Daphne's POV

The moment he held my hand, the pain stopped

I couldn't feel the other man's emotions anymore

There seemed to be a spark of blue light the moment we held hands

I stared at him

Who are you?

Then I heard someone saying something and I turned to look at the man that followed him

He seems strange

He eyes were all white

"One cursed soul in two bodies

You are Cursed for eternity

History repeats itself

They have sensed you

And they are coming

Finding your roots might help" the man said again and again and then collapsed

He was unconscious

"Charlie!!" He screamed as he let go of my hand and ran to where the man was

"Charlie!" He called again as he gently tapped the man's face

"Wake up Charlie" I said and the man moved a bit and slowly opened his eyes

"What happened?" Charlie asked as he sat up

"You suddenly went all bizarre and you were saying stuffs that I don't understand" He replied

"Really! That's not a good thing Liam" Charlie said looking scared

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked

"I rarely have such intense vision Liam, and the first it happened was..."

Charlie stopped talking on hearing my heavy breathing, something seemed to be affecting me

And then I began shouting again


"What's wrong?" He asked as stood by my side but I kept screaming

Liam was a bit scared to hold me again but nevertheless, he held my hand and I immediately stopped screaming

I also stopped screaming the first time he touched me

Does this have any kind of meaning?

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded

'Why isn't she saying anything?' Liam thought 'Maybe she can't speak'

He made to stand up but I quickly shook her head

"What is it?" He asked but I kept shaking my head

"Okay, I don't understand you" He said as he let go of my hand

Immediately he let go, I shut my eyes tightly and was breathing heavily

'Something is affecting me'

'What is it?'

He held my hand again and I breathing became normal and I opened her eyes

It seems whenever he hold me whatever is affecting her stops

'I guess I'll just have to keep holding your hand for now' He muttered

"You were saying something Charlie" Liam said as he continued to hold my hand

"The first time it happened was 22 years ago, on the first night you started waking up in the woods" Charlie said

"What did you see then?" Liam asked shock

"I don't see anything, I never see anything in this kind of vision, I just speak without knowing what am saying"

"What did you say then?"

"Another Curse ignited

Another generation damned

Two souls Cursed for eternity

They are born to die" Charlie said

"What... What does that mean?" He asked

"I don't know, I told your Dad about it and he didn't know too so we ended up forgetting about it" he said "so what did I say this time, cause I don't really remember?"

"One Cursed soul in two bodies

You are Cursed for eternity

History repeats itself

They have sensed you

And they are coming

Finding your roots might help" Liam said

"What does that mean?" He asked

"Are you seriously asking me that?, You were the one that said it"

"One Cursed soul in two bodies" Charlie said slowly "Don't you think that's you and her?" Charlie asked

"Maybe but in your first vision you said two souls Cursed for eternity, so how come it's one soul now?" Liam asked

"I don't know, stop asking me critical questions, my brain is already going overload from thinking of what the vision mean" he said

"So I am Cursed after all" Liam said

"And she is Cursed too" Charlie said pointing at me who was obviously listening with keen interest but didn't say a word

"You also said History repeats itself, maybe there's a similar story like ours that have happened before" Liam said

"I also said finding your roots might help, so I guess it's time to dig into history" Charlie replied

"That shouldn't be a big deal, am a historian after all" Liam said

"Really?" Charlie asked surprised

"Yeah, I read History in College" He said

"That's great, that's gonna really help a lot"

"But I think we are forgetting something"

"What is it?" Charlie asked

"You said 'they have sensed you and they are coming', so who's they?"

"I don't know Liam but I am sure it doesn't mean anything good" Charlie said

Suddenly it started raining heavily and there were thunderstorms

Then the door to the house opened and 3 hooded shadows appeared and my breath hitched in my throat

The shadowed figures walked in and stood in front of us

"Who are...." Charlie couldn't finish his words as one of the hooded figures sent him flying and he hit the wall

"Charlie!!!" Liam screamed

They walked towards Liam and I and he quickly stood up still holding my hand

"Stay away!!" He yelled

One of them brought out a veiny and bloody hand and pointed it towards him

It was as if my insides were boiling and blood started coming from my eyes

"STOOOOP!!!" I yelled with a high pitched scream and he had to cover his ears

A heavy wind started blowing and the 3 hooded figures disappeared and then I collapsed.