Not an ocean but an entire space, Half-Step Unknown, Heart Demons?

30 minutes before a certain yokai entered the concealed barrier where our MC taking his breakthrough.

The shrine maiden known as Guuji Yae was taking her leisure walk on Liyue harbor after completing the commission ask by her best friend the shogun and archon of Inazuma. A lot of agenda and problem were solved through different meeting between representative of both regions was accomplish by her perfectly. She was now holding a bottle wine and a pack of food looking for a good place as a vintage point to enjoy the view around Liyue while reading the book she had bought. She decided to go at the top of Mt. Tianheng a perfect spot to view the whole Liyue Harbor and the sea.

She arrived at the top then look around the place to find a good area to sit on and at the moment she made a step in a certain spot where our MC main camp was deployed, she felt of passing through on a thin field of barrier. The first thing that enters her mind was a domain but nothing has change on the place, she moves forward and then realize that her human form was canceled reverting back to her original form, a cute little pink fox.

What was just happen and how? Looking at her paw and she heard that someone speak then lifted her head. What enter her view was an unknown amount of human circling a regular young man that has a black straight katana without a tsuba tied on his waist wearing a white shirt, tattered jeans and slippers then realizing that she also among the crowd.

Human how did you just appeared here? It was the man leading the crowd that talk.

When she heard the man, a strong pressure trying to flatten her to dead and images of her death on different ways enters her mind. Her fur straightens up like needles, sweating nonstop and peed of fright.

Why is this happening to me, am I going to die here? Trying to grasp for air but the intensity of pressure exceeds what can her body handled.

What the, how did you even enter this concealed space.

She felt that her whole body was covered by warm light and the pressure was vanish, she was able to see who was the one covered her. In her view was a hand size doll with red hair wearing a suit.


After changing the first formation barrier Lim shifted her attention to the fox.

I don't think if you're lucky or not that you didn't die because it was not the narrator nor the young man aka my boss word enters your ears, quite a strong willed one to stay alive within a minute hearing a primordial beast talk, not bad. Don't call me little one of else I'll make a stew out of you, I'm much much older than this world nor this cosmos, don't try to speak even I know you can and do not ever comprehend either understand what will you see in this place if you don't want to die, just stay still.

She patted the head of the pink fox and teas it with a playful smile, a Gumiho that peed herself what a shame, now I got someone to wait here for the boss finish his breakthrough and let's indulge in thy suffering. The fox flush and hot steam puff on her head, what can I do on that situation but cannot muttered a word because Lim put a command on her.

Lim created a couch next to the fox, sat on it then started gaming. The fox gets what was Lim trying to say then she looks at the scene in her front, she cannot even leave the spot like she was bind by something. When the narrator started to narrate, the fox feels the intent that if she made a disturbance, she'll die instantly. She felt a small hand touching her fur and heard, relax it just a memory but deadly so, remember what I told you earlier not to comprehend ok, after hearing that she just nodded not looking at Lim. She knows that the hand size being was stronger than those people she had met on her life.

Narrator: The young replied to the man asking on how he get here, do you all believe that I'm just a passerby on this world, just to take a little stop so, just let me go and everyone will do what they do ok.

Do you think we should just let you go after entering this world, you humans will release information about our world and then come flocking to treasure hunt or either grab resources from us the inhabitants of this world?

The man issues a command, one of them rushes to the young man or should I just say the owner of this memories Tobi Bloodborne. The one that rush was flatten to death cause of unknown level tier of pressure like gravity but didn't cause any damage on the environment.

Looks like my guess was right, there something or item concealing your cultivation level and that's why you were able to enter our world without alarming us. Any last words before you die young man?

Tobi: I don't want to fight but you guys don't let me go peacefully so, nothing escape from my eyes everything will return to their original form.

After saying that all the inhabitants in that world return to their monster form even they're not included on ganging up Tobi.

What are you? The man leading the group also included he was a humanoid monster. No more talking everyone go kill that man, he pointed Tobi giving the signal. Everyone releases their bloodlust and killing intent then they vanish on their original place traveling on unknown speed to butcher the human that set foot in their world.

Tobi didn't move but shakes his head from left to right, should I really put my concealment to the peak when I enter a world and what done is done. It started to rain on clear sunny day, it's not droplets of water but blood and after the blood rain finish bodies that was cut clean by something started falling from the sky.

The monsters of that world, sinners nor innocents were cut on half within a second.

The pink fox that watching the whole scene was in shock, her mouth was wide opened that can swallowed a whole boiled egg in one go and then she heard Lim voice.

When a human killed a monster in a world nor cosmos ruled by them, a special mark will put on him that cannot be remove as long as he/she died, they will hunt you nonstop from places to places and worlds to worlds, the only way to remove that mark was a total annihilation of monsters that lives in that world or universe before she continues to explain what truly happen the narrator cut her out.

