Some Worlds really had F**k Up Story – Finale: I will take them home even I need to beat them up to the ground

 Nameless was standing still on the edge of her father's broken timeline road, stretching then she made a shout and other timeline road that from different beings, worlds and stories started to appear.

 She made a snap and a mechanical breathing mask appeared on her hands then she equips it expertly.

 Her eyes were sharper than ever, her cold voice echoes to that space before biting her right thumb.

 Soul Blood Tracing, her father was doing blood transfusion but it still not enough to locate them so to amplify it she needed to leak her own combing it to her father. A couple of seconds a multi white thread appeared, it was not a straight line but these threads are diving deeper down of that space like a thin water fall.

 I only had two or four days outside, recounting it to the time continuum of this place is 5 days or 1 week. That's enough, she made a rushing jump while her perception was on maximum scanning those timeline roads, she passes by.

 Ignoring the time, she landed on a certain timeline road then enter it even thou she didn't know who belongs it.

 She pauses because she saw a certain character on a novel, it was Xiao Yan but for some reason she appeared next to a nobody. She decided to restart her soul blood tracing, a couple of seconds a new path of white threads appeared outside of this world.

 Tsk, she rushes out faster than ever and jumping to different worlds until she found on a library ruin floating on a certain cosmos.

 Oh, come on really the real library of heaven's path, the white threads still leading down to its basement. Upon arrival she only saw destroyed shelves and scattered old martial books, ignoring it she appeared on a certain wooden chest. She opens it but the only thing she saw was a page with unknown encryptions.

 Bystander morse language, she instant deciphers it. the page shins and again she appeared on a timeline road. Ah for a destroyed book that attained a consciousness, what a troublesome really troublesome for you all charging or floating around checking stories of different beings or worlds through this kind of method. Well, if you use this you cannot locate an original entity timeline because they didn't even exist or it was broken while rubbing her forehead having a little headache.

 She rushes ahead of this timeline road in a blink and she found it, a shining picture screen without connection that blurring ready to jump for it escape. 

 Ain'tNoWay I will just let it go. Flickering like a phantom she entered her target.

 Upon entering she saw a huge tree; no, it was a virtual tree that only those who had especial eyes or those who can apply a high tier aura on their eyes can see it. This was a whole realm, a massive one that combine by the three old realms before Liliana cut it.

 Yare Yare Daze, the white threads were not pointing on that place but it goes around of her back, the dead zone same where the bystanders thrown out. Without more hesitation on her mind, she flies following the threads, the end of it was a customize realm, it was surrounded by huge devourer entities. She was familiar to these beings; these guys were the one who survive that war and all of them who failed to become a family guardian beast.

 Even with her concealment some of them felt her presence, they slow approached her, the one leading them was Orion, Radiant Fury a true celestial dragon following it was Infernus the Immolator a True Monarch/Armored Dragon, King Tritonus a True Monarch/Void Leviathan, Cassiopeia Starborn a True Celestial Dragon, Eternal Haven a True Monarch/Angel Command, etc. and greeted her with manners after that they made a way for her that made her bewildered.

 You all not gonna report me? So, all of you still had connection to your real selves huh then I also let all of you go back to reality then.

 She claps then made a sign like she was blowing out a wind on their direction, on that moment each of these entities slow faded away without any sign that they had exist.

 She looks at the large piece of land, a plane on size of 8 high tier planets that combine, hmph they build a paradise for their selves. I don't know if every one of them had a sentimental value on this timeline that they hold so important but I don't care, I will take them home even I need to beat them up and break every single of their bones to the ground to drag them out here.

 Her tone was serious saying "Now then let me see if you all can handle me if you all tried to retaliate". She flickered vanishing on that spot entering that place.


 On that place, a large western cottage stands in the middle of a huge farm land, a certain room on its upper floor. Nameless appeared next to a beautiful western bed were a beautiful Asian woman sleeping.

 Sup little sis? So even here your still half dead. She looks around the room and spotted on a certain table the sword that Liliana had use on the war.

 A small part of me, she moves her finger to manipulate or control it like a normal flying sword, it dances around of her and then suddenly she grabs it.

 Hmph, different on appearance oh well i'll be taking it here. Sister time to return, eh you still don't want to budge ah I had choice then. She made snap and she became a smoke diving on Liliana Sea of consciousness.

