Learning Spells

A flicker of blue light emitted in Ethan's staff. With his eyes closed, he slowly raised it and the glow become stronger.

"Magic Missile."

He chanted and the light was released consecutively into three streaks of missiles.

Opening his eyes, he saw the tree ahead of him having a faint trace of smoke. Small convex cleaved in its body.

[You have manually learned the Basic Spell: Magic Missile. Obtained 15 EXP!]

"Yosh! that's one down."

Ethan exclaimed in delight. He learned the spell on his first try.

While learning manually, the player must adhere to the law of Utopia.

This kind of 'law' was not entirely clear at this time of the game. But Ethan, a regressor already knows this thing from research.

In this world, practicing magic requires the following steps:

Masterfully feel and gather the mana within your body to generate the magic power. This includes proper gestures and breathing.

Then create a mental image of the magic you want to cast to draw a magic formula.

To achieve this, one must have a clear and calm state of mind.

After the formula construction, an incantation was then needed to trigger the magic formula to release the spell.

At first thought, the process was so easy but it was much harder than simply learning it through ripping spellbooks.

If the player already owns the spell, they had the leisure to activate it.

The player wouldn't longer need to gather magic power in their body.

Creating mental imagery was also omitted in the process.

It was simpler to use the game system.

If you had enough mana, all you had to do was select and fire the spell. Just saying the necessary chant was enough to construct the magic formula and cast a spell.

Moving on, Ethan choose the next spell he wanted to learn and position his staff horizontally.

"Now then, let's try this next."

With his open palm attached at one end of the staff, he closed his eyes before calming his breath.

Ethan imagined an image of black energy swirling around a silhouette of a person.

His thoughts were fluidly arranged. The surrounding was high in mana density so it helps him to immediately achieve such a state.


Soon, the black energy in his mind suddenly moves and coils around the person's body as if like living chains.

They strengthen their grip causing the person to be rooted in place.

Opening his eyes again, the body of his target (the tree) was being coiled by the four black chains.

[You have manually learned the Basic Spell: Bind. Obtained 15 EXP!]

Ethan faintly smile after hearing the notification sound, 'that's two,' he thought.

Drawing a clear image in his mind was necessary to grasp the correct formula of the spell.

This was not a problem however since he was different from the other player.

He has already seen these spells in his previous life.

Thus he can picture it out perfectly, not needing a pointless rough imagination.

With that, Ethan easily obtained two basic spells and gained 30 EXP in total.

Since time was gold, he doesn't waste any moment and proceeded to the next spell.

He calmed his breathing and smoothly sweep his staff horizontally then pointed it down afterward as if creating a number '7'.

"You, who has been slumbered around me; Wake up and manifest to protect this lord—Erecto!" he chanted.

The tip of his staff dazzled for a moment and a magic circle appeared.

In the next second, the ground in his front crumble as it quickly raised, creating an earth wall.

The wall was wide enough to cover him from any attacks that may come from the front. It was a perfect (abrupt) shield.

[You have manually learned the Intermediate Spell: Erecto. Obtained 30 EXP!]

"I also got it for the first try, huh. Not bad Ethan," he praised himself.

He expected he would fail at least twice since the guide from the intermediate spellbook was quite vague. It only says the necessary gesture and the word chant.

The only thing he could add was imagining the spell. Yeah, he had already seen this skill previously, a square wall made of earth.

That was pretty easy to imagine but the spellbook was considered to be intermediate. So Ethan assumed he needs to grasp the correct length of size, width, and height first.

But it was all pointless in the end since the spell manifested without a hitch.

"I got worried for nothing. I even use my math skills to get the area of this wall."

Ethan moves on and reads the short description of the second intermediate spellbook from his inventory.

Displacement—a spell invented by mages. Upon casting, the user would instantaneously teleport to any place.

Listed after the description was the execution guide. But unlike the previous intermediate spell, it only needs a short chant and gesture.

What was listed in the book was the necessary perception to paint the place the user wanted to displace.

