Visitor? they who held or first carry a true Name, a small family fight Part 2

 Clow put the embryos and dragon eggs inside his sea of consciousness then he blinks outside of the world Shin had made, he move his hand like he was grabbing something. That whole world slowly shrinks in a size of a baseball, he just closes his eyes then he appeared on his bystander cultivation system. Setting aside some cosmos on it he picks the nearest space near its core mixing it to a galaxy. 

 Looks like it's good, someday those kids need to check this world. She really prepared a lot of items for them; the Pokémon's didn't look at it because they know those things is not compatible for them. I just wish her thoughts may reach them somehow and someday, I hope someday they will be able to meet her. Having small things can be a treasure even it just a normal item for entity it will become the most unforgettable thing.

 Well, if I sudden change the content of the contract that they put on me it will cost me a lot of power, changing it all will burn me out and those old guys surely put some traps on each line on words it had. Huh as a bystander I just need to move forward maybe I'm just a workaholic too that preparing myself to do the impossible kill or mission that I've been waiting for so long like I was hungry for a fight to feel those negative emotion and feeling that I've lost, it was not those passive skill like pain resistance and etc. that cause it.

 For us who become original being by cutting our timeline road, there were no start nor the future has no space for us. That's why when we enter a world, every timeline it had, past nor future well be non-exitance and also it depends on us if we erase it script or story, powerful entities on tier 13 and above had this kind of passive skills too for them to observe what they've own. Breathing a sigh of relief, he made a snap he was now on the middle of the vast territory of the Lin Clan, materializing his favorite chair he sat on it and close his eyes to wait for them.

 Looks like I will receive a scolding from her, aunty really like Nameless and Liliana but she doesn't mind beating them if they mess up because of me. Surely, she will say to me it's your fault not teaching them properly especially on holding back. Clow made a smile, he doesn't feel tired but for somehow, he wanted to sleep well he can just watch any events as long it was inside his outer soul, should I peep a little. Maybe it's not really bad to take a break and just return to the life I had before going up to upper origin realm plane. He didn't know when he closes his eyes there was a small smile painted on his face and a little sense of happiness on it but it didn't take long, he still can't properly control nor portrait an emotion on a couple of seconds.


 Sech and the others were trying to do something but suddenly they felt being rebound or pull by something invisible. It was the mark Nameless put on them making them stay on a certain range where she can read their actual movements through normal perception.

 Sech: Tsk, I cannot even dissolve nor locate it even I touch everyone soul. Looks like we need to fight to, Rascal can you create some tier killer weapons.

 Rascal: he knows what Sech was planning, using tier killer weapons to wound the entity even thou he do not know if it will work to degrade its tier level to win or to give the entity a hard time while it was fighting Ishmael. It will cost him all his earn treasures from all his work that he had accomplish.

 Emily: you know she was reading us a whole, acknowledging us an entity and an enemy make us vulnerable to her sword intent.

 Sech: at least it will give us a lot of time if my plan works.

 Arturia: you all forgot something even we succeed on suppressing her tier or power she was still the daughter and the niece of our bystander teachers. It means she will ignore the suppression and she will still choose to give her all, that will be the scariest thing will happen. She and the other know the attitude of those bystander, they love to fight with limiters to hold them back on releasing their total power. 

 Sech: past is past, I cannot even calculate our life now and even we succeed I only see our death but I want to risk it all on this 0.000001%. He reaches Rascal w stillith a slime tentacle tapping his shoulder. I will try to pay you back if we truly survive this.

 When the three heard him, they just nodded then with Sech signal all of them activate their concealment. They will look for the best opening kill or harm Nameless.


 Nameless was fighting multiple projection of Ishmael, any of these were equip with different weapon and had their way or path of fighting.

 She ignores such martial ethics, who need that on a fight. Her crazy laughter was echoing everywhere. No waste of movement from parrying the heavy attacks incoming at her that always create a defining sound releasing a series of magnitude aura shockwaves, some collision breaks the projections weapons, precise dodging with a momentum to adjust herself to grab or use the shards of these weapons as a tool to made a counter kill then from piercing to slashing killing one after another those unknown among of projections that surrounding her.

 Ishmael cannot even understand on how Nameless dodge those different materialize projectile with a speed of only a tier 16 can see nor perceive. She was firing on point blank using her projections as cover.