 She landed on a dark place. Quite dark here but at least you made a warm welcome.

 Need light??? It was Liliana standing next to her. Her long hair touching the ground of that place. She made a clap and a white sun appeared lighting up a forest with a lake, they both standing above it.

 Seriously you all had nothing to do so you all build up a paradise for your own selves. She looks up and only saw Liliana beautiful smile, no more pause and let me take you out first, no rejecting or else I need to dismember you up.

 Hmmm? Nah of course you will not do that, I was your lovely little sister right, well I think it also time for me to stop playing house and sis don't go hard to them even thou those 14 have a hard head and stubborn personality.

 She nodded to her and said, dad is waiting outside let's go. She offers her right hand to Liliana.

 Liliana reaches it out and hug her sister, she heard only from her is welcome home before everything cover by a powerful light.


 At that room two entity had rush inside, they just finish patrolling that whole realm. It was the Pikachu and the Munchlax that no arms but had two mechanical robotic arms floating around him.

 They didn't alert the siblings on the lower floor; their vigilance was active on the second they felt amiss on a ripple like crack that slowly closing on the top of their master bed. The entity show herself; a little girl and their master had been gone, her total presence they cannot even detect.

 When they scan her, they receive a ton of information.

 Hey, we are all family here and I'm just picking everyone up so stops releasing an intent to fight, she passes the two slowly.

 Two shrugged, they didn't turn around to look at her again but they said to her.

 Pika "Everyone had spoiled them; they maybe work hard but we know that it was not enough on reality because of the information that I had receive on the real me back then when she appeared here"

 Munch "Now that the lady was out, we both should go now too and pls little boss if they all tried to fight don't use any attack that can harm their soul"

 Ah like I said I'm not here to fight, she opens the door rushing out like a phantom without turning around looking at the two Pokémon's that starting to fade.


 Nameless arrived without a sound, by passing through walls and her concealment on max then she slowly removes the hidden aura she had deployed on the room where she picks up Liliana. 

 She didn't know how the two Pokémon's detected that their master had vanish but the little ones didn't?

 Everyone was happily doing something, half of them were playing, one was sleeping cause of being a drunkard, one was painting, two were playing Go, one was practicing martials on the corner, two were cooking near a large table.

 They felt it, their elder sister who were sleeping above vanish. They wanted to rush pick their weapons that put aside or pin on the walls but for some reason they cannot move aka they were bind by something then they all heard a female voice.

 Looks like everyone really here, lucky I don't need to search that ***cking whole big realm for all of you. She wanted to continue to talk but an interruption had occurred, it was a sneak attack by two babies.

 Nameless acted in a blink.

 Renewal arts – reversal series: Perfect Nullifying spin

 A technique delivered by kicking one's opponent it was directed to a silver hair baby girl wielding a two-handed sword, when being performed a swirl of wind is generated around the user and then concentrated around the leg and it generates a massive tornado after that she connected with the opponent or next target the another one that wielding a customize saw like a large pizza cutter.

 The attack of the two was hard to nullify so she shifted their attack upward and the result is the whole upper part of the cottage obliterated instantly.

 The two was push back with a little shock and Nameless didn't plan to stop, not giving them a chance.

 Renewal Arts – Reversal series: "Multiple" Recoilless Tripple Mountain

 A combo attack that consists of using recoilless version of the halla, baekdu and taebaek techniques. The two tried their best to resist the attacks by parrying and deflecting it but for some reason the attack felt like it had a magnetic law on it that even they both tried using space and time law it was useless. The force piled up until the two didn't even had time to react the barrage force keeps increase, they both send out of wreck cottage far away that place.

 ???? eh did I overdo it, Nameless look and scan the 12 who were bind by her bystander chains. She slowly walks and pick up on table a wine gourd, she drunk on it without looking at her sister with a blue hair that rubbing her eyes slowly waking up.

 Ah no that's mine, wait who are you and what's this? Ling looks around and saw her other siblings also at lost, they don't know what's really happening, she knows everything about this place and their home was fortify by all of them that can withstand an attack combine by them but before she asks the being in front of her that planning to rush out of their wreck house, the eldest among the boys was able to walk and talk to it.

