Family Reunion and Flustered Beauty

Child of Shadow

Chapter 3 - Family Reunion and Flustered Beauty

By theMadLad

I didn't want to move.

I was exhausted and this felt too good.

My head snuggled further into the comforting embrace of the large marshmallow-like objects behind me. I even took a quick whiff, and was surprised by the flowery scent.


Hmm? Was that some kind of moan? …Probably just my imagination.


I definitely had to take these bad boys home.

The soft pillowy goodness holding up my head made me want to fall asleep and never wake up… but, alas! All good things had to come to an end eventually.

I leaned my head upwards as I started to get up, only to come face to face with bright, aqua blue doe eyes… that were absolutely gorgeous. But surprisingly, they weren't as gorgeous as the face they were attached to.

The girl was reminiscent of an angel, with unnatural long white hair that somehow paired extremely well with her youthful face, thick lips, and button nose.

And accounting for the fact that those huge pillows holding up my head were likely her boobies…

"Damn, definitely a ten out of ten."

The angel's face started to turn bright red at my words—that's right, I said it out loud on purpose. Her reaction was definitely something to see, it was almost as if steam started to come out of her head as she blushed.

All-in-all a very anime-esque moment.

"Haha, I like this boy already! You hear that Rossweisse? You might finally find your hero!" A chucking voice spoke out from my side as the girl holding me up started to sputter. I turned to look towards the source and spotted an old man with a… strange beard giving me a thumbs up.

I slowly gave one back.

Although… I didn't even notice him arrive.

But I did recognize him. While the finer details of the series known as 'Highschool DxD' escape me, I still remember most of it… and considering these two were rather prominent, I remembered them as well.

Rossweisse and Odin.

The Virgin Valkyrie and the Perverted Allfather.

Two paradoxical existences that could only make sense in the land of Dragons and Breasts. They are also the first canon characters I have encountered so far.

I had tried to move and properly greet them, but Rossweisse seemed intent on keeping me in a vice grip during her flustered state.

…And it didn't help that I wasn't very inclined to move, it was rather comfy after all.

"So, Connla was it?" Odin spoke to me with a serious gaze that fully displayed the majesty of the Allfather and deeply contrasted his previous overfamiliarity.

Normally one might be nervous when asked something with such an overbearing demeanor by the Norse King of Gods… but I was different. There was no fear or hesitation in me. Although he may have the power to obliterate me in a single move, it didn't matter.

He had crossed paths with me during my journey, and as such, had become a part of it. So even if I had to suddenly fight him to death with no hope of victory, I would do so regardless.

It didn't matter to me whether it was a God like Odin, some main character in this fictional world like Issei or Tobio, or even plot relevant characters like Rias and the various love interests.

Because once I encountered them, there was no turning around—as I would never back down from a fight.

That's what it meant to be Connla.

…And if we were to ever come to blows, then I would kill them without hesitation.

I stared right back at Odin without replying or showing any intimidation.

My nonanswer however seemed to be expected as he nodded to himself before staring deep into my eyes. I felt Rossweisse bury my head deeper into her bosom in anxiety as she gripped me tightly.

It was a bit moving for her to show me such comfort, even in the face of the God she had sworn herself to.

Truly a ten out of ten.

"…How would you like to come with us to Asg—""—Ahem!" Odin had started to make me an offer but was suddenly interrupted by an intruding voice that made me flinch in surprise—there was someone else here?

I turned my head towards the interruption, and came face to face with a man who radiated power. He was someone who I had never seen before in 'Highschool DxD.' But, I still recognized him, and not from my own memories… but Connla's.

The lethargic and tired state of my body and mind was gone the moment I laid eyes on his face.



Odin watched the strange metaphysical father and son reunion with mirth. It was interesting to see two people who were technically father and son reunited in such different forms, with the father being his greater, original self, and the son being a new soul which inherited the original.

But soon his thoughts wandered to the information he finally confirmed from the boy. Odin was now able to decisively verify that this new Connla had truly inherited the spirit of the original Connla.

Spirit Inheritors were rather rare, and only occurred when the Spirit that wished to be inherited had some sort of regret, or wanted to find a possible inheritor for their skills badly enough to reach out from beyond the grave.

And even then, not everyone fully inherited their spirit. To do so was to become an extension of that spirit—to go from the inheritor of Connla, to Connla himself.

…and it appeared that the boy had done so.

While simply being an inheritor already brought immense benefits to a person such as a Heroic constitution, heightened talent, and even occasionally unique abilities or thematic sacred gears… It still paled in comparison to fully inheriting the spirit.

When that happened, the successor gained everything from that spirit, whether it be talent, ability, or experience. They became that spirit in the flesh, incarnated into the modern age.

So it wouldn't be wrong to say this was the first actual meeting between father and son, Connla and Lugh.

…Such a thing was touching to see.

"—You're the fucker that almost got me killed?!"

Oh dear.