Tobi looks at the leading monster that also died, too bad I thought you can dodge or block a simple sword mind attack, a peak phase middle primordial beast and quite sad I don't eat humanoid monster, what a waste. He scanned the whole planet then flickered appeared on a certain grassland and on his view was a corpse of a true dragon on unknown size that even its height was reaching the sky. This monster also killed by his sword mind, the basic skill he had use called Illusionary Soul Annihilation Slash, it's kind of a soul link attack cutting any entity, their descendants and connection to others like friends, etc. Erasing their existence in past, present and future.

A good ingredient for a snack, he materializes a butcher knife on his left hand and the other hand was a normal kitchen knife. While he was busy preparing ingredients and cooking, a group of three entity was passing by that cosmos.

2 Middle aged man, one had an ordinary build but tall and the other was a burly man carrying a 2-3 years old little girl. The girl disturbs the one who carrying her flying through space, there something delicious over that direction and both men stop, look each other then decided to check that place.

While Tobi was eating a large chunk of meat the three entities arrived in front of him, there is no hostility on them but the men smiled. The little girl jumps out of the hands of the burly man, arrived in front of Tobi instant.

Uncle it's been a while, can I have that. She was pointing the dragon that being grilled on his back.

Auntie don't disturb grand uncle, the burly man being nervous his shadow was not normal there was a large being that has a lot of tentacles. The thin tall man pulled a chair and sat on it in front of the bonfire.

It's ok, Let Ina have it and Nyarlathotep why the three of you roaming around this area?

Well Uncle, our parents cursed seal slowly breaking so, mother ask me and Cthulhu to find a world that can disabled Ina's cursed, she was stack on that Chibi form for too long already. Father didn't want their cursed seal to be fix, it was a cursed that can make an entity enter eternal slumber before both of the sleep they gave us that order. Let Ina live peacefully, we their children's and decedents will guard them, watch the world they will create while on sleep.

I see, should I visit them and destroy that cursed? Cthulhu Why stand over there just take a sit and look at your auntie, she was doing her own thing eating. Large portion of meat was being devour so fast that even the bones were swallowed.

Ahh, Cthulhu sat on the ground and look at them. The feeling of being drown not by a sea but something heavier than that, that's the first impression he got from Tobi when he was a kid back then. He asks his grandfather what kind of person Tobi was and got a respond Let see how to describe him, do you know that the size of our territory is the same size of my soul and if I compare him to me, he was not the sea but the whole space itself that was his outer soul size cannot be measured. He shrugged, his aunt really being unreasonable to him, he was like a servant doing all the chores for her.

Narrator: The young man back then that hugging their cousin body received a new name that was Azathoth the Nuclear Chaos, he attains his cultivation on the same way that Tier 15 Devourer use by eating taboos not taking the route of ascension to Tier 15 Primordial Realm. The soul of their cousin never leaves that man and before he reanimated her, she asks him what is a true beauty to you then she got the reply How can I call a woman beautiful if she had no tentacles? Their cousin just gave a bright smile to the one she loves because she didn't care what appearance she will take after this ritual.

After Ina finish eating, Tobi also done on his portion. Ina rushes and sat next to her brother Nyarlathotep, Uncle looks like you need help gathering all the creature's body that you've slaughtered.

To tell you the truth this was just an accident kill, I'm looking for the 1st devourer beast on this area and after getting a lead I decided to take a breathing then this happened. Tobi made a stretch, got enough rest and can the three of you tidy this world, lastly Nyarlathotep try to check the peak cosmos not look at the bottom.

Nyarlathotep who was reading a book while waiting replied, I see that's not a bad idea uncle but payment of letting us to enter will much pricier. An alien beast was different from other creatures so, administrators and chaos being that has full authority can easily detected them even they suppressed their power level if they do a force entry.

Really uncle we can have all the corpse here. Ina looks at Cthulhu giving him a signal and then Cthulhu summon some servant to do clean up. Tobi leaves the three while scratching the back of his head.


Look this is what happen when you push a normal human to the edge, he/she will become a monster above monster. Look at my boss he travels in different cosmos to just hunt beings that cannot be killed by ordinary means as food to increase his power, he trains the same routine every single day, always doing reckless things even fighting admins and chaos being.

After a memory finish playing new one keeps popping, the pink fox saw a lot of beautiful worlds, starry sky, place that cannot be describe, different fights of different races, Heroes vs Demon Lords, monsters bigger than a universe but the man who own each memory was just a watcher, no one notice him like he had no existence but when this man was pulled on a fight, annihilation was the result and every time he pulled his sword multiple cosmos vanish to nothingness. Those who block him perish even their soul existence wipe outs to the memories who knows them except those being above living on upper origin realm.

How can a human can do this? She wants to know but cannot speak to the Lim that sitting next to her playing games. She cannot read the real emotions of the man that smiling and laughing madly when entities gang up on him then she heard Lim respond.

He had lost his emotion but can read others expression, in the middle realm entities deprive others, stealing treasure, killing, all kind of sins mix up. Cultivators travel world to world to plunder same for monsters, aliens live for colonization and other entities was just want to live peacefully but how can they do if their weak that's the realization of the sentence strong prey the weak, weak fear the strong. When some notice my boss presence on a scene, they will only detect him as a normal human without cultivation, a fresh meat for monsters as for cultivator he was just an ant that can be used as a cannon fodder. Remember this you're lucky living in a world in lower realm but if this world ascended and enters middle realm a lot of being will lock on it, letting this world mature ready for harvest.