 You're using your superiority and age to suppress us right; it's mean you're a relative to us?

 Not bad, you all wait here I'll go punish and pick those two for not showing any respect to an elder. Do you believe that they had intent to kill me yare yare. She didn't continue but just flickered leaving the guys up.


 Skadi tried to use some force to shift her direction faster to catch her little sister. She became a cushion; they both didn't even know how many mountains destroyed because of that attack they receive.

 Little Laurentina are you ok? While coughing because of dust Skadi felt their enemy presence just a couple of meters against them.

 Nee-san I'm ok, she stands up and offer her hand to her.

 Neh both of you should stop, you can't beat me even you're on that form. Nameless had no any plan to mock the two little hunters but she can feel it, their resolve to fight so she decides to take a martial stance.

 Come both of you, show me what you got, show me what kind of hunter the both of you is and thou I will acknowledge that you will pass or understand the meaning of real hunter is.

 Skadi and Specter look at each other and then both of them release a limiter or a seal that they always put to control their sanity on enjoying a fight.

 The three rushes to each other, both Skadi and Specter covered by their own Aura Nen-Qi and their weapon is overwhelming of intent to kill the opponent.

 Nameless didn't underestimate them, she was using her pure sword intent on her fist and kick. Parry a sword and a saw with her attack not making them a little time to react but still the two can muttered a strong powerful attack to her direction. They keep moving around leaving only destruction of lands, mountains, lake and ocean dried because of the heat release by friction of their confrontation.

 Specter decided to handle Nameless barricade letting Skadi back away a little for her to make a sure kill attack.

 A couple of seconds Skadi made a stance, Heaven Splitter (미리내가르기, Milinaegaleugi) A technique that has a very wide vertical range, essentially slicing clouds and splitting a mountain in half. On that moment Specter gave Nameless a powerful saw thrust, creating an ocean of dark matter transforming it to a shark mix with her weapon intent trying to devourer Nameless, that was also a good timing on Skadi side.

 Seeing the attacks Nameless didn't back away nor to dodge.

 Renewal Arts – Recoilless Series: Lowest Hwechook. The user performs a 180-degree spin sweep kick that is parallel to the ground that should be aimed at the opponent's feet but to her she aimed at ground of this place.

 Three powerful attack collides but Nameless attack that aimed the ground cut straight through to the place, this huge continent like world they had created was divided by her kick.

 The whole place vibrates, series of magnitude earthquake and lands move. The huge plane of land that was cut on half was losing of stable gravity turning to V shape. The two looks at Nameless with serious face, they know that one of their brothers work really hard to cultivate and fortify this world that they had created.

 Is that it? like I said show me everything. Don't hold back and a real hunter attack is much deadlier than this.

 There was a black glint of light on her eyes, this was not a killing intent but she was showing her intent to put them on semi death.

 Specter sudden laugh, the air around her changes and as for Skadi she only shakes her head then taking a new form of sword stance.

 The 12 who were bound can see the fight even the three was too far away.

 One of the little boys, his head was buried on his legs sobbing, he doesn't want anyone of his sibling saw his tears. My farm, my land, my fish pans and everything that I work hard. I didn't even had time to harvest them, wuh wuh wuh.

 Nian who was sitting on the table shouted, anyone explain or had any idea what's really going on? Ignoring the invisible chain that binds her, she tried to stand but almost stumble, thanks to his brother who always play chess that next to her grabbing her arm she was able to balance on time.


 No problem sis, you know that the chains tighten if you made a move and lastly, I can feel something on its tip.

 Chongyue said it straight, the tip of each chain had a weapon embed to it and not just weapons they were tailored to become the chains head. Lastly, even we all try to fight her we will still on the losing side, her martial arts were tailored to fight higher entities on one on one or a group nor maybe a whole entire army.

 Dusk stretches up and said as a continuation, these chains had the ability to restrict everything and anything beyond, so brother you said she was relative and to make sure when elder sister was sudden vanish, I think I know what's happening. Everyone remember that Pikachu right then that means that entity fighting our two sister was here to pick up us.

 We're going back, we're going home, reality I wish it will be happy and fun, we will meet him again right. It was one of sisters that struggling waking up on her slumber on her sleeping bag.

