Chapter 1 - 2: Cycle of reincarnation, an accident of 100% synchronization

The male bystander's name is Tobi Bloodborne, inside the wheel of samsara he is thinking of a way to cover his entire soul that so big that cannot be handle by a normal universe, he so bad on calculation that's make his sister's call him sometime muscle head not because of a fully build body but the way he trains, hunt, do his work and fights, nevertheless he almost out of control when he snaps out as for the result that his emotion to himself and life around him decline rapidly.

Hmm, let's see, ah maybe create a persona with an external will as a cover in the body that I will be born if not 100% synchronization, a perfect answer for my soul not to be damage until then let's enter eternal slumber.


A boy born as a hunter, a world full of adventures and monster, the boy become a man and an adventurer achieving a simple life he wants in a rank b class he explores the vast world but died in the age of 21 in the mouth of a rank A troll warlord. Born as humanoid monster called Oni who love to fight die in training spar at the age of 7. A certain modern world, vehicles flying, in the air a hologram advertisement in a airship announcing a certain assassin being sentenced to death, at the age of 28 he already killed a lot some children of rich organization, officials, businessman and etc. in a fast and silent manner not humiliating his victims as his job after being betrayed by colleagues and employer he who never accept his death, died on April 17, 3091. A new world full of islands and the vast ocean there is a man in a small boat filled of ambition, when he was a child, he already yearns to become the world top treasure hunter that only heard as bed time stories but died in the hands of pirates. Being born in a family of knights in a certain medieval period he achieves to become captain of a battalion that under the rule of Sir Gawain of this world, he died in certain confrontation between knights and barbarian at the age of 40.

A newborn die in the arms of his/her mother on a collapse building, dungeons spawning in infinite of monsters, civilians either poor or rich, those so-called hunters low or high rank either they use modern weapon combination of mana and core of monster still not enough to handle it, after a day that world become a new home of dimension monsters. In a silent night near a certain village beside a mountain there is monster busy eating his/her victim, a certain cultivator hiding waiting for a good chance to strike, when moons shine on his spot you can certainly determine his age, a youth at the age of 15 on a peak level body cultivator he is to low key on his sect peaking low level mission to earn points for him to exchange for resources, a certain mission needed to become a part of a group he become a cannon fodder just to kill an evil cultivator.

he who sudden awaken in his slumber in a persona that automatically created inside the wheel of samsara, reading memory loadout in some persona, he felt some of them are unlucky, like the samurai one that slip accidently in an ambush and stab by his teammate on the shoulder then cut by his enemy, the lucky one that he check is a detective die on old age, exorcist employed in as support role at least this one die on age of 60's not on a mission but in overwork and a chef of a small restaurant. Upon continuous reading he realizes a certain information that all his persona didn't have wife nor someone they called other half neither family, he sighs knowing his life as a bystander because of a certain event in his life he strives to become strong removing emotion on the way of it, even his sisters feel that he needs to enter their rehabilitation plan for him to regain some of it.

Oh, too much scanning ha, he just wants to sleep to forget this cycle…...

He said to himself, sure enough not a single world nor universe can handle my soul, he closes his eyes ZzZzzz....

A year of chaos compose of a trillion years, new universe with life born original nor parallel plane. One of the parallel universes in a lower realm has a certain planet called Teyvat a mysterious world that born cause of emotion of the game developers and players in a certain middle world.

Let's start with Dr. Lindsay Reed an honorary member of adventurer guild of Fontaine continent, she just finishes a commission to install new mechanical arm for a certain adventurer that her arm cut off by a hilichurl in the main city of Fontaine, she is knowledgeable of human autonomy, alchemy and machinery able to create mechanical parts of human body for clients and patients that need it. It's already dark when she finishes her installation, her home is outside the city, it will take an hour and 30 mins of walk until she can reach it, monsters are sometimes aggressive at night and on her way back she sees a wreck carriage, she rushes and check if there is a survivor the coachmen is dead near the blockage on the road, same as the male and female passenger, but she felt that the female is protecting something covering it with her whole body, silks and mantles that looks like their commodities to be sold. Dr. Lindsay trying to check what it is, she was shock a baby boy age 2 months the eyes it's not normal it's releasing strong deterrence like a season veteran an instinct to protect himself on any harm that will occur in his/her surrounding.


Let's return on the scene before Dr. Lindsay found the wreck carriage. In the middle of the day on the road to City of Fontaine a husband and wife with their 2 months old baby in her arms busy organizing the silk and mantle on the carriage they riding, while the coachman is doing his job and humming a country type music. In their way the coachman line of sight sees that the road is being block by trees and dry trunks, he decided to stop and call the husband to help to remove the blockage what they didn't know is it an ambush set up by an mage of abyss with some hilichurls, on the scene of ambush the coachman instant die in the attack of water balls casted by the mage of abyss while the husband able to parry some of it and then he rush to the carriage to protect it, fighting the small hilichurls coming to him cutting them with his all strength using a claymore being overwhelm by numbers he still able to kill 13 until he arrive on front of it, the scene so bloody bodies of small hilichurls scatters in the fight, wounds and scars piled in his body enduring it watching the small monster that still going out of the woods and 3 big hilichurls who are on standby beside the mage of abyss. They sudden charge together, seeing it he feels hopeless eyes on the carriage, he prays that his wife and child will be able to survive.

Inside the carriage the wife who is peeking outside start to panic stared at the eyes of her husband giving a hint saying try to survive, she organize herself but she felt that some monsters also waiting behind the carriage so she decide to sacrifice herself for her child she gather all the silks, clothing and mantle as cover, wrapping the child placing at the edge of carriage she plan to rush out and go for a run making a divergent as scapegoat but everything change because what waiting behind is a fire type mage of abyss readying fireballs for a shot. The wife see it rushes back hug the piled of cloths that covering her child, the fireball arrives destroying the whole carriage sending it flying like a kite rolling 360 in the air until it hit the ground.

Newborn POV

The newborn covered by garments open his eyes staring at the face of his dead mother trying to move his little arms to reach and touch it, the fire and smoke makes him suffocate with the will to survive he able to enter a black space, what he sees a simple door that slowly opening. He was suck inside and appear before a man sleeping in a rocking chair holding a book.

Bystander POV

He felt someone enters the small folded plane he created inside every persona as his slumbering area, opening his eyes what he sees a newborn, checking it in and out, body and soul, lastly memories after that he smiled for a persona who able to enter because he wants to survive. he stands and level his body, sit cross leg starts to explain something to the child. While petting it, he said you want to live, feeling of compatibility the synchro rate is on 98% it's already a miracle. he only heard babies chuckling, then explain about fusing but literally all personas are small part of his soul and power, so you are me and I'm you with a single sentence the baby giggle again and he smile, holding the small hands he closes his eyes and then synchronization hits 100%.