I see you can read my thoughts so, this boss of yours don't care about the innocence's living on those worlds and cosmos he had destroyed and how come no one chasing him by doing that.

You're wrong about that, those worlds already been tarnished and you think those humans that pitiful on the scene will change if you clean all the owner or kill it, it's a big no. the mind set or a set of code was already programed that it will repeat the same scene in present or future. Lastly why no one chasing him because he had the biggest escape goat after erasing all evidence and by limiting his presence in the whole middle realm there are the devourers. Entities who love to eat and destroy worlds those big beings that you saw.

Before they continue of their conversation the memory images with a scene before entering upper origin realm and discarding his sword that was compiling ready for play was tampered like an old television channel then the video play it was different to the other memories because it was a warm scene.

One two, one two Moshi Moshi, Hello Hello it looks like ready to record wait need to test the mic. Lim and the fox were confused because on the scene was three baby girls on a cliff, one who holding a video camera special on recording has a silver hair with little red on it, pair of red horns, she had a purple like gem eyes but had a lazy atmosphere on her and a tail with a hair like it was burning. The one who standing like a cool bodyguard had also a silver hair with a pair of red eyes like ruby and same with the other who holding a fishing rod like she was always curious about her surrounding smiling happily.

The serious baby girl speaks to the one holding the camera, Little Ni_n it's not your first time recording right why not use your phone.

Sk_di Nee-san phones are not good on making a documentation especially now that Spect_r Nee-san caught a big one, lucky we pick this area and put a barrier on it, she started recording.

Nee-san what were the things you did after hatching on your egg embryo, pointing the camera to the serious baby girl.

After I hatch dad is sleeping not on the living room, I clean myself up and because he had used his soul blood, we acquired all his knowledge and experience. I completely understand that our dad was a scary man and the next morning he had rush down upstairs the next thing I do was stand in front him like a guardian protecting Spect_r, you, D_sk, Li_g and the other 9 eggs that still not hatching until today.

Well well well, I did remember that someone that hatches and throws a molten fire breath to our papa. It was the curios girl holding the rod and in the end of the fishing line was a large monster. The pink fox knows that monster, it was one of the scariest sea creatures on Teyvat monster bestiary, the monster cannot even fight against the baby girl who slowly reeling the fishing rod

Ha ha ha, it's all in the past ok now let me focus on the scene that I want to record. It's all my own reaction cause pop's love to eat dragon's meat, not my fault 100%.

Lim pulling her hair down like a psychopath, the memory was a glimpse of a certain future that her boss forgotten sealed on those worlds inside his cultivation system, damn after appraising the baby girls she remembered the card containing two Void Sea Hunter race embryos. The thing is their race in the video was 99% high human and 1% Void Sea Hunter race while the dragonborn was the same she has 1% true dragon bloodline.

Tomorrow will be my sister's 1st birthday party and we got a big catch; they were both good on hunting. Let me ask both of them what kind of present they wanted for tomorrow.

Nee-san's what present do you want?

The cool type baby girl was the first to respond, anything as long is useful when we travel worlds like the last time.

Me me my turned, the curios baby girl also gave her suggestion for the gift she wanted, I will ask papa for a special world travel that's on going in its 2nd phase cataclysm or Ragnarok.

Noted, the dragon born focus the camera on the creature that struggling. Nee-san should we just kill it, it's much faster procedure you know.

Nope, patience is a virtue remember that Ni_n. She just slowly reeling her rod and the creature was also getting drag near the cliff.

For some reason the serious type aura around her change then she speaks, I think it's really much easier to bring it home by slaughtering it, her both red eyes glint with intent, the void around the area that was stagnant started to move like it has a life swarming in her right baby hand.

Lim that's watching knows that's attainment. Sword Preaching Jian Nian attainment all sword nor energy that can become a sword will be his/her weapon and those who got this were feared by other sword user that didn't attain it.

What's that, the pink fox wanted to know everything and she was not a sword user but her friend was an expert on it.

Just watch and you will know.

Nee-san don't do it or else I also strike it with different method

The serious type didn't respond and started to chant after that she commanded the void to hack cut the beast down horizontally.

Millisecond before the void attack cut the beast, the curios type throws her fishing rod down and turned around like she didn't care what will happen but claps her both hands. In that moment above the creature an entity was materialize, a large whale shark that had 64 wings aka Kunpeng, it opens its mouth eating the beast on one bite and its body ignores the void attack.

WoW, that's crazy and look my sisters are not mad on each other. She saw the serious one rushes and hug the other then started patted her.

Not bad, see you can summon a large one now.

Mattaku "Seriously", she loves being treated like this and then she opens ups her inventory to look if the corpse was totally collected. Got it she smiles happily.

Ok ok, Let's go home but before the three started to clean up a small figure martialize.

Hey it's me, the future me. Lim jumps out the couch and pointed her own.