I stumbled forward, already missing the soft embrace of Rossweisse's breasts and confronted my apparent old man. He looked extremely similar to Cú Chulainn, but not quite the same.

…I thought I was wrong in my assumption as I got a closer look at him, in contrast to the Cú Chulainn I remembered, this guy was much less blood thirsty and had quite a different feel to him as well. It also didn't help that his eyes and hair were different, they were magically radiant like the sunlight.


Sun… light.

Is this the fucker that punctured the storm while I was about to win? The man gave me a roguish yet relieved face as he outstretched an arm to me and spoke, "It's nice to finally meet you my so—" But I cut him off with a shout, "—You're the fucker that almost got me killed?!"

It might have seemed like an overreaction based on his amicable demeanor, but I was justified in my anger.

I had been planning my attack on the Curruid for months now, and risked my life every step of the way. The conditions of the storm, and area of battle were cherry picked for our battle.

I had the beast up on the bludgeoning board and ready to serve on a shadowy platter.. until this fucker cucked me.

You see, there was a reason I was after the Curruid.

I needed a weapon. While I was extremely powerful for a human, I still needed an edge over other races, who were simply just much more powerful by default.

With the greatest advantage of my heritage being a lack of particular conceptual or elemental weaknesses, I needed to exploit that. So I set out to create the most malicious fucking weapon possible.

…And I planned to use the bones of the Curruid as the foundation of such a weapon. The reason I wanted to do so is because the Curruid had a special ability, or curse, ingrained within its barbed skeleton.

It caused wounds which could not be healed.

This was why it was so dangerous towards me, as well as the reason why I was so desperate to not let it touch me, because with one false move or mistake… I would die.

So when this man punctured the storm with his light and nullified the empowerment of my Sacred Gear, my life was put in significantly unnecessary risk.

I was pretty angry towards him, especially since it was the first time in a while I had been able to escape from that crazy pink haired bitch at home…

But looking at the face that was reminiscent of the man Connla had been looking forward to seeing his entire life, I couldn't stay mad.

I was feeling too tired to fight to the death anyways.

I looked towards the man as he gave me a helpless grin and prepared to battle, before seeming surprised as I had suddenly dropped the matter.

He quickly adjusted himself before giving me a guilty look and speaking, "…Sorry about that. I guess I always seem to make mistakes in regards to you."

"Just the shitty luck of a lancer." I quipped in response.

He was confused at my inside joke, so I just shook my head before looking into his eyes and speaking the question that had been poised on my lips, "…Are you, Cú Chulainn?"

The man cocked his head to the side, "…I suppose you could say that." He then shook his head before looking at me with a smile, "It's nice to finally meet you, Connla. I'm Lugh, your father in a way."


I should have guessed that.

Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun and my Father/Grandfather.

…Wow that sounded way worse than it actually is.

Though the Connla side of me was filled with warmth as he finally completed his life's mission, to meet with his father.

"…Huh, well I see where I got my good looks from."

He smiled.

I heard a sigh of relief behind me along with a snort of laughter. …Oh right, I had forgotten about them. I turned around to face the two and froze.

Holy shit, she was a lot prettier than I expected.

While I had gotten a close look at her earlier, it was another thing to see the full package in all her glory. God damn was she beautiful. My eyes raked over her form with appreciation… I couldn't believe how well she filled out that outfit.

The armor only accentuated her voluptuous form, bringing focus to her assets through a skin tight black battle suit while also keeping the dramatic and angelic motif of a valkyrie, with white armor that all but declared her identity of a warrior maiden before finishing off with feathered adornments on the sides of her head and heels.

Fuck it was sexy.

I gave Odin another thumbs up, causing him to laugh before looking over to Lugh, "Haha, it seems the boy likes my dear assistant, should I expect a son-in-law hmm?" He finished with a drawn out hum while looking towards me and Rossweisse with a teasing grin and raised brow.

I sputtered a bit and watched as Rossweisse did the same, but with a face as red as a tomato.

Lugh joined in on it with a laugh of joy before smacking my back with force in a teasing manner, "Well with the way he's staring her down I think we should be expecting a grandson instead!"

Damnit, now my face was as red as a tomato too!

I couldn't help but pout and look towards him with a glare, "Aren't you that shitty dad who killed his son once already, and almost did it again? Where's my compensation?!"

"—Eh?" He was confused at my sudden attack, but I wasn't one to give away the initiative!

"Hmm, you know what? I think I know what would be a perfect make-up present! How about Gáe Bolg… or maybe Gáe Assail?"

"N-now, just w-wait a second—!"

I laughed at his flustered state, with Rossweisse and Odin giggling alongside me.

…It was nice to have a family again.


Author's Notes

A wholesome ending is wholesome.

I also just realized that Connla's Sacred Gear was called Night Reflection and not Shadow Reflection. Welp, there goes all my 'banished to the shadow realm' jokes ;(

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