 Faker your awake?

 Sister Ling stops calling me that, you know faking everything especially death was just a hobby to escape work and training.

 Ok stop the teasing, did anyone tried to appraise her when she appeared?

 No one did thou, we are all restraint in instant except to our hunter sisters.

 Ling you drunkard you're hiding something to us?

 Ling Shrugged everyone was looking at her, taking a deep breath she talks. I saw a picture of her when I entered eldest sister consciousness, eldest sis was sleeping on a couch in front of that. I waited for her to wakes up, after she was awake, I ask her and she only told to me. She's is the one who thought me everything that I need to learn about life and especially wielding a sword, she always next to me and supporting everything I do.

 Everyone looks at each other there is only one answer. You mean she was our eldest eldest sister?

 Ling: I don't know we just need to wait and ask her personally ok.

 All of them shifted their gaze on the spot where the three still on confrontation.


 Afterimages to another, three didn't stop exchanging blows, series of laughter can be heard, every time they unleash a move Nameless send information through to it on how a hunter move, how to perform renewal arts, techniques and what they are really capable of.

 Skadi and Specter tried to step back 2 meters away from Nameless, trying to manipulate the aura Nen-Qi and other kinds of power they had to use renewal arts.

 As for nameless she slows down, she wants to see it if they can make their own renewal arts for the 1st time.

 Skadi: Renewal Arts – A chaos year of slashes to one direction "Zeroeth Month". A sword technique where the user does a continues slash horizontally and diagonally in an arc direction aiming all to Nameless.

 Specter: Renewal Arts – Reversal Series "Cosmic Violent Storm". The user takes control of the flow of dark matter using his/her aura Nen-Qi, etc. to his/her weapon and directs it towards their opponent in a powerful blast. A torrential power that can rip apart even a black hole, void, time and other laws.

 Nameless had smug on her face, she can see the whole realm that looks like a virtual bonsai because it was far away on the back of the two. Ah, I really hate the three realms on reality for suppressing dad but this timeline I can made a little rampage and then after I send them back, I'm gonna destroy it she thinking it without ignoring the incoming attack. Let's **cking do it, she made an instant void foothold to made a counter attack, every single step she made had a sound that those who can hear made their heart palpate, she was charging something.

 Renewal Arts – Nameless original series "Perfect Lunar Cycle" an attack using a power of a multiple cosmos that revolving on reverse cycle engine on a single higher tier red sun putting it on a single kick. This attack was not even 10% of her bystander cultivation system method plus she was still on her hunter's mode and this is why it was easier for her to kill a normal tier 16 on reality but it was hard for her to kill those on 1-25 ranking list that 1st breakthrough on it.

 Try not to die.

 Skadi and Specter reacted fast the moment that Nameless attack overpowered their moves.

 Taking a defensive stance, a two different shield of sea of dark matter was created on a form of a shark and the another that overwhelming the shark that it was like eaten was an orca. Specter made a snap creating a different size of invisible wall aligning it to an array.

 The sound of destruction occurred when Nameless attack made contact on their defensive formation.

 The 12 who were watching saw the result, the damage was too severe and ¾ of the land disintegrate. On their link as a family, they know that two was safe, shifting their gaze on the faraway realm they got their answer Nameless blown them to that side.

 Nameless flickered going to next area where she can let lose.


 The two cough a small of blood, even thou they know where they are because on how reach the dark matter around them.

 Nee-san you, ok?

 Don't off your vigilance, taking a deep breath and her eyes becoming more and more like an eye of a slaughterer.

 Yeah, I know this place nor the realm itself was our home court as an abyssal void sea hunter race and las…. Before she finishes her statement Nameless appeared in front of her trying to made a grab with a combination of a strong sonic punch.

 In succession Nameless cannot be dodge, grabbing Specter clothes and her right punch had already touch her cheeks directing her whole being down to a sudden void foothold that appeared. Creating a sound strong enough to made a large distortion on the flow of dark matter on that area. Nameless heard a crack, there was a smile on her face and lick her licks.

 A substitute puppet huh, on that millisecond she felt a change of flow of dark matter after the shock wave of her attack finish.