Lim on the memory made a cough and started to lecture the three babies after that she pulled a bunch of tickets.

Look this is just part of my gift to you two and I also included everyone share, while using my authority I have collected some information of worlds in the lower realm and got a special info. A world that was on going in a Ragnarok not by annihilation type but a Deity vs Human fight and this ticket is for us to enter the colosseum to watch it live. One of the main events was Heracles Vs Jack the Ripper well, we can still buy some new ones for the upcoming fight after going on that place.

Now now let's go pack everything up and Ni_n you blown away again your workshop, not fixing it running to escape punishment.

Hehehehe, she ignoring it trying to focus the camera on herself then made an Einstein emoticon.

I'm not gonna lecture you, just next time repair it before playing ok.

Really aunt she saw her nodded and she also gave her a victory pose as a respond.

After the three done in packing up everything around the area, the serious type summoned a mini kunpeng opening a channel as teleportation back home.

Before the teleportation channel closed the dragon born sudden turned around and muttered, if aunt didn't see me back then setting all those magic formations, I should have blown that tower on half of the first world we have traveled giving a smile of mischief like she can see Lim and the fox who were watching the scene.

The memory cut on and slowly being absorb by the main body, the reality marble slowly disappearing. The pressure vanishes cause of that scene was quite normal and warm.

The fox felt that thing binding her was loosen but before she was able to move and ask a lot of things, Lim appeared on her front like a hero shielding a beauty.

Don't relax your guard stay still, damn this is the last part and before last scattered memory fragment was absorbed there was an image that only her can see.

A picture of a man lying on space so dark and the light comes from the traces of unknown sword aura, the man was dying but he had no pain nor regret on his expression. A lot of wounds can be seen, half of his neck was cut, a hole on the chest that looks like pierce by something, his cloths were tattered cause by the fight with traces of blood on it and lost limbs. The man stretches his right hand that missing 2 fingers and speak up his last word "I won".

That can't be, no nope it's a lie he always says that no one can kill him except himself but before she cried an information enter her mind telling her that image was a certain future of him fighting the first unknown on peak level bystander realm. I see, thanks Alicia and why not tell me about this. Tsk it leaves a bitterness on my mouth I'm your BASS, at least have faith on me then she looks at the fox.

You ready, she already felt the intensity of incoming unknown aura and didn't know how to block it.

Pink fox nodded at Lim; she created a small elemental shield to cover herself.

Ahh, what to do and then a link sudden shoot out from her boss body piercing her, it was a tiny stable aura of half-step unknown.

On timing boss, she had no time to analyze the aura and directly use it by mixing it to her own.

The vibes around her change, all the tattoos on her body compiled on her single hand, her aura and Qi made the suit fluttered on the wind. She started to deploy a peak tier 15 multiple formation barrier.

I'm Lim Cross

My role was to support one of the first bystander

I can be a shield, a weapon, a friend and a part of their family

My shield cannot be pierce by anything below my level

Vindictus Caieli Protegat Nos Ab Omni Noxa Ineunte

Multa Deaurabis Indissolubilis Scutum

A sphere of codes was created on her hand then she grips smashing it hard, the codes scattered in the air and created layer of layers of shield forming a mini dome, deployment completed.

It was a counter type shield that can absorb and return any incoming attack in either below her level nor the same. The formation was almost a copy of a certain cosmos type prison that hold or imprison those entity that committed taboos.

I think this multiple formation is enough to protect us and seal this space.

The fox completely comprehended everything after seeing the boy that standing in the middle not moving, her fur started to stands up the moment she looks at it.

Relax we are now safe, do not look to much at him or else something bad will happened to you. The last part began, her boss body releases a blood sea aka a 100% intense blood lust with killing intent and aura of half-step unknown mix on it. This is why Lim was scared that if a tiny of it gush out of the formation, she didn't know how many worlds or cosmos will vanish instantly not living any trace to recover them.

The fox started to shiver; Lim had no choice to materialize something to cover her. Breath normally or sleep it will be finish soon after you wake up, she decided to put it on sleep using magic. She created a chair and desk, sit on it then analyze everything she had saw after a second, a conclusion was made that was her boss saw two different futures and in this life of his was taking in different route. Another voice message enters her mind again that contains that the future that her boss see was before him and both of his sisters enters upper origin realm.

She felt relieved, pulling her console out she started to play a game to wait again.


Clow stretch his both arms up and breathe a sigh of relief, the core of his cultivation system changed a lot. The fire of the supernova had new type of flame; a defense white flame was in the middle while black flame was now mix on the red fire. The world and cosmos were now sending different power from rule, law, DAO, TAO, Qi of creation and destruction, aura of life and death to etc. everything was being burned trying to deconstruct it making a power that cannot be describe, it's like a gene code sequence compiling building up a structure.

He uses the new power that had just been made, Hmph it's looked the same as Aura Nen-Qi but everything was combined on it. Quite dangerous mixing up even annihilation laws, let's not try not to use this outside.