 Her special danger perception trigger, it means a big movement will come. Readying herself to chance from range to melee combatant to stop it but she was still slow before she even summons a sword. Nameless who had deflected, kill and push back all some projection was already on a fast draw stance.

 I'm just a normal being but I can judge what is right and wrong…. 

 Every entity had a sin….

 Even thou it was original or not nor made by their hands to commit it….

 Is extremely shameless….

 Those entity had no sense of duty nor to show any signs of remorse….

 Sinners I will cut off your reincarnation, ignoring Ishmael and the others alignment on good or evil she still made that attack.

 Nameless original series: hunters' breath 1st form – "10eog dae honlan keos" billion in one chaos cut that aim both the body and soul of an entity.

 The attack had no special effects, the only thing she did was imagining that the wand was a katana on its sheath then she made a quick draw waving it on 360 degrees.

 There no such thing as a sword wave but those on range who didn't had time to react making a defensive stance, activating their total defense, lifesaving skills, prediction where to dodge was impossible nor to deploy an array protection from a specialized item, those timeline roads on range also included were slowly crumble and turn to dust same with those who own it, their whole exitance disappeared without a trace on the three realms. With anger Ishmael blink at the enemy back a perfect opening and brandishing her sword, as an observer before those being who owned those timeline roads, she heard their cry and same with those projection that didn't reacted their pain was also hers, it already by pass her pain resistance or nullification making her sanity drop a little.

 It didn't affect her movement at all, Ishmael had already on 95% attack output neglecting her defense putting a small aura on it adding the trust to her own gear but limiting her 100% perception on centimeters where she can still feel nor predict where an incoming attack before it touches her body to had a precise time to dodge or adjust her movement for a counter. 

 There was a smile painted at Nameless face each time the wand made a collision to Ishamel's weapon, she was calculating learning and adjusting on what form of power a tier 16 had when battling even thou she had already known the concept or the mixture fuse on it, the quality of Aura, DAO, TAO, Rules, Laws, Intent, creation to annihilation and etc. matching the composition of her aura Nen-Qi to all she knew and applying it on real combat now.

 Two were like blade dancers and to those preparing or watching on the sideline having the hard time to follow their movements, both can dodge only inches before an attack made contact to their body thanks to their mastery of Aura the damage was being negated and their weapon were being repulse before it pierces their outfit.

 Ishamel just realizes something each time they collide the attack from the enemy was getting heavier, she had parried or block everything that incoming at her. Heavier than carrying a big corpse of an entity on size of a combine 21 peak cosmos, the shock was piling up that made her hands numb. She was getting push back, she cannot believe it because Nameless was matching and exceeding her compose tier 16 Aura that she was using so she makes a small transmission as a signal to the couple and projections that survive on the enemy attack a while ago to ready themselves on a sudden change of venue or area where they continue to fight. She was planning to drag Nameless to a reality expansion this will increase their probability of surviving, she doesn't want to see more timeline roads and its owners perish without a cause.

 Emily was sending telepathic transmission to her group. Damn damn, my whole stash of lifesaving items had been used and my defensive passive skill drain almost 50% of my power. Sech do you still think we can do it? Rascal are you still alive? Arturia Arturia????? When their special danger perception trigger everyone reacted so fast and scattered in different direction. Ah, sh*t she looks at the dagger at her hand, one of those tier killer weapons that made by Rascal a while ago then shifting her gave at the two being confronting each other, she bites her lips and pulled a cloak that can enhance her concealment to a certain degree to bypass a perception of a tier 16. She gonna put all her horse power on a single assassination strike.

 Trying to use a force of multiple dimensions she can materialize on her cultivation system to increase the weight of her attack not to push back even thou the opponent was in appearance of child. Ishmael gritted her teeth and made a silent chant on her mind. Upon completion she dragged everyone on an expansion, the whole place change like a jigsaw puzzle building up to a large plane made of unknown materials and its sky was showing a nice starry night on a spiral formation that entering a large empty circle of void.

 Oh, you made a nice place and now I have a footing to balance my movement properly. Ishmael didn't know that Nameless can negate nor cancel the formation of her expansion but she didn't do it.

 Ishmael backs away and also gave a small signal for those who on concealment. Creating her projection and ordering them to use different binding skill or techniques to restraint Nameless movement on her spot.

 Nameless didn't take action letting herself being lock on her spot then she looks up.

