment appear on the body of the trio which they owned including death strike equipment, armour etc, which all they equipped.

Mysterious Man grinned upon seeing his liquid work properly. He starts robbing to trio's magical piece of equipments!

Magical equipments are connected to the soul of magicians. That liquid Mysterious Man used to disconnect their equipment from their soul without damaging their soul. Fan-Xue group only robbed treasure hunt's treasure but Mysterious Man also robbed magician's magical equipments!

After robbing, the Fan-Xue bandit group run away, but our Mysterious Man is different. He takes out the trio's spacial Stroll and triggered it, handover to the trio and leaves from there and withdraw his magic. When the trio come to sense they saw a barrier is surrounding him.

"Fuc*k, when I did trigger spacial stroll?" cursed Zu Ziming.

"What the heck? We also don't trigger it. So how..." Mu Tingying was about to say, but a spacial stroll teleported them back to stage.


Chinese spectators seeing this trio has come back, start loudly cursing them. For their deeds.

Advisors are surprised, why they come too early, they can secure higher loot.

Trio feeling embarrassed, They fastly went towards the exit to meet advisors to tell them about the spacial stroll problem.