Well then, looks like someone wanted to see me and before he goes to that place, he checks what was happening outside in reality with a small window screen, looks like Lim was doing a good job on her work then shifter his gaze on everything around his cultivation system. My estimated time of every foundation will be stable should be 6 – 8 hours so, let see whose calling me.

He started to walk passing the core, the new worlds and cosmos gave way for him, traveling in normal speed and diving deeper just to arrive in front of a wooden room door, the door had a lot of tags on it.

The tags on the door had two different penmanship, it was written by both of his sisters.

Soul Heart, Sword Soul, even you lost everything never forget you have a heart, thy always remember you're a human back then, A simple life make you strong, etc. do they really need to put all of this. He shrugged not knowing if he removes it or not but this was not the time for it, he opens and entered that door.

He landed on the ground; everything was white like a blank sheet of paper. Hey it's quite rude that no one greeted me while someone of you called me here? I'll count to 3 if no one appears in front of me I'll beat every single of you to death.

Ok ok, 3. He didn't count the 1 and 2, he performs a corkscrew punch in front of him but someone appeared blocking it with a foot.

Damn why are you here, no one called you. The white color covering everything slowly crumbling like a mirror replaces by a city and the man block Clow "Tobi" was a burly Asian man with a messy hair style.

Longtime no see my heart demon.

Who wants to see you and lastly that punch hurts a lot even you didn't put Qi on it? stretching the feet that block the punch a while ago.

Clow looks around a lot of individuals surrounding them, all are equipped with weapons ready to fight him.

Quite lively over here huh.

Guys stand down the owner was not here to wipe us out, like I said he is not a cultivator that fear us heart demons and for him we are part of his power that under his disposal for a certain renewal sword technique. The later part that I'm saying back then that he will use that skill on fighting a certain being so, go back do your dailies while waving his hand to them.

Let's get back to our business, owner you know your quite something and we just receive the feedback on your breakthrough oh well, even we try to gang up on you we sure to be erase on a blink.

Are you sure about that, are they my personas before my soul fully synchronize on this body?

Yup, quite shock right and even I am back then when the first one appeared, every time your cover soul enters samsara a new one appeared. They also know that they were part of you, that's also made me more curious but still it's you who decide about them not me.

Let them be, do you think anyone of them called me here.

That's a no and now I think who it is, just follow me to my home to pick it up for you to see.

Ok and are guys want to go too? an old priest, a man wearing a uniform like suit, a 4-meter man with a beard that had a body like a primitive man and the last was little girl.

All of them replied to him, it's ok for us to observed you while you're here, some of us quite curious what kind of guy are you. They want to see the real deal.

It's ok to come along and I'll answer any question if you had.

The group started to walk, after a couple of minutes they exit the city and the view was replaced by a vast farm of vegetables, wheat, corn and etc. then after passing this scenery by they arrive on a cottage near a river.

Wait here guys, the main heart demon conjures a long table and stools for Clow and co to wait for him.

Oh, I almost forgot who knows how to brew tea and here also some snacks. He entered his house to get the thing that calling Clow.

The little girl picks up a snack and spoke to Clow. Can I ask you why didn't you share your powers when we your persona born on those worlds?

Do you think the worlds that all of you within can handle my power but I still remember that every time a persona created it has high tier potential right?

I see, I am not mad at you because the thing happens on my life and same for the others. We all tried to become strong, being a low key but still it's not enough to fight destiny. If a cosmos wants a being to die it will die, even you jump time and create a different route, the outcome is still the same. Parallel world or a mirror one was just an escape.

The priest touches the head of the little girl, it's very rude not to name yourself before asking the other party.

My name is Nike Constantine and this little girl was Melissa Vermillion, I think you've read my memory loadout back then. I wanted to ask sir for an authority for this place to have internet connection outside from lower to middle realm.

I can decide for that but I think you should ask it that from the main and have some tea, he was the one who made the drinks for everybody.


He didn't tell you guys that he was the one handling everything here, still silent as ever. He looks at the old priest that gets everything already, you guys need to ask him on what things are needed for this place to improved and how about the two of you.

The big guy was excited and respond.

Koran WaNts tO plAy aRm wrEstlIng; his words were jumble.

Ok that's not a problem and look like this body appearance was based on you Mr. Shiyoon. Clow smiled at the young employee while sipping a cup of tea, both of them had a habit of being closed eyes.

Looks like I was caught, to be honest before the soul persona was completed something happen and for it to be stable to be born, I've decided to help it, among all the persona here I was one of those above 90% of synchro rate to you. Being born in a parallel world not on the main one, a simple plane life helping those MC on the sideline that was me.

A persona copied on a certain MC in an original world that's not bad and you're much stronger than the original one, Clow was fixing a small venue for him and the big guy.

Thanks for the complement, sir are sure it's will be safe for Koran to play with you?

He will use everything he had and I will not use anything, after my breakthrough every single of you got the blessing of improvement so, what to scare about an arm wrestling.

The big guy was happy and put his right arm on the round table then Clow was on the opposite side, the big guy's arm almost covered his left arm.

Mr. Shiyoon how about do the counting and Ms. Vermillion can you put the venue in a small sealed barrier.