 A storm was brewing, no it was a super large cosmic void typhoon that started pulling cosmoses, stars, constellations, planets that not belong to any galaxies, meteorites and lastly those entities small or big that can travel through space or void was also being pulled like a grinder that slowly starting and the eye of it was area where Nameless was standing. The living being on every planet nor those who were pulled on that typhoon were screaming, it was like a weird phenomenon that excides those beings tortured on hell, it was also enough to corrode a mind or sanity of any individual that will hear it. 

 It was useless on Nameless that had a max bystander tier resistance to anything. The 1st sequence of attack had come, planets on a momentum travelling on speed of light.

 This made me remind when me and dad hunted the 1st devourer on the list, we both like a speck of dust receiving a barrage of large blue solar sun flare bombs and planets that covered or fortified with annihilation aura.

 Ok let's increase my usages output of power to 20%, Nameless original series – all around serious punches.

 Large afterimages of punches with an unknown speed greets the planets and etc. that burning because of the momentum that Specter use on throwing it too Nameless.

 Only dust and small debris left after the 1st sequence of that attack Limiting Nameless perception and without time to take a small breath, a multiple shadow holding different weapons keeps flickering around. All of these entities sudden concealed their movements then in that second a lot of figures appeared centimeters around Nameless, everyone was look like specter.

 Ah, so you're a puppet master but do you think numbers is enough to bring me down.

 Nameless Original Series – Consecutive Recoilless Mach punch and kick, each time she made a step, she releases a fast multi punch following with a kick on different directions. Applying her attack with a power that can nullify the Aura Nen-Qi that manipulating the puppets making sure each of this will not be repaired in instant with a snap of fingers nor in a second of using a minimal mind power.

 The dust and debris were slowly being cleared because of shock wave that made by Nameless attack. The next thing she had felt something or many entities that swimming on the typhoon with a speed exceeding the limit level of she was using.

 Yare Yare Daze, sound of chains was being heard. These entities sudden jump out of the typhoon, different kind of void sea creature on peak tier 15 and each had tag with a kitchain on it. 

 They were her pride collection of pets she had train, Before Specter use the typhoon as a method to trap Nameless. She was consulted by the leaders of pets on different branches on her mind, they want to be useful on this fight even thou they will be a sacrifice, they didn't even make her replied back and all of them just say something to her that was find us again on reality, Captain be proud, you did a lot of things to us and this time, it's time for us to returned the favor.

 From a small creature to a size of a cosmic being, some had a lot of eyes, appendages, mouths, organs, some are cute but deadly and some had fierce appearance nor the others were cool like a large coiling void sea dragon, turtles with a lot of tails with snake heads and etc. swarming to Nameless direction with their battle aura intent to kill, to tear her apart and others shoots annihilation attack to her.

 While Specter didn't stop creating and manipulating her puppets to give supports to her pets. 

 Nameless maybe small but she is using it properly moving one on a time dodging and parrying, killing an entity to entity by giving them a pure sword intent stab or slash through their weak point, destroying puppets all around and then she felt it a true attack incoming from a hunter, it was above the eye of the typhoon.

 A body and soul without limits that's were entities are and also as a hunter who hunts I should never fear anything, if a hunters felt fear he/she will become the hunted target.

 Skadi muttering it while she attaches her main weapon on her back then summoning a new sword. On the information and experience she receive while clashing she always observe the fully build man holding a sword killing entities, for her she felt that man was so familiar until the information shows that the man waited for a black embryo to hatch. A familiar being hatch on it, she was the sister she knew and the sword that the man holding was now the being that they were fighting.

 You're testing us to much eldest sister, she looks down at the being enjoying the barrage attacks of monsters and puppets. Father really quiet something, he was a total sword, a pure humanoid weapon but he was still a human being and huh, why do I think about it this time, she shrugged then new resolve was created on her thoughts. Ah, should I just form my own sword attack replicating his? Well, I'll try to adjust it to become mine after that she take a stance like she was playing on billiard game and her target as a ball was Nameless. 

 My body and soul always on the battlefield

 I'm a sword and everything I hold was a weapon

 A sword for a sword, a being for being, an entity for entity

 Those who blocks my path, I kill

 Renewal Art – Skadi Original Series: Serious Devouring Stab

 A super condense Aura Nen-Qi, annihilation, creation, time, space, death, life and any kind of law, Tao to Dao transform to a single small orca swimming around the sword she was holding and then she made a thrust that releases it after that the weapon she was holding slowly disintegrated, it already serve it purpose to unleash that attack.

