Prologue - Celestia soldiers vs a Boy

Well, we cannot do anything about that know, were already here so let's just wait and let see what will happen to us. He already knows that there are individuals inside of every abode busy cultivating their elements to achieve so called godhood in this world.

Lim felt tired and replied CoPiii BoSs, she goes up on his shoulder and flied next to him, checking his playful smile and sees that the clothes he wearing changes slow as they walk to the center, it turned to a mafia outfit with a black tie, robe and fedora hat then there is also a trinket like box tied to his waist.

She knows that this kind of outfit is prepared only when the brother and sisters meeting an agenda for their whole race and in the record about the family of the three the trinket is called a guardian box its was given by their father, their father said that it was paid for a wish he fulfills to a customer then he just replicates it because it's interesting and the function is a home or habitat that can be change depends to the monster or pets wants to live in then he gave 3 boxes to each one of them.

The boss has only one guardian beast a mutated Vajra in the peak tier 15 devourer and his other boxes was stored for safe keeping. She didn't know what kind of guardian beast that her goshujin sama aka Alice and master aka Noel Bloodborne has, but she always sees a white furry ball monster that always sleeping next to her goshujin sama and if it gets mad the monster always opens his/her mouth that filled of teeth all over it like a grinder and in the middle is an non ending black hole then if you hear its roar, it can kill you if you're tier is to low and for those early bystanders or primordial entity they will shiver in cold sweat when they heard it.

Arriving in the center that like a place for gathering, Clow pulled out a special ring with a cross embed on it filled with unknown different colored gem with chain lace on his soul inventory then materialize a chair sit up in a thinking position like waiting for someone who will pick him up.

Boss let me fix your loose tie

Ok, looks like those individuals that not busy cultivating just peek out on their abode they really don't care about the intrusion, this place truly interesting.


A moment later, a group of soldiers totally covered with armor that looks like a royal knight with faces cannot be seen cause of the helmet their wearing started to approach Clow. After approaching they didn't speak just made a gesture to him to follow them.

Clow slowly followed the armored soldiers, he pulled some white gloves in his pocket and put them on then communicated with raja the vajra on his guardian box using their family beast guardian contract.

Hey little guy long time no see. I gonna call you outside, try to control your power make it like you're an ordinary cat then we will have fun playing some powerful enemies in this world that I have been reborn, do you copy?

Raja open her one eye slowly awakened on long time slumber, boss is that you, same same long time no see and I thought you will just summon me if you had already a wife and kids for me to guard not an old monster like you. Well, the word reborn means you reincarnate ha then let me check that so called powerful enemies eh, ready as you please.

The soldiers use a gate teleporter they enter and vanishes on the spot then Clow jumps in without minding what will happen to him with a mad smile.

Clow appeared inside a palace, the soldier knights that pick him walk in different side and line up. The whole palace is like a dome both side is filled with soldier in trance waiting for command and on front a throne, there is a female that had white hair and dress sitting on it in a bored manner.

Hmph hand on his chin, a tier 11 deity on her peak ready to breakthrough to transcendence, not bad for a world in a lower realm and these soldiers are empty armors as substitute of those individuals who are meditating. He slowly walks in front of the throne with interest in mind, luckily his body realm now is on tier 10 an immortal body because of his hard work for 5 years and those who cultivate energy sometime cannot perceive a body cultivator specially like him that has put a lot of limiters. He stops 6 meters below the throne in front of this individual.

Lim beside him as a BASS heard the thought communication between him and his guardian beast felt excited it will be her first time seeing it. She takes out popcorns, different confectioner and soda cans ready to watch a brawl.

Sustainer of heavenly principles open her bored eyes stared at the human boy, she started to speak and question.

Humans don't have really courtesy; you didn't even kneel before I. Hmm…

Human boy how did you enter this place?

Clow: Big sister do you believe that I just walk in a certain door and appeared here? With a tone like he is talking to a neighbor next door.

She is trying to peek on the memories of the boy in front of her but all she just sees is fog blocking her from peeking. She didn't believe the boy and created a dark red box on her right hand then send it to the boy, the box float and shoot straight to Clow in a flash.

He catches the object shoots at him and replied, big sister is this a gift box, what inside of it then he touches the lead and it open normally what he sees is just a vortex void that has the function to erase any matter or object. If a living thing was consumed only soul will be remain and contain.

