Gen Ga “This Big Crane Looks Delicious”, Liyue Harbor, Archon?

The group now is on an area known as Lisha; they just pass by a small quarry station. Clow teaching Lex how to improve the power of shock using vector manipulation and Grand the ability to use shadow at will, while Chopin on the other side was like an afterimage moving around the area, she was clad with normal lightning enhancement and maximum power volt tackle. This skill called lightning thunder mode "Ultra Godspeed" the recoil of volt tackle was invalid cause of lightning enchantment that improve her body against any lightning or thunder attack, she was holding some kind of a spear but the tip is like a disfigure axe that's continues releasing thunder element, it was a Gungnir made of white iron and regular iron sand that meld by her electromagnetic power.

Chopin has a lot of leeway, every time she waves the Gungnir to any enemy she meets they were cut in half and burn to nothingness by the thunder element, she pauses a little in a cliff at the north, in her view was a ruin called Lingju Pass and when she looks up a certain mountain, she can see one of statue of the seven.

Pika Pika Pi piKa Chu "Master Trainer said that if we were at Liyue, just ignore a being with the most energy or power level, even if it's hidden the perception mastery that you three have archive in our travel was enough to detect it then I'll be giving you guys skill called concealment, it can be passive nor an active skill just don't make auto or else even your existence will be ignore by the world hehehe and lastly I'll be using misdirection is not a skill but it's a good technique to misguide people if they look at you three" then she shifted her eyes on the a spot were a group of humans with different outfit with mask on.

Pika "Fatuis? Should I kill them" Charging the Gungnir with 100 million volt thunder she ready a spear throw aiming the guys below but before she release it, a series of spirit wire wrap her body appeared on the void and drag her in, it even cancel all her ability.

Chopin appeared on the air and landed on a wooden bridge.

Clow petted Chopin, you almost wipe an entire area without putting a barrier, next time you call us and then you can use high powered skill OK.

Pika "HuH?"

Lim "????" with a dark lines on her forehead, *** you just want to increase my work boss.

Munch "Here sis" Lex pulled a big crispy fried fowl leg on his apron giving it to Chopin.

Their diet was change from Pokeblock to home cooking, the three learn simple cooking especially deep frying.

Pika "Thank you Bro, right on time"

Clow heard a scratching on his back and laugh while turning his head, hahaha like I said Grand you cannot enter my shadow even you entered it only death awaits you, you've been doing it for two weeks already, do you know even primordial being that control shadow shivered when they saw a bystander and remember this Grand there is something on my shadow then gave him a pat.

Grand who has doing his new obsession goal to plunge into his master trainer shadow to made it a hideout, his attempt always failed then he heard everything clearly, he stops his movement and cried on the spot.

Gen ga "What monster lurking on it"

Hehehe big guy it's a secret.

Lim on the side know what will appear on a bystander shadow if someone enter it without approval, a phantom beast devourer with the same power level as them will be generated to counter kill any force entry whether it was a foe or an ally. She approached Grand and gave him a poke deleting his new obsession.

Genga "What happen?" He returns to his normal self then heard his sensei Lim explaining everything from the start to the end that made him a jump on fright. He heard laughing after he calms down, fixing his eyes to that direction he saw that it was Lex and Chopin eating a lot of warm food. Next the two was their master trainer tasting the food and giving it score.

Genga "?" before he approaches them, he heard a sound of fighting, the sound frequency was small that means it was far far away from them.

GenGa "did you all heard it, the sound of fighting like someone is struggling?"

Clow: Hmph, he really doesn't want to meddle but it's good to check it, just to check and he enhance his hearing then expand his perception locating the place where the sound coming from after a second locking it, he called everyone and rushes to that place.

While rushing to that place Clow already saw a big white crane following a trail of evil aura in the air then told to everyone to increase their pace.

Chopin activated her Ultra Godspeed disappearing in a flash, the time was pause to those who cannot keeps up on her. Locating the place where the sound coming, it was cave she rush in and saw a little girl almost the same age as their master trainer giving the last blow to a dark hideous deformed seelie that has blood red eyes. The girl exhausted after a long fight pass out, the deformed seelie that slow decapitating lying on the ground suddenly move started to absorb the scattered resentment on the area but before it recovered Chopin appeared holding a dual thunder razor's edges imbued with electricity, she uses Capricious Thunder Piercing Strike sending the enemy outside the cave then she gave the little girl a small electric shot because the little girl body absorb a lot of dark energy she need to be conscious to fight it then Chopin rush out the cave leaving the little girl slowly awakening.