In short, he needed to focus and memorize the image clearly. The information, the details of the place. What about its landmark? Even signs can be useful.

Without delay, Ethan sweeps his gaze into his surroundings.

He doesn't use the tree that he was using as a target even though he has already memorized every part of it.

In his previous life, several mages especially Warlock can be seen practicing «Displacement» on the tree and be stunned afterward.

It's because if one would use a tree as a displacement point, the system would recognize it as flat land.

And how could a normal player replace a tree? Of course, the results were similar to a car being crashed in the trunk...and that was actually painful.

Ethan found a single plot in the distance. A small part of it was cleaved and no grass. He can use it as a displacement point.

He focuses on that plot and grasps a clear image of it. Several small rocks, the grass around, and the trees posted on each side, all of these were necessary.

He tap the ground with his staff and muttered "displace," at the same time.

Suddenly he was vanished from his spot, without a trace, even a drop of sound can't be heard.



Ethan falls to the ground after losing his balance. Well, he manage to twist his body on time so his face was saved.

"Haha, I missed this feeling," he chuckles remembering the feeling of being teleported.

He was a Swordsman in the past. Even though it was a melee profession, it has still a blink spell just like the other profession and so he missed this slight feeling of vertigo.

[You have manually learned the Intermediate Spell: Displacement. Obtained 30 EXP!]

A notification popped in front of him. He got the spell again on his first try!

"Now for the final book."

Ethan stands up and goes back to his previous spot. With the same tree as a target, he took a deep breath before raising his staff.

"The representation of rage. You, who blossoms from the smallest intention were being caged. Now, with the desire of mine; I granted you liberation in time—Desire of Fire!"

The air become heavy, and leaves began to flatter as if they were being sucked around the tree.

Afterward, the red magic circle atop his staff pulsates and a whipping flame invokes from nowhere.

The flame immediately forms into a cyclone of fire, quickly engulfing the whole tree.


"Wh-What's going on?! Is there an enemy attack?"

"What's happening out here?!"

Several people rushed out of the training hall because of the sudden flame that erupted in the backyard.

It was a big flame that they can even feel the heat inside the training hall.

"What a sight... Who cast it?"

"That guy in the fancy hat!"

Answered the man who was holding a spear. Besides him was a young man holding a sword.

"It's my first time seeing a large spell like that... Wait, a level 1? What..." he was at loss after inspecting the man.

'How could this be possible? A level 1 mage could cast such strong magic... Is that an advance spell from the gifted books?' the man thought.

He never saw that kind of spell unless it was from the advanced spellbook that the entity gave to every player of the game.

'No, it can't be...even Guild leader could not successfully learn an advance spell. Who is this person?' he wondered about the identity of the mage.

Ethan on the other hand doesn't know the ruckus behind him as he was still overjoyed after seeing the series of notifications pop in his head.

[You have manually learned the Advance Spell: Desire Of Fire. Obtained 50 EXP!]

[You have level up!]

[You are the first person to masterfully learn the five spellbooks. You have earned the temporary title "Apprentice of the Witch"]

[You have triggered a Unique Quest; "Elaina Teachings". Good luck, seeker!]

"Oh, I've never expected I could earn a title just by learning these five spells."

Ethan mused being exhilarated by the results.

In his previous life, out of five spell books that were given to him, he only learned two basic spells of it.

'So the first person who got this title never revealed this information, huh."

After contemplating the results, he looks up to his target (tree) which was now incinerated. Only the trunk of the tree remained standing though in a burned-up state.

Luckily, he was deeper in the backyard and it was the only tree standing on that spot. So the fire didn't spread around.

If the situation was different, who on Utopia knows what could possibly happen. Maybe a forest fire.

"As expected, an advance spell was already destructive even it's just a level 1."

Ethan casually said.

To manually learn an advance spell, the correct gesture, the right intonation of the chant words, and a clear image in the mind were necessary.

Ethan was expert enough to successfully perform it.