 Nothing can escape my eyes "Reveal". On the sky of the expansion a huge being slowly emerge, it's more like a dragon than a carp but had a lot of wings and readying a breath aiming at her position. Nameless was like a speck of dust busking on a large blue flare sun. They didn't know that before she was bind, she already masks her whole body with her unique Aura Nen-Qi, this will help her not to be rendered on using some skills.

 That's a lot of destruction Dao, Tao and some annihilation laws for a breath? Ah well you want this thing to kill me but too bad you had just serve me a snack, it looks delicious and with a swallowing motion that being disappeared out of nowhere to be found. Nameless just eaten a being that had a size of combine 14 normal cosmoses, the sound crunching was being heard and some blood leaks on side of her lips. She wipes the blood with the back of her left hand, the taste on how delicious it was created a euphoria, a madness that made her laugh crazy while looking up the vast sky. 

 Ishmale can't believe it, even among of them no one can do the thing she just did and she just realize something they were trap on her own expansion, its mean they were inside on Nameless outer soul to beginning with.

 Roland: Is she insane and on high? Tsk. The being now had a large opening, not fake nor a diversion or redirection. He already on a sniping position holding his favorite gun, having hard to adjust himself because of his wounds or severe damage he got, all his healing abilities was being cancel or prevented by Nameless aura that like a paste that stick on his body and soul, ignoring the situation on that spot he readies himself to fire just waiting for a certain signal from his wife or client. He had already poured every inch of his aura to a signal shot. Concealing himself, the excessive amount of different array made of aura and other powers that was buffing every bullet on his gun that will penetrate his target all total defense.

 Angelica: Everything can be a weapon? Using the enemy field as a trap for their own. She sighed then I can only do that, changing the form of her sword to an axe and pouring her weapon intent on it, the whole weapon was like covered on a thin sheet of blood aura. The simple the move the more deadlier it was, our bystanders teachers always chant that so sorry if I kill her or injured her heavily.

 The three already detected the IF group, they were almost on the range where they can attack Nameless that was on high like she on drugs.

 Suddenly around Nameless a liquid form rushes forming a circle and trying to form a dome to confine her, the liquid created a lot of tentacles each was equip of different weapons vibrating with a dangerous aura. Rascal appeared on her left side wielding a spear even thou his body was severely damage, missing some limbs exposing half of his heart he still made an attack, a point-blank attack that can pierce everything while Aruturia on the other side was wielding a rapier her aim was Nameless head.

 Emily was happy and also had worry painted on her face she failed to read or receive Sech message so she failed to had a synchronize combo with them. She was outside of the three and with a sharp gaze, if ever happens that the three failed, she had to do it by herself. Taking a stance and chanted what she remembers from those bystander teachers of hers, she been charging the dagger all alone.

 Clam mind, the body and soul always need to be sharp

 Always acknowledge every enemy, don't back down

 I can lose everything just to kill my enemy

 I can become anything just to achieve that goal

 Upon completion the chant she was like an entity that never exist. They always said on killing a powerful entity make sure to annihilate both body and soul or else you will lose a fight in a long attrition on battling it.

 The three thoughts Nameless still not realize or didn't care about their attack. On that moment that every weapon that their wielding or their attack already touches every part of her body.

 "Renewal martial arts – Original series: Complete Storm Nakyoung" is a combo of three kicks; A sweep kick, a teep kick and a back kick all aimed at the low, middle and high levels of the body. Her flexibility of her attack created a storm with her unique yin and yang thunder tribulation, resulting of her attack to create a cosmic level typhoon destroying her opponent's weapon, attacks and hitting their holders hard. It looks similar to a series of Renewal Taekwondo's 3rd Stance Hwechook and in fact can be used to counter it.

 The three receive severe damages, the storm had Nameless aura on it like a grinder trying to rip their body. Sech was able to shoot himself to Arturia and Rascal covering the two turning himself to a ball then pouring his left-over power to several lifesaving items he had just to survive. 

 The storm that slowly disappearing, unknown amount of destroyed weapons scattered on the ground started to move changing to variety of weapons.

 Nameless: Again, and again weapon that not being wield by their holders can't reach me even you all put a certain amount aura that can kill an entity on it? she shrugged and started to deflect each of it perfectly.

 Emily was using those weapons to blink to different direction, looking at Nameless on the gap of the infinite weapon barrage she created. She maybe a total axe wielder, a typical destroyer but putting her own intent and everything to a dagger was simple as it is. She saw a small opening and it was not a feint made by the enemy.