 A couple of seconds before Skadi unleash her attack, Nameless never lost track on where the two are. The attack incoming on her was infinite, she never put any attack that aim on the soul of the enemies so on instant that she felt a large movement above her she made a fast reaction to wipe everything around her, this is all pure renewal martial arts.

 Renewal Arts – Nameless Recoilless Series: Perfect Roundhouse Kick

 She knows that their tier is one level above hers, her whole performance was being maximize by her age and experience as a hunter. Her attack erase everything on its scope of range but it just passes through to the typhoon that had no sign of being diminished. Using the kick momentum creating a new void foothold and summoned the broken blade aka the piece of her in this timeline to confront Skadi's attack.

 The attack was fast for a normal peak tier 15 to see it, I parry an orca. Damn I can use it as a chapter title if I made a novel and with a smile the broken blade, she was holding had already made contact to a small charging orca.

 A strong blinding light of destruction and sound was created, those who were watching far away didn't even reacted, they only heard a different sound wave that was like a cry of a group of whales singing for joy to sorrow before their body and soul slowly annihilated.

 The collision dispersed the typhoon and what Nameless saw made her laugh like a madman. I keep thinking why there no suns and black hole on the 1st sequence, so you've been fortifying it as the last wave of attack. She looks on a certain direction where Specter was standing, she was holding her weapon on her right hand but on her left hand there were many aura-like threads connected to this unknown amount of sun and block hole.

 Die, Specter was so calm and cold this time with a left-hand gesture that like a gun but the middle finger was crossing to her point finger commanding each sun and block hole charging like a phantom attack flickering on second to made contact to the target.

 A series of supernova explosion that was trying to dig on the sea of dark matter on that area, the destruction, multi shock and heat waves already escalating that almost half of the huge realm being burn to dust.

 The two still can see the silhouette of their opponent, Skadi knows that Specter attack was to burning Nameless Aura Nen-Qi defense and seeing Nameless didn't even had a scratch while stretching after that attack subside like nothing had happened then they heard her voice.

 Let's end this, the two of you p…. ???? two sudden appeared next to her brandishing their weapon, she can feel it they were now using a 100% of their power.

 Renewal Arts – Skadi Original Series: Full Contact Cosmic Sword Arts

 Renewal Arts – Specter Original Series: Armageddon Collision Outbreak

 This was like round 3, Nameless reacted calculating each power on incoming attacks, using reversal and recoilless to try mixing it to her punches and kicks.

 The three confronted nonstop, blinking around the other half of the huge realm. Every time Nameless deflects their attack sending it to some cosmos that they pass by, the two knows only destruction will come. Those attack cuts nor destroyed everything that blocks its path. As for the two, they cannot even properly block all counter that Nameless do, bruises on their face started to piles up when they both failed to block a punch nor kick aiming on their face or head, cuts on their hunter outfit cause of friction release by fast punches and kicks.

 Nameless thought: did I make the wrong statement that causes the two didn't stop fighting, at least their fighting spirit keeps increase.

 Specter failed to block Nameless punches on her left side abdomen causing her balance broke that made a large opening for Nameless, lowering herself down to dodge Skadi's sword attack and doing a quick grab. Grabbing Specter left feet then trying to made her a hostage but for some reason her idea changes when a large meteorite passes by. She throws Specter off negating her aura defense using her dense sword intent. A large bang sound creating a huge hole on surface of the meteorite, Skadi made a quick cross slash but Nameless easily deflected it sending it to the rocks position dividing it on four.

 Nameless increase her speed seeing Specter trying to goes up, she made a downward kick aiming on her central body.

 Skadi catches up on her making huge swing to a blind spot that she predicted, on that millisecond she saw Nameless reacted so fast summoning the broken blade parrying her multi slashes. The two landed and Skadi flickered next to Specter while Specter coughs some blood and dusting herself, she made a question.

 Sis why not absorb it; we cannot even damage you and damn I'm not mad ok on you killing my pets just little annoyed because it did a lot of time for me to collect them. I'm famish and hungry too but what to eat, I know you came here to pick us up, just sends us already. It was not even a tantrum nor a plead, a clam face with a brightful smile that like a painting even thou she had a haggard appearance now.