Melissa put the two on a sealing barrier and Mr. Shiyoon counted form 1 – 3.


The old priest was watching the fun, he knows that Clow had no emotion to express but can identify the emotion that they showing to him properly even they were just a part of him. I see you have been understood us from the very beginning you enter your soul heart.

With a shout the big guy releases all his power putting it on his right hand, he roars and try to put down Clow arm but he failed.

Shiyoon did you teach Koran how to use his aura Nen-Qi in that way.

Nope he was like the owner, simplicity made them strong and like a blank paper that if you write something on it, he/she will remember or learn it properly.

Not bad, you even put all type of weapon intent and annihilation laws but still didn't reach me. His small arm pushes the big guy right arm down with a boom and before it created a massive destruction force Clow had to cancel the big guy aura.

Hey stop that, if there is no barrier my garden will be demolish. It was the main heart demon that rushes outside holding a large rectangle case. He slowly walks to Clow and speak.

Here the thing wanted to see you and Koran are satisfied with result. He put down the case.

Koran… kNows he cAn't WiN and HaPpy Having A matCh to SiR.

That's good for you and Shiyoon help the guy up then we will watch something beyond comprehension. He shifted his gaze to Clow who slowly opening the weapon case.

I see so, it's you. The weapon resting in the case was his main origin weapon that he had thrown in unknown space in the middle realm. Nameless, when he holds it every weapon slumbering to each persona and the main heart demon shake like there singing of joy.

The group that was present watching the scene also included, they pulled their weapon on their soul that vibrating and releasing an intent.

The main heart demon laughs madly, what scary sight and this is why even those big bosses was having hard on fighting him.

It's not time for me to hold you then he looks at the main heart demon, she only needs maintenance after that you take care of her. Did my sister put her here?

Yup it was lady Alice, while your sleeping preparing on entering cycle of reincarnation, she enters your soul heart and gave me that katana. Lastly you keep calling it her or she that katana had no sword spirit.

He shakes his head to the main heart demon then materialize a special cleaning kit for a samurai sword. What a troublesome sister, she really did find it and hide it from me. I intended to call it when I'll pass by the middle realm going up to upper origin plane. He made a cut on his finger to let his soul blood drips on to Nameless and the blood vanishes living no stain on it while polishing it with grit paper.

Shiyoon was holding his weapon, the spirit on his weapon was happy, laughing and crying because of joy then he tried to ask it, what are you doing? It replied praising a weapon that completed its role above any kind of weapons, that sword had achieve the impossible that's even I and any kind of weapon that had an ego or spirit did. After that Shiyoon look at the old priest that was smiling holding a sword staff and muttered subarashii.

Old man you look like a certain villain when you say subarashii.

Yeah, Gramps you really look like a villain with that grinning face, it was Melissa who's holding a wand, its spirit was sitting on it crying and clapping.

The old priest cannot refute both of them then gave a strong laugh that can vibrate the air.

My wEapon Also SHoutIng LoOk. It was Koran holding a large bone sword and waving it up on the air.

The main heart demon was just smiling while watching Clow's every move.

After an hour the maintenance was done, he stands up and put nameless back to her weapon case after closing it he turned around then told the group that it's time for him to go back.

Hide her properly and at the time that I will need it you're the one who will send it to me. Clow figure slowly disappeared on his position.

The main heart demon that was going to picks up the weapon case was stop by a 2 year's old boy that wearing a bartender attire sitting on it. Alfred what's the meaning of this?

It was the 1st persona and also called the 2nd heart demon. Do you still hiding something from us, the owner already said that you have all the authority here so, helps us to improve this place and I think he don't mind about it?

Okay let's have a meeting after I hide his weapon.

Really no more secrets to hide? Another persona appeared it was a young normal lady with a plane figure, following her were other personas.

Yunxi why call everyone here, he was sweating knowing that his capability was not like the owner even he had the authority of his soul heart, he can't fight this group of personas.

Alfred stands up and said to everyone. Let's beat him up and then decide after a while but before they all be able to gang up the first heart demon an eerie playful chuckle made everyone who lives in Clow soul heart tremble.

Old man Nike look, Shiyoon tap the old priest shoulder and pointed the direction where the weapon case is.

Everyone notices him and look at that way. There was a girl younger than Alfred wearing a white dress touching the case happily humming a playful song and then she tilted her head to look at everyone present. Her eyes were black like an empty void and when she smiles everyone felt that they were killed instantly without any resistance then she vanishes on the air living a chuckle.

What the heck is that? Alfred looks at the main heart demon.

Death herself so, that's why he keeps calling it her or she. Everyone return back now; I'll hide his weapon properly and no one is allowed to go near my home for a while. Everyone nodded as a respond to him and they know that a weapon evolves or become strong depends on his holder power but why it was still a normal tier weapon.

Clow who was walking out from his cultivation system returning to his consciousness after his core finish stabilizing look back and said, looks like their having fun.


Back in reality the blood sea was slowly retracted back on his body, he opens his eyes and look around then he walks to the place where Lim was sleeping with a small animal next to her.