 Nameless almost didn't feel the attack that had no trace, Emily appeared upside down wielding the tier killer dagger and made a strong thrust, a forceful piercing strike that made the daggers tip like a drill to penetrate Nameless forehead.

 Nameless move her left hand to hold the blade of the dagger, on the moment she grabs the dagger it changes on form like a spike piercing her hand. Ignoring the damage, she receives that made her bleed a little. she grips the weapon tightly and dragging Emily down with a large momentum like a sack bag that being slam on the ground by a huge ton of force that created a crevasse then Nameless change the tier killer weapon that embed to her hand to a needle stabbing it on Emily's chest aiming where the heart was.

 Renewal Arts "Complete Blood Sealing Needle": An acupuncture technique that seals the blood essence and soul blood essence within an entity's body causing both within a certain region to accumulate and cause a severe damage then kicking her on her belly, like a kite she flew far away dispersing the typhoon. That kick had a certain aura of hers to neutralize or stop all Emily's passive healing abilities. 

 The three IS members that was outside the storm was trying to stands up even thou they were severe wounded; they all heard a small message from Emily that she succeeds on that kind of situation they felt her lifeforce was getting weaker and weaker. Sech signals the two to stay put, just to wait for the couple and Ishmael to make a move. They need to rush where Emily was or else, she will die.

 Nameless didn't really care the effect of that dagger, limiting the connection of her soul to her body but to be precise the body that she was using was like a projection but on a different concept. Her real body was still the sword that tied on her waist. Her current body tier from its peak degrading to tier 1 – mortal tier as for others they called it foundation establishment. Ah quite bad situation maybe to others but not to her, it's been a while that I felt a weak being in front of an entity. Checking her body inside and out using her soul power, the tier killer weapon truly manifested its effect limiting nor sealing the total horse power of her body. Everything was block, the veins, qi connection or aura channels that should be connected to her cultivation system had been coagulated by some force and this state made her wide open, vulnerable to any kind attack. 

 Roland had a clear shot upon receiving Ishmael signal he pulled the trigger that will empty the magazine of his gun in a single round, this attack only materialize inside the targets body and soul.

 Angelica appeared a meter behind Nameless waving her axe with a destructive force to cut her head.

 While Ishmael projections had materialize once again shooting countless of chain to bind Nameless and the real Ishmael already done a powerful sword draw in front of her.

 It happens only a few of seconds. Nameless use her outer soul to read the trajectory of Roland bullets in a blink she catches everything of it. transferring it to her inventory then pulling it out arriving next to her hand that holding the needle on that moment she moves faster than them combining it to the wand transforming everything to a sword whip, this weapon had an old design, a mark that had her aura Nen-Qi and only a real hunter had the privilege to use it. Now that her other hand was empty, she made a two simple acupuncture move using its thumb from her chest and to the right side of her head. Acupuncture Artery Release and Limiter Removal, the technique require a precision of using any kind of power but Nameless use her soul power masking her thumb making it as an alternative of an acupuncture needle to unblocks the blood flow of all the arteries of her body. This was not enough to negate the all effects of the tier killer weapon but enough for her body tier to go up to an immortal level – tier 10 with her calculation it's enough for her as perfect hunter combining her soul horse power to match or exceeds the incoming attacks.

 My thirst for blood satiates me, 

 It soothes out my fear to any being, 

 I seek old entities powerful enough that can topple the realms to hunt them for their blood

 But I'm aware that I'm only a fragile human, 

 My will is weak and had a young mind.

 For I never stop to look at them as a foul beast that will dangle for the weak and I will lure them out meekly of the depths where they all hiding.

 I kill and kill for I'm a hunter.

 Nameless original series: hunters' breath 57th form – Blood Whip of Chaos.

 Ishmael knows her tier was above and the enemy was hit by a tier killer weapon but how can she now exceed her movement speed. Even with that speed she had seen everything that Nameless had done and got her answer Nameless was using her huge outer soul to boost everything her body potential had, damn this is why I hate entities that had a large soul, she didn't even know how did they do it even she asks her 3 moms aka the three realms consciousness and she cannot stop her attack now if else she will be the one who will die of backslash.