 Skadi supported her making sure she doesn't stumble; she looks at Nameless and added. Can we wrap this up?

 Like said a while ago the two of you pass, she sighted and summon her own original body sword. The broken blade slowly faded after it made a small contact on it.

 Tsk tsk, that's only 1% oh come on, she sights again flickered hugging the two. The two felt a warm family touch and heard "You two go first just always remember we are born from his blood; we will never be afraid of it and a hunter live to hunt not to be hunted".

 Specter and Skadi figure slowly melted, that's 2 out of 14. She looks far away it was the direction the where the 12 being bound.

 All in all, after dad and aunties made to the top, they all become a worker, fixer, dimensional mercenary, adventurer, observer, killer, assassin and etc. for the old one while in this timeline he didn't want these kids to become like him, he did not train them from the moment they were hatch even thou they receive all his life experience, they didn't even meet the whole family of bystanders.

 She ripped the space and walk to it like it was her way going back to that place.


 Let's go back on certain being who's going to her other half, on a certain lower part of the middle realm there was a territory manage by a group of detectives and mafia.

 A leader of this management is quite short with a petite, yet muscular build. He has handsome face, grey eyes and striking orange hair that frames his face, with a longer section that falls just past his left shoulder was now scolding a beautiful woman, everyone on central office of this management also observing the soul of a dragon hatchling floating on a cosmos that checking a certain world, she was checking every timeline it had.

 Miss Kim, the payment had already arrived to your account and the whole management also receive almost the same amount. As a leader I can only accept it as a commission from a powerful being, you should understand this and the money also can help you to buy enough resource or required items for your breakthrough to tier 14. Remember we manage a territory not a single cosmos, this a job, a part of our life, our enjoyment watching, observing those who succeed nor watching the best outcome of a story.

 This???? But it's too much for a timeline only and on a bad ending track, lastly the world that being checking was the world that I transcendent.

 I know, I know we can only watch. I did remember before we pick you up, you look confuse back then, the information you receive and learning that your world or cosmos had no genuine administration or aka a real tier 13 being but now it had you.

 She looks at the large screen after hearing it, she was from a certain timeline of that world. That had a bad ending, seeing all around her died from family to friend that she strives to protect, she didn't lose hope and she break all her limits that a human being had.

 All in all, after becoming a real administrator, she had checked all good and bad ending of the story of her world. She cannot accept some sacrifice, seeing her friends and colleague not be included on the good ending that already left a bitter taste on her mouth. She didn't stop nor she let the cosmos simulate, created multi timeline non-stop just to look for the best outcome that she wanted too. She just wants a happy ending to those she cares for.

 Next, she heard her boss "Looks like she was done checking".

 The hatchling appeared on a room that look like a ward, floating above a bed and started checking ups to down a beautiful child sleeping peacefully.

 Why all people, why her. One of the most important persons she looks upon too, a boss, a friend, the gentlest and the kindest human being she knew even thou this person was a copy of the original. She always cared for this person, if not for her becoming the turning point on her life she will not transcend to a tier being and the name of this person was Shin Jia.

 The hatchelling slowly descended to the body of the young girl. That's was the final moment of the dragon named Shin.

 As for the administrator of this cosmos she felt conflicted then a man appeared next to her tapping her shoulder that had a vibe of a carefree man.

 I think you got the right idea, that the girl had half of that hatchelling soul. 

 Mr. Dazai? I know that all entities that died, the main wheel of samsara will receive them then it will made a choice for them if they will choose that their memory will be wipe or not after that it will send them to different branches that connected to different part of the realms. On her mind she knows that the real Shin Jia was long finishes her story, her real soul had already been long recycled because she was just a human being that didn't even become an entity.

 Girl, now on that world nor on its timeline. A copy can become real or maybe that girl on the monitor now will choose that she was a dragon and the other on the timeline was not a piece of her but had their own existence. Sensei really found her, even our bosses and all of us plus all the bystander tried their best to locate her but failed to find a single trace of her because she had a mastery of concealment on par of sensei and his sisters. If those three was not busy on the jobs given by the old one, she should not be on that state. Dazai was shifting his gaze to Chuuya, the appointed leader on this management for this time and to the screen.