He crouches down and poke the hand size doll. Lim hey, lazy bum time to wakes up then he had no choice but to flick her head.

Aw who the heck did that, she jumps up from the couch readying a martial stance to fight the one who hits her. What the H***, damn boss it's you and congrats on the breakthrough, can you please close your eyes it's quite releasing a deterrence that keeps increasing.

Ahh my bad so, what's up with the fox next to you and I'm quite famish should I make a fox stew from her.

Nope and no, I remember that you don't have the habit to eat entity that can become humanoid and lastly, I have a question?

Go on, he opens the bystander market place using Lim's connection to their world to order some food that directly send to his inventory. He pulled the foods out and started to eat.

Hmph let me see, she also picks up some food to eat then she asks her boss. Boss why did you walk a bloody path before going up, what I know about you and every bystander's only needs time, age of body and soul to accumulate different powers slowly becoming strong?

You already know everything about the middle realm, if you are weak, you'll just a prey and do you believe that everything was just coincidence, they were the one who attack an innocent human that passing by or watching the scene on the sideline. Remember one of the mottos created by me and both of my sisters right "We Bystander's Walks A Path Without Regrets" it was included when we become the old one's agents. Yup your correct, we only need time but to double nor multiply the accumulation we need to eat, that's why I hunted high tier monsters and even devourers as ingredients for our food. He had destroyed nor cut DAO, TAO, Rules, Laws, Wills and etc. that a cosmos had even those who try to become his enemy become nothingness that cannot be reborn, resurrect or reincarnate.

I know that boss, worlds can be normal nor not depends on the owner of that territory, sin made an entity commit taboos and those who work on the management are the one who hunts or capture them. She works so hard that when her boss wipes up a cosmos, she was the one who recreate it and living only those inhabitants that not committed sin above a regular human can do like killing, r*** and etc.

While licking his finger after eating he look at Lim that having a bad mood and pat her head then laugh.

Boss you're messing my hair and with a lot of effort she was able to remove his hand. After tidying up she remember a certain memory and try to made a Q&A to Clow.

Heh boss you know I watch a certain memory from you, it's quite interesting and I know you already forget it, want me to make you remember that memory.

No need, do you think I don't know what you're plotting hehehehe.

Tsk humph, she stands up and kicks the ground then remember the fox that sleeping quietly.

Ahh almost forget, boss what should we do about her.



Hahaha, do the same thing sent her back and wipes her memory about us.

That's so mean oh well, we cannot just turn back time when she walks through here because it was included on your contract.

Should I just destroy it, you know I can do it now if I wanted to hehehe.

Huh that's against the rules and promise you made to Goshujin, I'll just seal the memory of us then tampered it with a new one.

That's good too, let me do it. His hands cancel the elemental shield that covering the fox then poke her head after that he made a snap. The pink fox vanishes on her position and Lim shouted.

It should be me, Oh sh** I thought it's time for me to shine making a memory like on those novels a peasant saves a fox and the fox fall in love with him. Boss what kind memory did you put?

Just a normal adventure of her enjoying every scenery in Liyue region that's all and contact those three tell them they have 1 day to rendezvous to the main camp, it's time to dig some stones and no need for a permit, we will be doing the simpliest way. He didn't tell to Lim that the seal of the memory about them inside the fox can be broken as long the pink fox will saw them again, that's depends if her eyes will be able to pierce again their concealment.

Ask you command sir, Lim gave a salute then contacted the three using telepathy.


Early morning in a certain manor in Liyue for guest, a pink fox appeared with the book she had bought but the food back then was already spoiled so it was not included to her designated room, she was back to her human form sleeping quietly. The two shrine maiden attendants still in panic because she was disappeared 2 days already, they making commotion that made her wakes up.

She sits up on her bed, made a morning stretch then tidy herself up. She walks out of her room and saw her attendants.

It's so early in the morning and what's up with the both of you making crazy sound around? She had a playful lazy tone and looking at the two who had eyebags, teary eyes and quite tired then they respond to her.

You sudden gone missing and were trying to find you everywhere?

Yeah yeah, didn't even leave a note that you're going out and we've been asking everyone around if they saw you.

Huh? I did remember that I leave a letter that I'm going to check some sceneries around Liyue and you, I also said to you that I'm going out right.

Nope nothing but luckily, you're already here our ride back home was already prepared for sail. The two cannot win an argument from her so they change the topic.

Eh? really then she smiles to the two. Her memory about our MC really was sealed and change.


Lim was busy scanning her boss book binder, Clow was doing his early exercise after that he started to prepare his fishing equipment.

Boss I'll be borrowing a certain monster on your collections.

It's ok as long that it's not a limited-edition tier 15 card.

Okey dokey hehehe, Lex wanted to give the girl that their helping a graduation ceremony and as for special mean was to let her see a fight or a duel.

I see so, you let the girl remember them or she will not forget as long she had an item connected to them?

The later that's the plan, I'll be going bye bye? She waves her hand to Clow and disappeared. He only shakes his head and flickered appeared on certain platform on the harbor.