Outside, Lex waiting for a follow up attack because he receives a telepathic message from Chopin that she will send the enemy out and try to give it a touch maybe Grand will love the taste because it has a lot of dark energy.

Lex saw a dark ball figure coming out to his direction, he manipulates the vector on the area creating a kinetic energy that gathers on his right foot.

Munch "Taste my bicycle kick" he made a wrong calculation the kick send it high in the air.

Pika "Why on the sky?" she appeared next to Lex.

The Cloud Retainer saw the dark seelie that releasing the evil aura on the air, a series of golden energy threads caught then wrap and holds it in the air, repeating wind bullet, water slashes, fireballs hit it made her shock but suddenly a hand grab her neck restraining her elemental power and something bind her movement like she was freeze on time, she tried to struggle to get some air because the hand holding her neck tightly then something enters her view a white fat monster appeared in front of her.

The one who caught her was Grand.

Gen ga "This Big Crane Looks Delicious" He was drooling looking at the crane, he loosens the grip of the extra arm a little for it to breath and dispel the shadow blade that stab on the crane shadow to render its movement. He rushes down were his master trainer standing.

They landed on a cliff, the cloud retainer saw a boy, the golden energy threads that wrap the evil thing was from his left hand connected to each finger. She heard the next move that the boy spoke Kekkai "Entrapment", the evil thing trap on a bluish cube barrier then the boy gives it the last blow Metsu the barrier collapse, the seelie was destroyed leaving only the evil aura in the air.

The boy command the white monster to release her and feeds on the dark aura, she regains her freedom and planned to made a retreat but the boy speak again pointing a certain cave telling her to go inside that cave, there someone connected to you by fate and try to forget that you saw us even you try to speak about our information no words will come out on your beak, I don't plan to erase your memories about meeting us or threatened you it's a command do you copy. A large deterrence pressure pours down on her, she can only nod after that 2 small monster appeared without a sound next to the boy then the group sudden vanish without a trace.

Is that boy really a human, his command exceeds an archon or something above them, she recovered her calm then rushes to investigate the cave. Inside she finds a little girl exhausted, famish, parched and her life hanging by a thread then discovered she was also the source of the evil art but suddenly a memory about what really happen in the area was send to her brain, she didn't know where it came from. She decided to comprehend everything, after a minute pitying on the lass ruinous fate, seeing that she possessed great talent and trying to repelled the terrifying force on her own, she didn't hesitate anymore and she convince the little girl that she was friendly being and the girl heard it fell unconscious. She picks up the girl to bring her back, to heal her and to become her disciple in the adeptal path.


An hour later the group now was on the side of the road below Mt. Tianheng, their holding some fresh cook food.

We almost forget to finish our lunch, Lim what up with the face?

Boss are you sure, you didn't read the future plot of this world.

Yeah, who need it and I don't care about it, I'm just doing what I want then remember it that I cut my connection do any universe so that I'm not be included to any story or plot, every bystander needs to that though.

Oh yeah, I remember that boss, my bad but boss you did not use any skill right. Why did you tell to that crane that someone connected to her by fate in that cave?

It was my eyes; it's ongoing time evolution cause by my physical cultivation level that's why I was always on closed eyes mode. You did check my body when my soul is properly connected to this body but you didn't know that these pair of eyes are not in any records from upper origin realm to lower worlds.

Oh, should I send the information to the main BASS.

It depends on you. The three Pokemon made a sound and Lim is the one to answer them.

Genga, Pika, Munch "Future plot?" Grand holding a big bucket of fried chickens, Chopin and Lex eating desserts.

You three just lessen your existence using concealment, especially forget what me and the boss just discuss. Looking at the three nodding made her happy.

Oh, I already see the city over here and Grand try to shrink your body if you want to stroll with us or else you need to hide on Lex shadow.

Gen ga "Ok" he made a salute then activated legendary level mastery Gigantification skill, Chopin was the first to discover the hidden effect of the skill that you can become giant or small anytime as long you mastered it well. His size, high and weight shrink on the same level of Lex body.

Munch "Not bad bro" giving a like hand gesture to Grand direction, his mouth was full of icing.

After a couple of minutes, they pass by a wooden bridge then enter the city moving forward to the adventurer association. Some children and adults pointing at the Pokemons, some ignore cause of misdirection technique.