 She pauses after hearing that, yet she knows it was possible. If the girl recalled her past and what entity she is, she can decide if she will absorb or not the existence called Shin Jia. She was on the point that she got an idea why her boss, colleagues ask her to take it not to reject this commission, everyone calling the being that made the payment teacher, with a relief and resolve not to meddle on this situation because it will all depends on the being that become one on the screen.

 On the girl consciousness, Shin landed on a mirror like huge ocean and every millisecond she move she felt being melted. I need more time, she made a dragonic roar putting all her left aura and memories from birth till now to a cube then she wrap it with chain bounding it to the air. The last step was to put a mark that only her whole self will be the one receiving it and with a satisfied expression she let her other self or her inner soul to devour her.

 A couple entered the management area, the two felt it and they pause. The man look at Dazai and asked, she really was gone right while the female added with a sad voice. She always a playful being but she had taught some of us how to control and improve our skills to a mastery that can harm an entity, giving us the mind set to protect those we love.

 Weretiger and miss Kyoka, we never been late nor we all tried to locate her when master Sharona put an MIA tag on her file. Chuuya walks pass the two while tapping their shoulders then Dazai also followed calling them to had a cup of coffee on the cafeteria.

 The weretiger look at the administrator of that world giving his words "Don't try to change things on its story even thou the ending was bad, her soul after death on that world will recycle and delivered to a better world that don't need someone to manage, a perfect world". Kyoka pull the tip of the Weretiger shirt, calling him to follow the two that already far away.

 Kim Chowon looks at the direction where the four parted then she was called by one of her colleagues that started to get busy again. Some of them saying "just do the same thing as always that's all". They were right and soon she walks where her post was and started to check every world that had life on the cosmos she was managing. 


 Inside his shadow a being slowly waking up on a certain two story house, inside a room on the 2nd floor. Liliana wakes slowly and one of the dragon maids that guarding her room rushes to her for support.

 The 1st thing she ask was water, she looks so thin but her good figure didn't fade, her super long silky hair being gathered by the other dragon maid making sure it was not an obstacle for her master when moving.

 A couple of minutes, she asks the two to help her go to her father's timeline road. The two pause but a man voice echoes to their ears and mind "she can go, help her to put a disguise and welcome back my daughter, I maybe not present when you wakes up but I know you know that I always care for a family member".

 Thanks dad, I can disguise myself their tier was lower to put a mask on me. I know that entity scanning the timelines was quite strict and I one of the most wanted beings on reality.

 So you heard about it already, Nameless really love to scattered news luckily it always the truth. Where she is?

 Picking the little ones and dad can you add some fade or aura mask on me of a bystander? The two-dragon maid now was supporting her to a wheelchair, her appearance was like a normal neighborhood lady, her figure was to flat.

 No problem about that. Soon everyone heard a snap of fingers plus a door leading to his timeline road appeared then the three entered it to welcome those who will return to reality.


 Lim was sitting on a table filled with different medical alcohols, fried and BBQ dragon meat. She knows that the second young boss had awaken and she also watches everything on what a happened to Shin before she literally become complete using her authority while the three Pokémon's was busy eating their fill. Grand had new two extra arm, Lex there was a little different on him, he was trying to devour his other self-spear intent and as for Chopin she already dominated the aura of the Pikachu of that timeline. They don't have identity crisis after absorbing their copy on that timeline, their current tier already on peak.

 See this boss, world that never give birth to a real tier 13 - 14 being always drop or fall to a category were a story is being created. Tsk, I hate this, ahh damn it, why do world with story like this appeared.

 Clow replied to her, you already know it and why are you shouting. Some world really had just a f**k up story and some world was perfect that don't need a being to manage it. he shifted his gaze to the Pokémon's adding up, the three of you soon need to register as an adventure and pick commissions like making a world, it's quite frequent task, it was easy and the pay or reward was good but before he continues on this topic, he already detected two newcomers. 

 Oh, looks like the 1st two already here, he was still sitting on his rocking chair reading a notebook and it's was not just a notebook, it was Shin's diary. Two souls landed becoming tangible, it was the two cute little hunters.