The sustainer with puzzled expression on why that the dark red box didn't expand and swallows the human ant below her but the boy that catches and hold it normally sudden pull two different size of plastic cups that made her more confuse.

Thank you, big sister for this instant noodle cups, he ignores the expression of the sustainer, materialize a futon table, put the cups at the top and put his hand cover with aura inside of the dark red box again then materialize a thermostat pulled it out he uses concealment in the entire box to play a trick, the concealment skill played the role to deceive the eyes or perception of the individual in front of him to tease it then he summons raja.

The box trinket shook and open a golden light shoot out then landed on the white ground, a small tiger landed that has a cape like organ on its back and its body radiating with divine lightning. Raja appeared then she makes a meow roar cute enough to capture any female around but apparently the meow sound has the oppression of a high tier entity that makes every individual in Celestia shiver some fainted on the spot because of the interference they receive backslash in their meditation.

Clow touches his nose then materialize a slipper in his hand swing it to the head of this stupid devourer then raja who is adjusting and stretching herself didn't have time to maneuver to dodge the incoming strike got a bump on the head she almost knocks out on the spot.

Look at you my old buddy, you already sealed your cultivation and use multi-size techniques to become like that but still you release that kind of oppression now only few armored soldiers have their operator and one or two same tier level like the individual on the throne starting to take a peek on what going on here and take interest. Oh well I don't care about them; they can't hurt us at all even they gang up on us.

He sat on the floor and pour some hot water on the open cup noodles the aroma release by it makes him hungry it's been a while seen I've eating this kind of food, raja who got up started to complain. Boss same always you don't care about animal protection, I'm your guardian beast gifted by your father at least I've taken care of you when you're still weak like a chicken back then, that hurts a lot you know like a needle piercing my heart and makes sad expression but sniff the aroma of the cup noodles make her tummy growl lick her lips with her cute pink tongue, boss the big one is mine right right she jumps next to him waited for a reply then heard its yours you can dig in now. She opens the heated cup noodles, put her small head on the big cup bowl and eat.

The sustainer already annoyed she didn't know what trick did the boy a while ago on the dark red box she thrown and felt that she is being ignore also smell the delicious aroma from those cups being born with a high-level tier she didn't need to eat same as those human or entity that needed to ingest food but for her, she has the body to auto gather elements that made her full means she didn't need those nutrients that help the body to improve. There is also this unordinary cat that makes a cute sound made her soul shake, if she didn't put an elemental guard she will faint or felt dying on the spot. The anger meter pilling up she ready to explode.

Lim felt her expectation broke in reality; she wants to see a majestic monster not a small animal doing a cute action to their owner to make them notice but she still needs to greet her senior. She appeared in front of the duo and introduce herself, senior I'm Lim Cross the BASS of the boss with the serial code juiz v.0.0002 and she make a 95-degree bow.

Raja busy eating like a chipmunks heard the small doll introducing herself swallowed her food and laugh, boss she's too polite and eyes on Lim, don't be like that everyone are family. Think about it your still sane being boss BASS for a long time, you know I become a monster who loves to fight as long as I'm with this guy, just going to fight without hesitating, no plan nor no regret just go and don't care about the wounds we receive as long our thirst for a fight filled, we don't stop. Hmm I just love to be lazy, sleep and eat three meals a day then being drag by the master to become his son guardian.

I understand the feeling senior, she nodded with a teary eye.

He doesn't care about the small tiger and hand size doll interaction, his focus, concentration is directed in tasting carefully the noodles that he misses too much, this kind of noodle cups were made by the best cooks in the family with the use of different tier ingredients can be found on middle to upper origin plane.

The slurping sound made the sustainer explode.

Insolent human, guards apprehend them in all cost and those guards that still functional stated to rush to them.

Time really coincidence or both of them just fast on eating their food, the boy burps a little after drinking all the soup while the small tiger cleaning her lips with her Tongue. The atmosphere change around them and both have made a smug smile, He already count the guard that still rushing on them 211 training dummies huh they both stand, well it's a good to have some exercise after eating right muttered lightning enhancement: a dark color lightning cover his whole body and Raja replied with yes with a meow her eyes have a glint of divine lightning.

Both of them disappeared and appear in front of the soldiers rushing in them, two small bodies using the momentum of their speed throws themselves like an unshakable boulder destroying the enemy's formation.