The group arrived on the location, they ask for a pass to enter chasm to the receptionist but the person in charge ask for an ID, luckily his grandma put something on his shoulder bag it was an ID of his grandma and there a seal saying that she was an honorary member of Fontaine adventure guild. The receptionist receives it then he told to the group that the processing of the pass will take for days or a week.

Thank you, mister for the help. Clow called everyone for a stroll in Liyue Harbor.

He heard the sound of striking iron, that's a nice hammering skill for a blacksmith then look at the weapon shop next to the adventurer guild. Should I take a look? But Lim called him.

Boss the three already in front of the restaurant below, their trying to order foods using Nen-Qi to write words in the air.

Ok, let's check them. He walks straight down to the restaurant and read the sign board "Wanmin Restaurant" He saw an old man in the counter, a middle age man busy cooking and a pregnant woman resting watching her husband work. He asks the old man on the counter, did my monster pets make a commotion.

The old man replied it's not, he looks at the kid and the three-monster waiting for their order to be cook by his son. Your new here in Liyue harbor right, did you teach them how to communicate, it was shocking a little when a series of words appeared in the air, their making cute growls and they also knows how to count mora, luckily the letters on those word are not jumble.

Yeah, it almost takes them a week to learn the letters and understand words "of this world". Did their order dine in or take out?

Right on time it's take out kid, Mao did you pack the food properly, the middle age man replied to his father with a yes and gave the pack food to each Pokemon.

He sends a telepathic message to the three to thank the owner of the restaurant. The three Pokemon bow to the old man and middle age man then bid them a farewell.

They left the restaurant and walk to find a good spot for the three to eat while for him is just to look around and observed. They find a good spot; it was small plaza next to it was the teleportation waypoint and a big tree. The three Pokemon started to eat while Clow stands in the front of a bulletin board starts to read adds, new and etc. for some reason a teenage boy bump in to him, the teenage boy bow and apologize he has a sad expression. Clow ask him about his problem, the teenage boy introduced himself as Shitou he was scolded by his father about mistake in managing their business so he plans to start a new one on his own then Clow gave him an idea it was stone gambling he explain how it work to Shitou after that he bid him good luck then he called the group to find a place to stay.

They pass by a tea house to ask for a good inn, the receptionist only gave them direction. On the road after passing a small bridge they saw a group of merchants, workers and escorts looks very tired, the cargo boxes are scattered on the road. Grand pull his master trainer gakuran.

Genga "Should we help them?"

Then let's go, the group walks to a merchant wearing a fancy clothes. Mister do you need help.

The merchant turns around he saw a child and 3 unknown creatures. Kid what help can you possibly offer, the kid pointed on the white creature, it's eyes flash with a glint then the large box was lifted on the air that made the merchant shock, after calming he ask the kid to help them.

After helping the workers and escorts on putting all the baggage and cargo boxes on their storage area, they didn't wait for the merchants and their men to thank them. The group return to the main to road, there was a lot of people because it's almost the end of the day. Chopin resting on the head of Lex pause a little, they both felt an energy level exceed a human, planning to check who it is to issue a challenge but then both saw their sensei Lim on their front telling them the command of their master trainer to ignore it. Clow holding a bunch of fish crackers looking for an inn and Grand eating candies, he was the second to detect that energy level but he doesn't care about it because he was thinking about what will be the dinner tonight.

Then Lim look at the tall man with fair skin and a stern expression with bright, sharp eyes and a set of amber color yellow pupils shape on diamond. He has dark brown hair is styled in a windswept fashion and is pulled back in a long ponytail that falls beyond his waist, wearing an elegant attire and form-fitting, consisting of a beige dress shirt, a brown and amber waistcoat, slim black trousers, black dress boots, and black gloves with twin silver archer rings on the thumbs that just pass by them. Tsk, tsk all characters on stories are dashing, handsome and beautiful.

She remembers her boss appearance back then that always wear a white shirt, a black 4 pocket short and a pair of wooden slippers, even you appraise these items it always appeared normal tier item doing his duties given by the old one but people around him didn't think that this person hands was bathed on bloods of any entity in any tier realm of cultivation. Bystander really the opposite of a protagonist and antagonist that always wear divine items.

The man was an ancient ruler incognito in his mortal transfiguration, an Archon name Morax and he was called Zongli in his human form was strolling in Liyue Harbor then he overheard a merchant telling one of his workers.

"You've finished your duties, go ahead and call it a day."

He paused and long did he stand amidst the milling crowd.

He muttered to himself "Have I... already finished my duties?"