The girl looks at the three Pokémon's rallying up, they said to her that this day will be her graduation ceremony and it's time for them to go back, to return to their rightful path.

Genga "Come and sit next to me for a while" He just finish setting up a chair and table, he was sitting on a log waiting for their sensei to appear.

She sits on the chair and observe her other teachers.

Chopin crated a pole with handle to hold the com device to take picture of them on the direction where the furniture was and Lex was writing something.

Tadda your ultimate super extreme talented support of all mankind is here, Lim appeared in the air wearing a punk attire with matching cool headset singing and a cape full of advertisement tags making a beat then doing breaking dance.

@ _ @ the three Pokémon's totally confuse about what's happening.

The performance finishes with a pose like a certain Pokémon world champion, it's time for judgement and after those words all of them was send to a beautiful domain, now we got a good background view to get a picture.

Everyone was amazed of the spectacle scenery; the starry sky was visible under their eyes and the girl claps her hands appreciated Lim's performance.

Now let's start, everyone goes on your position. Grand stands on the back in front of him was the girl sitting, on the top of table was Chopin but before Lex gives the girl their parting gift, Chopin asks the girl to lean next to the table.

Pika "Wait I need to put something on her" she pulls something from her inventory, it's an eye patch that can covered one eye only equipping it to the girl.

Genga "I think it's ok now to start, Bro give it to her and sensei can you take a nice picture of us" he poses like a boss and made his scarf dance that there is wind making it blend on the background.

Munch "This is the day we will parted to you even it's only for days you've did learn a lot from us and I wish you to find your own path whether it's good or bad, just always remember if your strong nothing can stop you. Lastly there are different sword path to take, you need to realize what you want to achieve when you pick up a sword and learn swordsmanship from me. This is our parting gift with you an item bag, inside of it are different items use in daily necessity, a sword that compatible to you and some money plus this enveloped after we leaves the seal on it will break then you can read the letter inside"

Lim takes the picture when the girl receives everything, the girl didn't cry just smile at them.

Now for the closing, Lex are you sure about this.

Munch "Yes sensei, I wanted to test myself on fighting high tier being" He had a resolve to breakthrough becoming a tier 11 Deity, the three maybe young but they have matured because of their master trainer excessive training throwing them in a stagnant domain. They say sometime a life and death fight can help a being to enlighten.

Ok but remember this being that I will summon was one of your master trainer favorite monster cards. The card appeared floating above her right hand then she squeezed it to summon the entity while chanting.

I call upon you the being reside in this card, be my weapon nor shield to fight for me in this battlefield.

The being appeared; it was wearing a farming attire like his life was completed, retired from any battle holding a broom stick plus it was listen a music on an old portable cassette tape player equip with headphones, a humanoid dragon happy doing is work.

Lim knows she ****ed up the monster appeared is an alter aka a monster above a monster suppressing his cultivation on peak tier 14 chaos being and she can tell the experience it had on any fight.

The being stops on wiping the ground because of change in location, he was so focus on cleaning then he looks upward and saw everyone then he uses telepathy to communicate with them.

Ah hello and wait, his eye focus on Lim. Are you our boss BASS?

Yes, I am and are you the monster that I've called?

He nodded without permission to Lim he changes the domain to a cosmos type then he slowly levitates on the air, his attire started to burn and the heat scattered in the air. A dark blue helmet materializes like an exoskeleton on his dragon head, his body was now equipped with a white armored made of unknown material and a pair of gauntlets even his sharp nails was covered. Two katana type swords tied on his waist, the black scaled wings and fur releasing blue nether type of flame.

I'm Cosmic Burning Void Calamity Bolshack Dragon – Morrin, one of the boss caretakers of those worlds inside his binder book, those worlds can be entered by the 3 siblings and the main BASS only. I also one of those failure to become a guardian beast, all of us failed not on selection because in that time all of us had trained by them but lost our way, our courage to stand by their side and we feel weak, the three was stronger than any army nor entity. We all become caretakers to help new generation of monsters in their training and for them to be useful to bystanders.

He looks at everyone and his eyes stops on Lex, he can feel his fighting spirit different from them back then he asks Lim.

Looks like the boss have trained them well, they're on the path of being a strong devourer.

Yes, and I'm also there to guide them. it's that your 1st battle form right. She knows what a caretaker of those monster worlds that the main BASS managing, they have three different forms, in power and size, some of them have a size bigger than a peak world. How deep can you dive on the void? the void was like a sea, the deeper the entity can go the powerful they are, it also like a meter to measure their power level. Her Goshujin just told her that the void had layers that can be counted like a chaos year calendar and those who live deeper had the most delicious meat best for a barbeque party.

Above mid-year, I think. Whose going for a testing or trial?

I see, this guy wanted to be enlightened or maybe he will also breakthrough to tier 11 a Deity. She pointed Lex; can you suppress your cultivation to transcendence?

Morrin nodded to her and after suppressing his cultivation level he said to Lex the challenger to start.

"Come Let Me See Your Resolve and The Sword Path You Have Taken"

(Author's Note: I write or post depends on my mood ^_^)