 Nameless had an inch to make a move, a simple 360 swing of the sword whip radiating with a blood red aura. A past hunter develop this technique using his/her blood as a toxin to entities. Her sword whip parried and destroyed Ishmael sword that made her back away then changing or creating a spear and summoning her treasure inventory to unleash an infinite barrage of projectile. The sword whip followed Nameless movements; Angelica was not prepared for the enemy counter because she put everything to her attack so she had changed the trajectory of it to the tip of the sword whip that almost ready to pierce her side. Both axe and the sword whip collide creating multiple aura sound waves that dangerous to those entities below a certain tier. Angelica heard a certain sound, she knows she lose the standoff, that sound coming from her weapon that slowly breaking, using the breaking force or the complete knockback of it she moves her body for her to dodge but she still got hit receiving a fatal wound and the force from that attack she receives thrown her away. The sword whip didn't stop, it extended like it had a life that wanted to protect its master. Nameless was on the middle and her weapon swirling around her, it deflected all projectiles and chains that incoming at her.

 When the attack subsides, the sword whip slow returning to its sword form. Nameless almost failed to react a spear stab that made a small cut on her shoulder if she didn't move sideways.

 Nameless: you did a risky move, she looks at Ishmael whose body full of wounds.

 Ishmael just smile, she had used a lot of her horse power to activated all her life saving skill and items just to get near to Nameless but she still the one that lose then she hears a gunshot that made her kneel, she moves her gaze at Nameless hand that should be empty was now had an old design gun. She didn't feel any pain because of her resistances and nullifications, some wounds she receive just by breaking through that attack made her throws blood. Her gaze was fix at Nameless she wanted to burn her image on her memory even though she knows it will be a permanent death.

 Nameless: well, this is how it is, to calculate you from early, middle to peak tier 16. Maybe you are almost in mid, a proper fight if I didn't feel that small wind from the moment you made that stab, I definitely got injured or maybe you hit my heart.

 This body can die but not the real one because I've learned a lot back then so for you, you have two options. Blink if you wanted a painful death, it means I cancel every single of your resistance or nullifying abilities you had and 2nd option of course because you had successfully landed a hit that contain a tier 16 aura that negated my recovery skills just close your eyes. Even the damage from a tier killer weapon got healed after a couple of minutes.

 Ishmael heard it properly even thou she had still some energy left, it was still impossible to escape nor cancel the expansion that had been caught by Nameless outer soul and Nameless aura stopping all her passive healing. She had chosen the 2nd option; she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Unknown number of years she had live was flew out from birth until today was a blink of reminiscence.

 Nameless was holding the sword whip on its regular sword form, she looks at Ishmael she didn't want to do this to kill an entity that already submit to his/her fate. The moment she made a swing aiming at Ishmael neck but someone or something stops it before she was able to cut her head.

 A tip body of a black umbrella cancelled and block the sword whip that contain Nameless sword intent and aura. The sword whip had already touch Ishmael's neck that made a small cut and blood slowly flow down from it. 

 Little Nameless what are you doing? I know you already detected me when I've entered this place.

 Eh? How did you locate me?

 You, you didn't even know your leaking to much?

 Wut you mean, her eyes still focus at Ishmael and she still didn't want to stop but her sword was being block by the umbrella.

 Look up? Ah I mean try to look outside of this expansion that you isolate with your outer soul and then try to check yourself on 3rd entity view.

 Grandma I don't want to? Wait? she felt it suddenly so still she needs to see it for herself. She expanded her outer soul to occupy the entire timeline road and then see saw it. countless of eyes observing the situation that she was in then she looks at her on 3rd perspective. Damn I'm leaking, it was not aura nor killing intent it was her addiction to hunt.

 A couple of seconds she returned to herself and losing interest on killing Ishmael then shifting her gaze to the woman wearing a western gothic Lolita outfit.

 Relax I'm the only tier 16 that entered here, you already know he was stopping them. I think now he was trying to sleep and i've seen him a while ago peeping a little on your fight, come let Grandma hugs you.

 Nameless back away, distancing herself. Do you think I didn't notice it the whole place was hijack by you. I don't want to hear your long sermon, AINTNOWAY.

 Ok then have fun, Ame Warashi faded taking away Ishmael. The whole expansion already changes. Nameless was now standing on a grass field, she looks around only seeing large trees and mountains far away vividly, the sky was bright and there was a large sun above her.

 Ah damn it. she knows one thing; she was like a dust because those trees maybe far away but larger than a single cosmos before she reacted her pathing disappeared. A huge mouth swallowed everything on that spot and she also got eaten.