Robbing To English Team!

On a mountain, a huge roar echoed into the sky!

"Asshole, even us bandits weren't so black-hearted!"

"Mo Fan, clam down, calm down, let's just pay the money. The poison is too deadly, a normal Healer might struggle to heal you too," Ayleen tried to convince Mo Fan.

If they did not stop Mo Fan, he would really take the black-hearted doctor down with himself.

Mo Fan had totally lost his temper.

Getting healed once was going to cost him a hundred million!

One hundred million!

Mo Fan had never heard anyone asking for a hundred million just to heal his injuries. He simply had the urge to blast the asshole's skull open with a bolt of lightning!

"Friend, calm down, just calm down, it's only one hundred million, and I can guarantee that you'll fully recover from your injuries. I believe you can easily earn a hundred million from the treasure hunt. Why do you even bother making things difficult for a small business like me? You have to understand that I have to endure the shame of being looked down upon by the world, too. It's not easy for me," the Healer from Sweden was surprisingly proficient in different languages. He was extremely fluent in Chinese!

"Not easy my ass! Ten million at most; treat my injuries now, or I'll rob you too!" Mo Fan said impatiently.

"Mo Fan, I really respect you, I watched your match against the Spanish team. I'm well aware of how strong you are, and I believe you're one of the strongest in this World College Tournament. However, to be honest with you, acting on impulse won't do you any good. The reason I've asked you to stay a certain distance away was because I've set up a barrier. Even the strongest Advanced Mage would need more than four seconds to break through the barrier, and within the four seconds, I can crush the teleporting scroll and run away. Judging by your injuries, you'll need to use the teleporting scroll soon too... in other words, let's not make it difficult for the both of us!" the Sweden Healer, named Tony, replied calmly.

"I just find you too much of an eyesore, I don't care if the both of us are going to disqualified, since I've already earned quite a lot," Mo Fan was as stubborn as an ox.

The guy was out of his mind. If healing someone actually cost a hundred million, he could easily carry Xinxia, who was now a Healer of the Parthenon Temple, around instead trying to make a living by putting his life in danger!

"Don't be like that, we're all trying to survive in our own way, we all want to make profit... How about this, I can heal you for free," Tony said.

"No but," Mo Fan harrumphed coldly.

The Sweden Healer grinned like a mischievous businessman, "But, I'll make a deal with you. I've learned some interesting information from the last group of people that came to me, and I believe someone like you will be very interested in it..."

The man continued when he did not receive any response, "Do you know that the Hunter Union has actually prepared something huge for the treasure hunt, like hiding a huge diamond in a pile of gold sand, waiting for someone to dig it out?"

Mo Fan looked at Mu Ningxue, Mu Ningxue looked at Ayleen, and Ayleen pondered for a moment before she finally said, "I did hear something about it, but I'm not too sure, either."

Mysterious Man was staring to Tony curiously. Because he also didn't here about it.

"Hehe, so it turns out that you guys are the well-behaved ones. The truth is, before the treasure hunt, many students were collecting information about the greatest treasure through their factions or third parties, since any information will give them a head start over the others. Some teams did not even bother searching for the other treasures after the treasure hunt started. They are all focusing on finding the greatest treasure," the plump businessman from Sweden went on.

"Does that mean the treasure is more valuable than everything else?" Mo Fan said excitedly.

"Absolutely!" Tony chuckled. His eyes would occasionally sweep across Mu Ningxue and Ayleen in a perverted way.

"Say, do you know where this treasure is?" Mo Fan asked.

"Wait, Mo Fan don't forget, I already hire you for one task after that you can go for grand treasure." Mysterious Man quickly interrupted. He saw Mo Fan excitement, so he quickly reminded Mo Fan as I am your employer.

"Yeah, I remember." said Mo Fan with clenched his fist.

"Brother, first you heal Mo Fan's wounds, and we will come after one hour by completing task and help you for dig out grand treasure." said Mysterious Man.

"Are you taking me as a three year old child, what if you don't come?" snapped Tony.

"Alyeen will stay with you as guarantee we will come back." said Mysterious Man calmly. He turn to Ayleen and said,"You also keep eye on him, he should not tell information about grand treasure to other groups."

Ayleen nodded but asked in confusion,"Only I am physic mage, so how you will find your target?"

"I have physic element equipment, I can used it to search for target, don't worry." answered Mysterious Man. He could not afford to reveal his secondary element to other national team members.

"Okay" said Ayleen helplessly.

After treating wounds of Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue, trio left that place.

(Here trio's refer to Mysterious Man, Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue)


Trio was walking ahead, soon Mysterious Man realize that Mu Ningxue glaring at him suspiciously.

"Why are you staring at me, do I am more handsome than Mo Fan?" teased Mysterious Man.

"I have some question in my mind, will you answer." said Mu Ningxue. She didn't pay attention on bullshit.

"Okay, asked." answered Mysterious Man.

"How you escape from that trap in Egypt when everyone surrounded you. They even tossed brilliant light but still you manage to cast your shadow spell, how?" asked Mu Ningxue.

"It is effect of my soul grade seed giving immunity from light spell." answered Mysterious Man casually.

Mu Ningxue open his mouth in surprise, immunity from light spell to shadow spell, She said," How insane! Another one, You said you have physic element equipment for searching your target, but what if you fail to find it, as per what I know equipments only use for one time after that it need too much time to cool down for reused."

Mo Fan stunned, Mu Ningxue is right if Mysterious Man fail to find it in first attempt then equipment will be useless until it cool down.

" I have physic element as my secondary element. I could not afford to reveal this in front of Ayleen, so I lie." answered Mysterious Man.

Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue stunned, they could not even dream Mysterious Man's secondary element will be physic element.

"But still, why you asked Alyeen to stay with Tony, we can also asked Tony to follow us." said Mu Ningxue in confusion.

Mysterious Man shook his head and said with smile,"We are going to rob the English team! Now you know very well, why I asked Ayleen to stay with Tony.

Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue stunned, robbing English team! which is also known as strongest team, if they fail, English team surely beat the crap of them because they recently fight long battle. Now they also realize why Mysterious Man asked Alyeen to stay with Tony as a guarantee, Alyeen also belong to English Team!

"Are you sure we can rob English team, if we fail they can easily beat the crap of us because we already fight in long battle." said Mo Fan seriously. Mu Ningxue nodded, it is not good for them to provoke English team according to their situation.

"Don't worry, I have plan, you only have to follow my commands." said Mysterious Man.

"What is your plan? first tell us." asked Mu Ningxue.

"I will first cast my sixth-tier shadow spikes to all members, they will almost became dead for some time but I think their captain, Zorro's cultivation is high, so he may get freedom early. Mo Fan your task will be cast shadow spikes on Zorro non-stop, I will take care of all others. Mu Ningxue, if Mo Fan fail to do that, so fastly try to freeze Zorro. And yes all will attack from their blind spot. Is that clear? asked Mysterious Man.

"Why do I feel you are a professional robber?" asked Mo Fan. Mu Ningxue also nodded. The plan to rob English team is too awesome.

"English team is about a distance of 700 meters, so be ready," said Mysterious Man. He avoided Mo Fan's question.


"Amazing, we already collected loot of 2.7 billion, and we still have so much time remaining. We will surely rank first. All thanks to our captain Zorro." said one of the English team member happily.

"It is pity we couldn't able to find Ayleen." said another team member.

"hmm.." the captain nodded.

Suddenly shadow spikes stuck to all members of the English team, including Zorro.

"Mo Fan, take care of Zorro," said Mysterious Man.

Mo Fan nodded and as per plan, he started casting shadow spikes on Zorro continuously while Mysterious Man was collecting loot at an insane speed. Also their equipment, Mo Fan fully focused on Zorro so he doesn't see it, but Mu Ningxue manage to see it. She was staring at Mysterious Man with wide eyes, not believing, what was happening, Mysterious Man seriously robbing Magician's magical equipment.

Mysterious Man started triggering their spacial stroll to send them those who he looted. When he looted Zorro and sends him back, Mo Fan also sees Mysterious Man is also robbing equipments.He also manage to save one spacial stroll and keep it in his spacial braclet for future use.

After sending Zorro back Mysterious Man turns around and realizes Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue are giving him a deadly glare, he asked innocently,"What happen to you two?"

"Why are you robbing their equipment, you are not following rule at all," said Mu Ningxue furiously.

"There is no rule stating that participants can't rob someone's equipment," said Mysterious Man calmly.

"But this is not good to stole someone's magical equipment." said Mo Fan.

"You also robbing loot of participants," said Mysterious Man calmly.

Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue instantly became speechless. They are also doing same.

"But if someone exposes you, then the Chinese team will lose their whole reputation," said Mo Fan.

"Brother, those who I rob they didn't remember what happened to them also I am controlling observer eagle so judges also can't see it or find it if someone complains about it." said Mysterious Man.

"Okay fine, but I need more money at least two billion otherwise I will expose you," said Mo Fan with a cunning smile.

"Do as you please, if you expose me, so only the Chinese team lose their whole reputation as for me people don't even know my name so it is unlikely it will defame my reputation, take your 500 million as per our deal," said Mysterious Man coldly. He gives some loot whose value is about 500 million

Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue were stunned. Mysterious Man was right, nothing will happen to him.

"Okay, Don't you want to come with us to dig out grand treasure? asked Mo Fan.

"I will wait for you." said Mysterious Man with evil grin and left. Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue exchange their glance and Exhale heavily


Skipping chapters...1092-




The organizer was finalizing the ranking of the teams, based on their performance during the treasure hunt.

The round after the treasure hunt would be the finals. The format was fairly simple: the teams would be competing against one another, and the last team standing would be the winner. The top three teams would be given tremendous prizes!

Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue had earned two billion for the team. It was already equivalent to the total earnings of a group consisting of six people, and it did not even include the value of the grand treasure that Mo Fan had found. Otherwise, their earnings would easily match that of an entire national team. Not many students could achieve such a great feat, or possess such remarkable strength! As for Mysterious Man, he only reveals his earnings which need to take the second rank, 500 Million.

With their great achievement, the Chinese team was ranked second, just behind Germany.

None of the countries had managed to find the grand treasure of the treasure hunt, either. The different teams were quite relieved after hearing that.

The reason was that the grand treasure usually possessed great value, and if it was the kind that could help a Mage improve tremendously, it would greatly affect the upcoming matches. Many countries were upset that they did not acquire the grand treasure, but they were relieved knowing that no one else had found it, either!

However, they did not expect that someone on the Chinese team had found the grand treasure from thirty-two years ago, and it was even more valuable than the grand treasure of this treasure hunt!

Both Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue had displayed outstanding strength in the treasure hunt. The trio even managed to defeat a group of twelve participants, leaving the whole world in awe. The teams were starting to get nervous, as none of them had expected the Chinese team to have two such incredible talents out of nowhere...

In addition to that, many people also realized that Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue, who were already strong to begin with, had obtained lots of resources from the treasure hunt, meaning that the two would be even stronger in the upcoming finals!