Magic training, everything is messed up

On the way home the boy entered a forest planning to use it as route for a shortcut, now observing a boar bigger than the trees opposite of him, it's a boar king that's rarely seen in this area of Fontaine. The boar readying a charge, the boy picks up a tree branch, the boar king rushes to the boy he didn't dodge just with a single swing of the branch on its head made a sound like he is hitting a huge drum and the impact of its charge didn't even give him a budge, the boar king knock out to the ground then the boy materialize a rope tied it on the boar king back right foot and he starts pulling it like its weight is nothing to him.

At home the doctor busy crafting some potion she heard the child calling. Grandma I'm home and I brought some meat for dinner, the doctor walks out the house stared at the child holding a rope beside him is a huge boar after looking at it with glance she asked the boy. How and where did you get it then the child replied I saw it on that forest on my way home I think this boar gone mad of its stupidity and charge to some trees, huge rocks then died. The doctor knows it's a lie but didn't ask anymore further then she help the boy to pull it on the backyard to dismantle to cook.

The next day Clow wakes up early he didn't wake Lim that enters sleep mode last night. A 2 years old finish preparing breakfast he only picks some of it to eat and write a message to his grandma that he is going out again to have fun roaming around.

Clow starts to jog on the opposite area where he tested the modern weapons, arriving to his destination a highland it's a beautiful spot specially in morning. Lim appeared and sat on his head rubbing her eyes, boss this place should be a good area to practice magic. The boy nod he decides to use tier 9 phantom world than phantom road in case he uses tier 10 magic or above.

After deploying the barrier, he cast a tier 2 fireball and throws it faraway after hitting the ground, it didn't cause a boom but a honglong sound, a huge mushroom appeared leveling a mountain and cause large amount of air burst around the explosion. The hand size doll on shock staring at the aftermath with her eyes wide open that almost goes out with a word "nani" (what) and the boy sigh he knows it will happen.

A few minutes Lim ask him, boss you sure that's a fire ball not a tier 8 magic called explosion? She didn't know whether to laugh or cry a single fire ball with that destruction power and starts to get paranoid.

The boy explains that the mana he put in that fire ball comes from his cultivation system in his inner soul and passes to the heart his body magic core then redirects it for casting with the image of making a fire ball, he added it's not even 1% either 0.00001% of it neither a drop of water in an ocean.

The hand size doll keeps murmuring what to do...

The boy had an idea to make a limiter for releasing mana. Cracking his neck then said let's start and he sat cross legs enters his consciousness create a substitution an ethereal body spirit connects it to the main cultivation system then link it to a new mana furnace he created a big cauldron as an engine then the heart as mana core set it up for absorption only. He inhaled and test the flow of mana in his body, looks like the mana furnace can really limit the mana output to become "regular mana". Heh looks like this ethereal body spirit can be use on blocking skill that can damage soul and mind, he put it to automatically generated every time an ethereal body is full his soul will create new one of it if this happens a group spiritual body will surround the mana furnace, he likes it much.

Lim felt that the atmosphere and mana fluctuation around her boss change.

The boy clothes turn to black coat with tie also a pair of black gloves. Boss what's up with the suit. It's my battle mode this is your first time seeing it right because the bystander assists support system created when my sisters started to gather those people who cannot be save in their destiny as their kin and that's the time I've receive you, we already settled on the origin upper realm having a peaceful life running errand for the old primordial.

Looks like the monsters hid because of the explosion earlier. Clow stands up said it's time to perform some magic with regular mana output. With a finger snap a fireball and he fired it to the nearest tree it made an explosion that can destroy a single house.

Hmph, it looks ok but for the hand size doll it's not, her eyes still wide open.

The boy started his walk he casted repeating fireball on his left, while he fired freeze and frost nova on his right, every time he stepped forward the tier of the magic that casted and thrown increases until he reaches the end of the barrier that he made. The destruction on his left is cause by fire magic example of these are fire lance, fire rain, fire storm, fire blitz, fire pillar, phoenix providence, magma avalanche, explosion, meteor strike to meteor falls and for the wind magic are wind blast, wind cutter, tornado blade, tornado, twister to hurricane while on his right side he casted and fired water magic like water ball, waterfall, tsunami even poison includes in it, water dragon strike this made his ice magic being amplified causing transformation the ice wall looks like an iceberg, the frost chain become frost dragon that bounces every time it hits something and the blizzard turned to ice storm.

Clow reaches the end of phantom world barrier watching the dilapidated highlands and said, now let's try something new. He stretches his right arm and said nuclear magic, nuclear cannon his hand fires a powerful heat ray straight ahead that can completely destroy what it hits its look like this magic is powerful against a single target, next casted nuclear flame an explosion with the same destructive power like the fireball he casted from the start, now death streak the boy shouted the whole area showered by deadly radiation that can completely destroy all living things while leaving material objects intact. The destruction in front still not enough for him he fired gravity collapse it created a localized gravitational field disruption, resulting in an artificial supernova and subsequently, a black hole. This is the most destructive nuclear magic that encompasses both physical and magical phenomena, this kind of magic is very hard to defend against.

Looking at the barren land that was highlands a while ago Lim started to cry, she sobbing to loud next to her boss shoulder saying boss your magic didn't even have the elements of this world then she heard him saying I'm not done yet, she turns around with a dumfounded face like she is looking at a monster.

The boy started to chant a series of magic circle surrounded him and he shouts fallen down, its calls upon a huge pillar of blue light from the sky that burns so bright and its hotness appear like the whole world or the phantom world turned to white. After a few seconds, it leaves an area burned to cinder that can devoid life. he laughs like a mad man and raises his one arm, makes a pose that he is calling something in the sky then chanted "Pour the thunder unto your death erase everything in my path" the whole sky was filled with magic circle lightning gathers on it that ready to be release, upon finishing the chant it fires off thousands of bolts of divine lightning pouring the area nonstop. The barrier started to shake and crack appears on it after a minute the land become a large pit with lightning traces everywhere, the mad boy that plans to do his next action was disturb.

Lim who had enough manifested a large paper fan and hits the head of her boss to interrupt him. With a bam the boy fell down his face hit the ground.

Lim why did you hit me, Clow who stands up and dusted himself off looking at the hand size doll that floating with a large paper fan and has an expression of a volcano ready to erupt.

Lim: Ahhh, you're ban on using magic, what up with the regular mana thing ha, you call that regular a fire ball with that mana has a power to pulverize a concrete house and the elements on the magic you fired is not categorized in this world like you're using science to generate a fire, water and etc. are you planning to dominate this world that's has already a future plot, you're a bystander a tier 15.5 entity that has a job to observe the world you pass by and you can only move until you receive a task or there is a variable like transmigrator, regressor and etc. that cause the changes of the world or universe that you're in.

Wait a minute I'm a reincarnator right why I'm not a variable?

Ahh damn BoOSsz because you have a contract to follow and one of it is, the bystander who will be reincarnated should stay on the same law of being an observer and live peacefully don't ever mess up on the world you will reborn except if there is a variable or else only death awaits you.

Ok ok take a breath already, I'm not a muscle head ok but a battle maniac and has a talent that is never fear of death. Clow said it on the breathless hand size doll that make it fainted, he catches it in his hand before it makes contact on land and sighing, he removes the barrier. Before planning to go home he uses his perception sakai to scan if there are traces of power leaks out come from his practice, a few minutes no sign of damage detected on the area he retracted his battle mode and sent the fainted BASS on his consciousness.

Magic practice ha, is not completed if I'm not going to use spatial transportation then he made a jump motion for teleportation magic to triggered and vanishes on the spot.